Uaru F. Log

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Fire Eel
MFK Member
Jul 28, 2015
Woefulrelic Woefulrelic , you've drawn all the same conclusions I have. I think I'm gonna go ahead and disease prazi when I get the chance, and I do keep hexemia shield on hand, I'm just still working them on to pellets. Once they start taking them better, I'll be feeding it once a month. Thanks for sharing.
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Fire Eel
MFK Member
Jul 28, 2015
B Brandi91082 , another thing I forgot to mention, I would keep a close eye on how the severum and pandas interact together. Pandas can be much more aggressive than uaru a.


The Fish Doctor
Staff member
MFK Member
Nov 15, 2005
Somerville NJ
I am glad my small write up was useful. Prazi is very safe and well tolerated. hexamita is also a good point as well. If you keep on loosing fish one thing to consider is having a vet submit it for necropsy and possibly cultures.


Feeder Fish
Jul 29, 2016
It does not. However, quick ich contains formalin and formalin is a nasty chemical. It can be lethal to fish in high concentrations and it chemically removes oxygen from the water. Don't take my recommendation lightly, you are going to have to provide more than ample surface agitation if you use it. Especially if you raise Temps at the same time, which you should.

If I may make 3 recommendations about your setup:
1 I would ditch the fake plants. Once the pandas settle in and get healthy again, they will start to chew on them.
2 get your nitrates down. For most fish keepers, 20 ppm is alright, but not for these guys. My nitrates stay at 5 or lower, and if I slack on water changes my pandas get dull looking and are less active. The slightest changes in water affect them.
3 at this point, don't concern yourself with ph. 7.2 is entirely reasonable right now. I would look into water hardness. For now, I would grab a gh and kh test kit and see what your tap reads. Have you read through the whole thread? I recommend you


Feeder Fish
Jul 29, 2016
Sorry don't know what happened there. Replaced my heater today and am raising temp. My kh is around 10. Don't have a gh test but will get one. I did suspect that about the plants actually. Once I notice them nipping I will pull them. They're wild caught so I wanted to give them a bit of cover to get used to tank life. The nitrates are probably closers to ten than twenty, I'm only getting a light reading. I just upgraded filter too so that will perhaps help that a bit once all the new filter media colonizes.(I stuffed all the old good stuff in there too of course). They're eating very well, not acting scared or ill and don't have many spots at all so I think I caught it early.i believe I am going to try Paraguard, as it's worked pretty well for me before. They're eventual home is a planted 180, though I am aware that they may eat the plants. Sorry for the semi hijack of your thread. These guys are so cool and I want to do right by them. It's awesome to talk to someone with practical experience.


Fire Eel
MFK Member
Jul 28, 2015
They're wild caught so I wanted to give them a bit of cover to get used to tank life.
Cover is a good idea. I would add more driftwood. It will provide good cover, give them something to graze on, and they will very much appreciate the tannins that will leach in to the water.
I just upgraded filter too so that will perhaps help that a bit once all the new filter media colonizes.
An upgraded filter is a great idea for these guys, although it won't reduce the amount of nitrates in your tank. Nitrates can only be reduced by consumption by algae or plants, and water changes. I do 50% every three days.
i believe I am going to try Paraguard, as it's worked pretty well for me before.
Paragaurd had also worked well for me before and was my go to when these guys broke out with ich. Unfortunately mine apparently had super ich, and paragaurd was largely ineffective. Afterwards, I wished that I had gone with a stronger medicine to begin with as I might now have lost one of them. This was only much experience though. Use your best judgment.

As far as the planted 180, it's not that they may eat the plants, they WILL eat the plants. Mine get clipping from my wife's planted tank weekly and the only thing I have found that they won't eat is riccia fluitans moss. Anubias stand up to them fairly well, but still end up with chunks missing on every leaf. Mine love glossostigma elatnoids, hair algae, and marimo balls as an occasional treat.
No need to apologize for hijacking. The purpose of this thread is to log and compile as much practical information as I can. Anyone who chimes in only adds to the usefulness of the thread.


Fire Eel
MFK Member
Jul 28, 2015
I am glad my small write up was useful. Prazi is very safe and well tolerated. hexamita is also a good point as well. If you keep on loosing fish one thing to consider is having a vet submit it for necropsy and possibly cultures.
Prazi will be what I use then. How much do you think it would cost to submit a fish for that sort of analysis? Can't be cheap.


Fire Eel
MFK Member
Jul 28, 2015
The more time I spend with these fish, the more I believe that they are not as herbivorous as they are labeled. I can only really get mine to eat veggies after starving them for a while. Any time I introduce protein, they stop eating veggies altogether. And I cannot for the life of me get them completely on pellets.


MFK Member
Oct 12, 2008
I would love to tackle these fish some day but man, they seem like a real tough one. Kind of like Yellow Labridens or Minckleyi but even less resilient. Still a cool fish and I hear the F1's do a lot better than wild caught.


Fire Eel
MFK Member
Jul 28, 2015
I would love to tackle these fish some day but man, they seem like a real tough one. Kind of like Yellow Labridens or Minckleyi but even less resilient. Still a cool fish and I hear the F1's do a lot better than wild caught.
The hardest part about them is the lack of reliable information.
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