stingray floating on top of water?!


Peacock Bass
MFK Member
Sep 19, 2005
Oscar Tummy
they would poop out what looked like the bloodworms
Alive and wiggling? Could be parasites.

Agree with rant. Why in the world are you adding salt to a ray tank?


MFK Member
Feb 21, 2006
Eastpointe MI
I would not suggest treating for parasites just yet. Stress could have easily caused the poop issue, unless you actually see live parasites. I would monitor the water conditions and feeding very closely. If they are eating well and the water is good over an extended period of time and they show no weight gain I would consider parasites.

It might help if you could post your results from your water testing


Also how deep is your sand bed and how often do you sift it.
Did you move the sand during the water change?

I would hold off on the meds until you have a better idea of what you are dealing with.

Do the rays look skinny at all? More photos may also help


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Dec 9, 2005
knifegill;4682977; said:
Alive and wiggling? Could be parasites.

Agree with rant. Why in the world are you adding salt to a ray tank?
i have read things on the salt myth like this
but also read many things that show it really does help
but i use it. an have for a long long time. i use under half of whats said to use an disolve it. an only add when i need to or when i add a new fish. i know it may be a myth. or not fact, but for me it has saved me more than one time. i will not stop useing it :grinno:. yes with rays its risky but sometimes i feel its the best options an my self an many other member i know it has worked. but i also understand many members agree it does nothing but harm. so i guess its one of things. what works for some works for some. lol. but i agree with u guys as well an that everyone just adds salt all the time. this should be avoided. i only use as a last resort. i see it like this, it may not be good for some fish. but the action of adding salt to kill for example ick. i weigh the 2 hmm stress an what not from salt or ick. salt does wounders agaist these things. but should still be weighed as a threat. an used only when needed. just my 2 cents
glad to see the rays are acting normal. i agree its not the salt. it may have added to it.. maybe. but i think the prob was lack off air, def get a airstone. i would use it all the time tho. dont just use it when u see signs of them needing air. as this is stress. u want 0 stress lol. so id get a cheap one for now an run it tell u can buy a nice big quite one an u will be set. good luck


Jack Dempsey
MFK Member
Jul 24, 2010
I agree with Johno, hold off on any meds rt now. It they were stressed due to lack of air, and its not been that long since you divided them, just a few days, I would say they might not have digested what you fed them last night... Id hold off on the meds.. Rays can be sinsitive to meds and its not a good idea to give them something they may not need..
Get more air in the tank. add some airstones and go from there. Add them tonight asap and just let them be over night. Dont do anything else.
I would, as long as they have been eating good the last week.. even hold off on feeding them tonight. JUst get them more air, and let them relax.
With your water change and the salt you added. Even though you added water, the salt with the lack of air stones might have shocked the water and used up the air..
So for now, get them some airstones, and supply the tank with more air.
then test you water tonight before bed and see were you are. Tomorrow when you get home, see how they are doing. If they are acting normal, feed them half what you feed them and see if they eat it all up. if they do feed them another 1/4 of the amount you usually do. if they eat that.. then feed the last 1/4
just keep an eye on them... Its not my tank, and Im not there just like most of us, we really cant tell not being there and testing the water ourselves..
So try the air first, and wait till tomorrow to feed.
Hope it helps and keep us posted


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Feb 3, 2008
Whitby, Ont
I also agree this is lack of oxygen, have seen it myself, forgot to turn air pump back on after a water change a while ago and woke up to this exact scenario, and turned air pump back on.... all was well.


MFK Member
Jul 13, 2010
Long Island
fed them like 1/3 of what I usually do before I went to work and they ate. Just got home and they are breathing kind of heavy again, powerheads are on but not I'm seeing my ammonia spike to almost 3. Should I do a water change right now?


Jack Dempsey
MFK Member
Jul 24, 2010
did you get airstones for the tank yet.. powerheads are really only for water movement... they dont put as much oxygen in the water as an airpump and stone.
if ammonia is that high. a wather change will help. but Im not understanding how its that high if you just did a water change a few days ago.
to a 25% water change and add air to the tank with airpump...


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Mar 1, 2010
Ontario, Canada
sounds like his tank is recycling on him if his ammonia is spiking again. (maybe rotting food in the filter hose?)

as for the breathing issue, you really should be listening to the others on here if you want your rays to survive. your tank does not have enough aeration and airstones, a pump and the airline tubing costs like 25$. it's seriously worth it. go get one.


Jack Dempsey
MFK Member
Jul 24, 2010
ya, I thought about it recycling to.. he did a water hange a few days ago, but if I remember correct, he said he had the tank set up for awhile, so recycling didnt even cross my mind till after I posted the last message. But you are right, does sound like it might be recycling..
Id say do a 25% water change, and get air if that tank.
thats about all the advice I can give rt now. I really think its air air air....
hope things go well