I'm not happy with any of my tanks


Silver Tier VIP
MFK Member
Sep 26, 2015
Not my fish. I'm happy with my fish but I'm not happy with my tanks. More particularly, the sizes of my tanks.
When I set up the 75 for my midevil I thought it would be a suitable long term home. That's not at all how I feel now. The tank so damn small.
My 48x18 45gallon.... I have a big school of barbs and a convict in. That tank has become really small too. Those barbs are so active. I can't imagine keeping them in something like a 10 gallon.
Initially my plan was to buy a 125 for the midevil and move the barbs and convict into the 75. But now I feel like I'm going to have to get a 6' tank for the barbs.
I'm afraid that eventually I feel like the 125 isn't enough.

Anyone else have this problem? Feeling like your tanks are never big enough. Not because you want more fish but because you feel your current tanks aren't adequate for what you have.
Ehh,it's good you feel that way it shows consideration to the welfare of the animals you keep.
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MFK Member
Nov 19, 2015
NW Washington
I think it's just part of the hobby :) my friend warned when I was upgrading from my 35 just to get the biggest tank I could off the bat cuz I will just want bigger soon!!! Boy was he right!!!
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MFK Member
May 6, 2008
Charlotte, NC
I think that you have a refreshing perspective, and I agree that a 75 is too small for an active 12" fish like a midevil. I do think that you have take into account the activity level of a fish when looking at its ultimate space requirement. For example, I have a male cephalosilurus apurensis living solo In a 125. I expect that, even at his max size of 16", he will be fine in that tank indefinitely. He just doesn't cruise the tank much, preferring to beg in one spot or chill in his cave. At the same time, I would never consider keeping a 16" tsn in that same tank, due to their active swimming habits.
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Blue Tier VIP
MFK Member
Aug 30, 2013
New Mexico
I think that you have a refreshing perspective, and I agree that a 75 is too small for an active 12" fish like a midevil. I do think that you have take into account the activity level of a fish when looking at its ultimate space requirement. For example, I have a male cephalosilurus apurensis living solo In a 125. I expect that, even at his max size of 16", he will be fine in that tank indefinitely. He just doesn't cruise the tank much, preferring to beg in one spot or chill in his cave. At the same time, I would never consider keeping a 16" tsn in that same tank, due to their active swimming habits.
i moved him into the 75 when he was about 8" and i thought "oh this is a good amount of space" then he started to grow again lol. if he were less active then i can see the tank being an ok fit but he digs all day and usually pacing around the tank. he made my 75 looks pretty weak haha