PETA Hates The Aquarium Hobby! (article)

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MFK Member
Feb 15, 2010
North American Region
What has PETA actually ever done to stop anyone from keeping animals. All they do is make people aware of mistreated animals. And take in millions of dollars in donations. There all about getting $$$ in donations they have never stopped anything and don't expect anyone to stop keeping pets so they can keep getting donations.


Blue Tier VIP
MFK Member
Aug 5, 2008
North Pole
Hmm, I think its you with the myopic vision here.... so the aquarium trade decimated a fish population but you think it should get kudo's because for once it might have managed to reverse some of the damage in this single instance? That's awesome.

It all starts with some awareness and then change tends to follow. It would be interesting if they had to post mortality rates per fish sold on a per fish species basis. If you was looking at a fish and the placard noted that for that particular fish 20-40-or 60 had to die for everyone you see for sale, would that matter to you?

I went through this 25 years ago with a clique of friends that I had when I was into motorcycle and ATV riding… they was just passing (trying to) the clean streams act. It was the same thing then… everyone got all defensive… really wouldn’t even hear much less digest the argument. All they focused on what that their hobby was under attack. Of course one of the things that they like to do the most was destroy all the river access points within 100miles of us so this particulary partained to them.
It opened my eyes to what a bunch of ignorant hicks that I was calling friends. Sad to see the same mentality here.
Your points are not that strong enough to support your arguments. Aquarium hobby may caused a decline in some said fish/coral populations, but they also saved some species from the extinction. Aquarium hobby isn't responsible for majority of aquatic invasive species (try name one aquarium fish species that is an result of an individual release). Not all LFS are not that bad so why they should get some blame? I've went to some LFS where their care and knowledge are very excellent and they will educate the public.

You can playing being a devil's advocate all you want but you'd better have best arguments.


Bronze Tier VIP
MFK Member
Dec 20, 2007
Your points are not that strong enough to support your arguments. Aquarium hobby may caused a decline in some said fish/coral populations, but they also saved some species from the extinction. Aquarium hobby isn't responsible for majority of aquatic invasive species (try name one aquarium fish species that is an result of an individual release). Not all LFS are not that bad so why they should get some blame? I've went to some LFS where their care and knowledge are very excellent and they will educate the public.

You can playing being a devil's advocate all you want but you'd better have best arguments.
Wow…just wow. And it’s my arguments that have no merit? No, I won’t be going further down this road of replying to every response here… especially since I expect to be outweighed probably 100 to 1.

If this is really what you think, then I certainly don’t expect you to either listen to an honest answer much less research even the most basic facts on what you stated here.

Like I said…deluded. I'm done..did my part. Damage control hopefully.


Redtail Catfish
MFK Member
Sep 15, 2009
I think they make valid points but I highly doubt there is any way the fish keeping hobby will ever go away.

And so I will continue to enjoy fish while trying to give them the best living conditions.


Blue Tier VIP
MFK Member
Aug 5, 2008
North Pole
Wow…just wow. And it’s my arguments that have no merit? No, I won’t be going further down this road of replying to every response here… especially since I expect to be outweighed probably 100 to 1.

If this is really what you think, then I certainly don’t expect you to either listen to an honest answer much less research even the most basic facts on what you stated here.

Like I said…deluded. I'm done..did my part. Damage control hopefully.
Called someone deluded surely weaks your arguments. I did my homework, you just choose to not reconsidered the facts that your arguments have two ways streets and not one way street. So far I gave you my honest answer but you say nothing about them.


MFK Member
Jun 26, 2012
One will find that long term hobbyists all stride to do this.

Sent from my iPhone using MonsterAquariaNetwork app
agreed X100

Any one who is serious about this hobby will try their best for the well being of their fish, PETA is just dumb

well then i guess we should give up our cats and dogs since, they originated from the wild and deserve to out hunting for food


Blue Tier VIP
MFK Member
Jun 19, 2007
Bay Area
I don't know, no matter how hard I tried to show my Oscar it is wrong to eat my surplus guppies from my planted aquarium from my office, he still does it. Showing him a picture of himself and some English text has no affect on him! What gives?! Has it no shame?

Sent from my iPhone using MonsterAquariaNetwork app
I think you may have misunderstood what I was saying. I was thinking more along the lines of posting a picture of an MFKer next to his huge RTC floating belly up in a 10G tank. Who's the one that should be ashamed in that scenario?

wild bill

Fire Eel
MFK Member
Apr 4, 2010
three hills,ab. canada
I must applaud Furiousfish and Ecoli73 you 2 know what is happening to our hobby and any thing involving animals. Another point that needs to be made hear is that PETA wants all domestic animals to be extinct then there will be no need for any one to own an animal. This really sounds like an animal friendly group to me. To the one who posted animals and people are equal I can only give you my sympathy. There is probably only a handful on this forum who would be hear today without animal testing of drugs. Now remember PETA is against this too, I for one know I would not be here.
I mentioned it earlier and will again groups like PETA and the HSUS twist every word they print to play with our emotions. So I am asking those who are taking the PETA side or leaning that way to get all the facts then decide.


Blue Tier VIP
MFK Member
Jun 19, 2007
Bay Area
For the majority of people who buy fish, I would be pretty confident in saying that PETA is probably right. Fish are not given the same respect as other animals and as a result they are commonly not properly cared for. If you read the list of suggestions for how to properly care for fish at the end of the article, most people fall short of providing even the baseline (bare minimum) of proper care; there are plenty examples of this on this site.

The fact that this forum is full of irresponsible hobbyist (despite all the knowledge/experience/information being readily available here) should tell you just how poor of a job the typical "hobbyist" does at caring for these creatures.

I'm obviously not for an outright ban on fish, but if you write PETA's concerns off as being ridiculous then you are being just as crazy as they are. Their concerns are valid, but I think their approach to the problem is too extreme.
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