Worst time your fish made you jump?


Hydrolycus Armatus
MFK Member
Jan 7, 2011
Ontario, Canada
when my three 3 inch bichirs gang beated my newly acquired 9 inch red wolf fish.


Fire Eel
MFK Member
Dec 4, 2011
Winnipeg,MB, Canada
I got speared by a 3" four line pim that got stuck in a net in Petsmart. For a little pim it hurt like hell.

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That leads into mine! I'm terrified of my 7-8" four line piM. I don't have much decor in the tank so majority of the poop goes towards his driftwood cave hiding spot so o have to move it and he flips out every time. One occasion I didn't move it buy flipped out anyways grazed my hand with a wiskar whit my hand out smack my light hit NY elbow on glass brace and almost dropped my light. Pooped my self.

My fish life is sparked up with Polys :)


Jack Dempsey
MFK Member
May 2, 2007
A lot of dirty undies in this thread lol

So many times ive almost dropped a light in a tank from jumping >.<

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Viviendo la vida loca!
MFK Member
Lol! Unfortunately no I can be a bit of a jerk, keeping Monster Fish is actually one of my best features. :D

Thanks bro, I thought it was pretty funny. I caught it pretty good for throwing her from the bed and laughing about it, she was seriously cheesed! Still I couldn't help it, the girl was 5'1" slightly wet from the Aro and full on enraged that my initial reaction was to chuck her. The expletives that I was graced with that night where quite colorful. The puffer incident also caught me quite an earful she definitely was madder at me than the puff as low and behold she's still with him and I'm not. :D
The puffer scenario was quite funny.lol Poor fish though. Can't believe she actually thinks by developing a "rapport" with the puffer, the fish has a mutual understanding not to bite her fingers. :D

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Global Moderator
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MFK Member
Feb 13, 2007
Bronx, NYC
The puffer scenario was quite funny.lol Poor fish though. Can't believe she actually thinks by developing a "rapport" with the puffer, the fish has a mutual understanding not to bite her fingers. :D

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I felt bad she was a sweety, still is. She had thought the excited wobbling he did when she approached was a sign of affection. I said it was recognition of her as a food source, she said I was partially right but if she put her finger in he'd know there was no food and wouldn't want to harm her so would leave her unscathed, I said wanna bet?!? Lol! Low and behold the next couple of seconds where filled with an OH MY!! EXPLETIVE, GOD!!! The Puff whizzed past my head bounced off a wall and landed on her couch fully inflated and gasping like a mad man. After placing the puffer back in the tank and him eventually un-puffing I told her I bet that puff wouldn't make that mistake again, to which she responded yeah right and I said wanna bet? :D Got slapped and punched pretty good about the shoulders for that and the laughter I let loose. She never did try again and till this day I wonder would that puffer recognize a finger next time it entered the water? Considering the trauma he endured? :D


Viviendo la vida loca!
MFK Member
WOW! LOL! I doubt the puffer would try again but who knows what could be in its memory. Fish often surprise me. Some have good memory and are good at recognizing something, some don't. Didn't its spines hurt? Never had a puffer so I wouldn't know about that. :)


Global Moderator
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Global Moderator
MFK Member
Feb 13, 2007
Bronx, NYC
WOW! LOL! I doubt the puffer would try again but who knows what could be in its memory. Fish often surprise me. Some have good memory and are good at recognizing something, some don't. Didn't its spines hurt? Never had a puffer so I wouldn't know about that. :)
Nah, kind of like pine needles on a Christmas tree sharp feeling but ultimately safe. Though I touched them lightly as I rolled him onto a tennis racket to transfer him back. Lol! I will say the puff may have known to some degree it was her not food as he did leave her barely scathed. Then again maybe he didn't have enough time to bite hard? Her reaction was instantaneous. I realized he bit her not by seeing it but by her violently lobbing the poor puff and I was watching pretty intently. Looked like a terrified football staring at me from the couch.

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Viviendo la vida loca!
MFK Member
Poor puffa. That must be the most memorable incident you ever had.