What the hell has happened around here????

Death Pony

Feeder Fish
MFK Member
He said the word that must not be said!!!! He must be banished to the woods!!!

This is what I miss about MFK a few years ago, the absolutely lunacy that occurred in the lounge. Sure, we poked fun at each other, but it was all in good spirit, and it was hilarious!


Fire Eel
MFK Member
Jun 1, 2007
behind my iMac.... Southampton UK.
This is what I miss about MFK a few years ago, the absolutely lunacy that occurred in the lounge. Sure, we poked fun at each other, but it was all in good spirit, and it was hilarious!
you know whats wrong with it... the mods arnt in on the action no more... and whilst i could sit here for hours *****ing about people i miss who should be active i think its disgusting how members with nothing to offer have ran fun active useful members off this site.. the whole bs at the end of the teams sarga was just the start man...

Death Pony

Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Gr8's Girlfriends is a prime example of the mods playing along. Mods are people too, after all, and a lot of them are hilarious! What ever happened to Oddballer? The team thread was such a ridiculous thread, and so much fun!


MFK Member
Jun 9, 2007
I'm Where I'm At
Shut up Kev! :D
yea kevin, shutup!

i dont' know what we are talking about. just wanted to tell kevin to shutup. whatever he's doing, i'm sure he's up to no good. i mean, just look at his av, what one chooses as an av tells you much

fish n chips

Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Jan 23, 2012
i just got a point from a mod for putting a . inbetween 3 letters wtf its not like i was using bad language will i be bannished to the woods or what will happen to me now,ill miss my new MFC freinds.................................................................................................................................omg that must be a realy bad word with all them ........................................................................................................................................


Viviendo la vida loca!
MFK Member
Gr8's Girlfriends is a prime example of the mods playing along. Mods are people too, after all, and a lot of them are hilarious! What ever happened to Oddballer? The team thread was such a ridiculous thread, and so much fun!
I still remember that one. 'twas fun reading through the whole thing. Oddballer needs to come back.lol

Sent from my GT-P1000 using MonsterAquaria


Jack Dempsey
MFK Member
Jun 30, 2007
Brisbane - Australia.
yeah what's with all the lame lounge threads :p

can't a man lurk and view good content. seems to be a bit quiet

fish n chips

Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Jan 23, 2012
hi, im not sure what to say im a :newbie: , but i think it might be over moderating, seems to me that threads get locked or removed too easy im guessin but i think the guys that have been here for ever get sick of ans the same questions time and time again,and just pm each other,imho threads should be aloud go off topic for a bit but it seems if they do go ff even for 1 or 2 posts then bamm you get a warning..
not sure tho all i know for sure is i got slaped for something totaly silly [imo]
iv only been here a short wile and have made 5 friends that really know ther fish, so from that point of view its a super site.