Mono Sebae in a freshwater tank?


MFK Member
May 14, 2010
for the whole mono sabae or argentaus in freshwater argument. Certain people have kept them for 7 years or so in full freshwater. But this water was always hard and high ph, and not many people have that great of success, but hey it has been done.

Alot of people say they need full marine and that they live thier adult lives in full marine. This is not entirely true, those fish go into brackish water and freshwater routinely to hunt for food, not only during the couple days of breeding season.

So an SG of 1.005+ will suit them. Some large scale city/commercial aquariums keep them at marine level but some also keep them at 1.010sg.


Fire Eel
MFK Member
Aug 11, 2007
Certain people have kept them for 7 years or so in full freshwater. But this water was always hard and high ph, and not many people have that great of success
So what are you saying, that a fish is fine to keep in less than comfortable conditions but only expect them to live 1/2 as long? But it's fine if you want to do it???
Alot of people say they need full marine and that they live thier adult lives in full marine. This is not entirely true, those fish go into brackish water and freshwater routinely to hunt for food, not only during the couple days of breeding season.
But since we can't replicate their moving around for short periods of their life from SG to SG, their best bet is to keep them in their most natural adult habitat--SW.


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Feb 22, 2011
I have couple of scats almost 6 inches in very slight barkish water. I was thinking to add mono to the tank as well. Hope they do good. I will eventually convert it to full marine but it's far from it at the moment.

Any suggestions from you folks, what other fish can be added?


Fire Eel
MFK Member
Aug 11, 2007
How big is the tank? Monos are schooling species, so you'd need 3-5 of them.


Fire Eel
MFK Member
Aug 11, 2007
That's only large for a single adult scat. You'd better consider a HUGE upgrade for them & forget about adding any more fish.


MFK Member
Aug 21, 2006
Wishfull thinking/////it just does not work they will start having all types of detoriations when they reach about 4 inches in fresh water ///however they do can live well in all salt /////////
Not sure about your experience. I raised mine, from one inch infant to 7 inches long almost 10 inches tall. All six of them were never sick and almost active in a 180g with cichlids and other fishes. Finally they out grew my tank and I traded them with LFS. It was a period of 4 years. All in FRESH WATER. OK, my tap are hard, we call them liquid concrete, but I have plants in the tank and all.

Considering most fish will live into their teens, 5 years isn't saying much. They spawn in SW, so I'm not too sure where the author of that article got that. These are BW fish that live their adult lives in SW. They also grow to about 14" tall & are schooling fish, so a 300g tank would be the minimum for a school of them.
Angelfishes came from black water, hey they do really well in hardwater too. Well documented that some angelfish farms use non-native water aka hardwater. I agree with your 300g though, I gave mine up when they well too big for mine.

Who knows the kind of damage keeping a brackish/marine fish like the two Monodactylus species in freshwater would cause. I think I know who you're talking about, but I think his tank is so big that water quality is always near perfect, meaning, even if their immune systems or other physiological functions are impaired, the water is good enough that they don't show it. It's almost like a fish kept in high nitrates... it won't show any signs of poor health until it gets a disease, which will be 10 times worse due to its diminished immune system.
I doubt any damage as they like most creatures are quite adaptable.

So what are you saying, that a fish is fine to keep in less than comfortable conditions but only expect them to live 1/2 as long? But it's fine if you want to do it???

But since we can't replicate their moving around for short periods of their life from SG to SG, their best bet is to keep them in their most natural adult habitat--SW.
If the condition have to be perfect, we all should stop keeping our fishes. Afterall a 1000g tank is way smaller than Amazon, how imperfect is that?