

MFK Member
Aug 21, 2010
Ontario, Canada
I had a buddy that was looking into directing rainwater into his tank. This way when it rained drops in barometric pressure would coincide with cool pure water being added. As many fish breed with the rainy season. Combining something like this with a natural photoperiod and season temperature changes are all things that I myself would like to look into in the future. See if it leads anywhere.


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Apr 28, 2009
I've thought about collecting rainwater before.. but we're right outside Milwaukee... and I just don't trust the water to be "clean". goodness knows i'de kick my own butt if I did something like that and killed off the pool.


MFK Member
Aug 21, 2010
Ontario, Canada
I've thought about collecting rainwater before.. but we're right outside Milwaukee... and I just don't trust the water to be "clean". goodness knows i'de kick my own butt if I did something like that and killed off the pool.
I know what you mean. I myself live in a relatively rural area and do use rainwater for lots of things. When I lived in the city though I was always far more cautious about using it with my fish. I suppose you could always look into some form of carbon filter for taking out any possible contaminants.


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Apr 28, 2009
I've thought about it and in the future I might if I need to start playing with water chemistry.. but our water here is actually pretty darn good... one of our floridas has now moved with us from a well.. to city..to well... now back to city, and a well! lol... In as many years. we plan on putting some roots in here.. so a water system may come into play for us down the road. I have not had the opportunity to sit down with the actual numbers from our well and figure out what it all means yet so we're using city water atm and its been good to us. I have a few breeding projects in the future I want to try and tackle so its likely we'll invest in something.. just got threw learning how to diy filter and indoor pond/pools/tank builds and all the info is still settling in lol.

I have to say.. this has been a long adventure the last few years growing up and out a lot of these fish.. and to have a tank I know I won't need to upgrade from unless I start overstocking it ( in which case fish will be re-homed.) That I can focus on some other aspects of the hobby is an awesome feeling of accomplishment. there where some days I wasn't sure we'd be able to keep our Cuban gar or even the floridas.. let alone add the trops and lngs. But seeing them all swimming in something they can and will reach adult size in is a big breath.

Oh and scott the smaller Trop is a jerkface... he tagged my hybrid cat, and made a go for the Cuban... I saw both incidents myself... everyone else is doing fine and the big one just comes over for some food and the occasional pet :screwy: one of the few fish I've seen SOO human friendly. I swear she begs to be pet sometimes. I'm blaming you or madding for it :p


The Ninth Holostei
MFK Member
May 11, 2009
New York
The smaller one is the one that has bit me.


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Jul 1, 2009
I was hit by both. The big one is the calmer one. That small one was the one that ate the Florida's and did the killing.

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Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Apr 28, 2009
Yeah the little one is a sassy bugger and def prefers their food live vs dead/pellets.


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Apr 28, 2009
Okay so the ray guys seem to be as stumped as I am... So riddle me this... what disease/s ,water issues ect. would kill a ray but not a gar? I know gar are pretty tough fish but I just lost my smallest retic ray to something... It was covered in "slime" and "peeling" so I assumed ammonia spike... started doing a wc immediately and tested... 0-0-5/10ppm... the last one had been done 5 days prior?.. my other 2 rays are fine ( I actually think my big female may be finally knocked up) the gar.. cats.. eel.. are all fine... the second guess was a PH swing ( despite all the tests coming back solid).. but I figured this would have def effected my Cuban if not the Trops?... the ray was fine a few days ago eating ect but literally curled up and died in the last 72 hours.

Any theories on what would be so devastating to a single fish but not touch any of the other's? I wouldn't say any of the fish are delicate, but neither are any of these fish overly hearty... and I've had this ray for over 1yr now... so its not a new fish ect..


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Jul 1, 2009
That happened to a couple of my retics when I got the 10 before. It is the reason I won't do retics any more. I was tempted on yours if you'd have parted with them but I see that it still is a risk with them even after a long time. Never did find out, that being said I had pesticide get in my tank and only kill one of my gars. It killed all my aros and big cats. Gars are very tuff fish in terms of things they can take.

Is there anything that could have fallen into the pond. Ex. Paint chips, plastic, insulation, silicone, something to that effect. If the ray ate it, witch if it is anything like my leo male it will, it could kill it in that way. My male Leo tries to eat the power head. If one little speck of food is on it he rips the power head of the wall and tries to eat or smash the power head to get that speck of food. You'd think it was starving and not a daily hand fed until stupid fat ray. Honestly I don't think I have seen him not trying to eat something since he settled in. In fact today after powerhead smash up derby i caught him trying to eat my big suction cup holding my spraybar in place. As well as my magnetic glass cleaner...he may just be defective though...Lol

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Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Apr 28, 2009
Yeah Justin did some work last weekend w/ his uncle on our drain pipes ect but they had all the windows open and a giant plastic sheet up to prevent any debris getting into the pool.. I also came down and checked every few hours to make sure.. but it is possible.. atm this is the only recent variable we've had other then feeding the gar some trout ( the rays never touched it) :irked: I haven't lost a fish in months... last one was my RTC when the filter got clogged :swear: