Woo! micro tank!


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Mar 10, 2007
i know this is off topic, but it doesnt look like anythings in the 150 lol.

the clown and skunk look great. glad all is going well.


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Ha ya lol my 150 looks empty because its fairly big and my fish are still young. If your curious I keep a peacock eel, a gold clown knife, a Tiger Oscar Cichlid, an Albino Tiger Oscar, a Jack Dempsey, a Plecostomus, and a green terror, and until recently deceased a large comet gold fish who was a feeder fish but I guess one of my bigger guys finaaly got big enough to swallow him lol.

Now back on topic my skunk just molted and looks pretty great and the green tipped frogspawn is finally opening up and showing its colors. The perc is looking good too he seems to be enjoying all the hidy holes I provided him with.


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Ha ya they do get pretty big.

On another note my percula clown died sometime between 8 pm and 10pm. I'm fairly sure its not from water quality as I check it daily. I went to the store where I bought it but the owner wasn't in and she does the water testing. So I have to go back tomorrow to exchange it or buy a new one. Hopefully my water will check out ok with them which I'm 99% sure it will so they should exchange it for me.
The fish looked a little ill when I bought it with some sort of mucus hanging off of it. Then its poop was white and stringy. Anyone know what it could be?


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Mar 10, 2007
sounds like a mix of internal infections as well as possible fungus infection. Not a good idea to buy ill fish, being that your could introduce a disease into the tank now. I would advise on holding off for a few weeks before purchase of another fish. This will prevent in transfer to a new fish.


MFK Member
Jan 31, 2007
Chicago, IL
yeah i would have held off on the coral anf fish fro a while and just bought more LR...
that only cost $6 a pound.... well it's not premium i can tell you that, and it barely looks cured, or live for that matter...
keep a VERY close eye on your ammonia.. detectable ammounts could kill the coral and shrimp...

that was kind of a dumb move on your part, no offence.
and that's torch coral not frogspawn... i don't like your LFS too many things wrong here.


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Ya I'm starting to feel that way about them too. Ya! a torch coral lol I wanted one of those anyway.
I can definitely say its not ammonia my sea chem alert hasn't reacted at all. Its not nitrates I checked for the and its not nitrite. Its not salinity 1.023. It is also not temp or alkalinity. I have no idea what it could be other than the fish being ill. The torch is lively now and same with the turbo snail and the skunk. I'm pretty sure its not the live rock dieing off. Since my nitrate and ammonia levels would be higher. I acclimated them properly too.
I take no offense from criticism only knowledge.
I wish the live rock was more live too lol. Although up close you can see life and organisms and colonies etc.. I probably should have bought it online from a legit source, either that or try both LFS. Although I have the feeling the other one is even worse.
If needed to find the cause I can post specific levels of my testing results.


MFK Member
Jan 31, 2007
Chicago, IL
yeah, real premium rock will NEVER be a pale color