Final Tank Setup


Peacock Bass
MFK Member
Sep 21, 2023
Houston, Texas
FYI, I tried to save these pictures with a bit of editing, but here is the new look for the tank:

New Clothes for the Tank.jpg
New Clothes for the Tank 2.0.jpg
My Raphs like the little cave I made and my other fish seem to like the abundance of hiding places as they are now out more.

Let me know what you think!


Sausage Finger Spam Slayer
MFK Member
Mar 29, 2019
Manitoba, Canada
The Final Version, back in December, left a bit to be desired. The other Final Versions, MkII through to MkVI, were sometimes improvements but sometimes backslides. I think that MkIII was probably your worst work...just dumped the stuff straight out of a bucket? MkIV was a huge step up, but this latest one...MkVI, or is it MkVII? a smash home run, just beautiful.

I'll admit I started to get confused in the MkV range; there were a couple in there that might not really deserve complete separate classifications, maybe should have been MkV.1, MkV.2, etc. but that's just semantics. 🤔 It's currently at its best, by far. :thumbsup:

I look forward to next week's edition! :)


Peacock Bass
MFK Member
Sep 21, 2023
Houston, Texas
The Final Version, back in December, left a bit to be desired. The other Final Versions, MkII through to MkVI, were sometimes improvements but sometimes backslides. I think that MkIII was probably your worst work...just dumped the stuff straight out of a bucket? MkIV was a huge step up, but this latest one...MkVI, or is it MkVII? a smash home run, just beautiful.

I'll admit I started to get confused in the MkV range; there were a couple in there that might not really deserve complete separate classifications, maybe should have been MkV.1, MkV.2, etc. but that's just semantics. 🤔 It's currently at its best, by far. :thumbsup:

I look forward to next week's edition! :)
This one would be my 8th (at least that y'all have seen, more like 12th lol). So to clarify, MkVIII

I definitely agree, there was a lot of awkward space with my previous designs. I think this one is the most professional I've done. The others look like a teenager did them :ROFL:


Peacock Bass
MFK Member
Sep 21, 2023
Houston, Texas
Another Update:

I've been doing some small edits to the above aquascape, I honestly really like the look, so I don't want to change it to much. However, I've decided some plants just look a little too fake, and I'm going to remove some of them. I will replace them, probably with more of the realistic plants. I'm also thinking about adding some more rocks.

I have found one unfortunate flaw with the design, it hoards a lot of debris, meaning I have to clean the tank more frequently now, which isn't necessarily bad, but it does mean more maintenance. However, I'm ok with that, I probably need to do more maintenance anyways.

I've also being thinking about adding one or two more fish to really finish off my setup. Not 100% certain what kind yet, but I'm thinking about it.


Peacock Bass
MFK Member
Sep 21, 2023
Houston, Texas
Another update:

Soon, I'm hoping to go to the store and grab some more plants and maybe some more driftwood. I may also get another rock or two to break and add more detail. After seeing some of the maximalist tanks on MD Fish Tank's YouTube channel, I think that's the route I want to take. I know y'all are going to think I'm a nut for saying this, but I'm thinking I might get rid of my two gouramis. My rationale behind this is that they are the only two fish that I have that are Asian in nationality, so if I removed them, I would have a pure SA tank, then I could get an EBA or something as the final touch to the tank, and I'll be done with it. Yes, I know I'm going completely against what I said in my 10 gallon thread, but I promise after this, I will stop the back and forth to the fish store.

For now, that is all. I will post pictures hopefully by this weekend.


Peacock Bass
MFK Member
Sep 21, 2023
Houston, Texas
Hey y'all, its time for another update (warning, it will be a mini essay):

I'm indecisive as ever. End of story.

Only halfway kidding...I am going through another indecisive moment. I'm happy with the stock, but unfortunately, I'm seeing aggressive issues with my gouramis that are not being solved, even though there is ample hiding space and feedings. My Dwarf Gourami is getting beaten up (assumingly by my larger gourami since I've seen it chase it) and it has become very dull (much like its old partner). I'm watching it go down the same path as my previous gourami, Gardener, and unfortunately I can't put it in the 10 gallon because my betta wouldn't do it any favors. The only way I can save it is by taking it out entirely. With that in mind, I'm thinking about removing both (the same as what I mentioned above). This move would leave me with a pure SA tank. Which I would actually love to do since I prefer single region tanks. However, it will make my tank look sparse, which I don't want, so here are my options to replace the gouramis:

1. Get 6+ normal cories (emeralds or sterbai).

2. Get a medium sized cichlid (or two) such as an EBA or Angelfish.

3. Get a schooling fish such as a medium sized tetra or livebearers again (preferably Sailfin mollies).

So far, the ones I'm most interested in (and have thought about for a long time) are the Sterbai cories, EBA or Sailfin Mollies. I will probably do one or more of these options to fill in the space appropriately, however, I don't want to overstock so I'm going to be very picky and precise about this. I know there will have to be a lot more fish to overstock, but I'd rather be safe than sorry.

(Continued on the following post since apparently there must be a word count that I've surpassed).
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Peacock Bass
MFK Member
Sep 21, 2023
Houston, Texas
Or I can forgo any more new fish and just fill in the tank via decor. Basically, I would just add on to what I already have, I've also been thinking about doing this whether I get new fish or not. I've seen a lot of wonderful looking setups here and on YouTube, and I've been wanting to echo some of the design choices, specifically with substrate. I want to mix gravel and sand. I love the look of this; it adds a whole new dimension to the tank. I would choose a color that is a similar color to my sand and mix it all up. This would probably be the cheapest change to the decor, but I've also been thinking about adding some more maple leaf stone and faux plants.

Here is a picture of what I was thinking (forgive me for the rudimentary drawing, I'm not very good at virtual art lol):

Sad Drawing of Tank Plan.png

I know it looks like what I have, but basically what I would do is fill in the space better and hide the "undesirable" stems and the dead giveaways of plastic plants. To give a better idea of what y'all's unfortunate eyes are looking at, the substrate is the little squiggly round blotches on the ground (sand and gravel), the half circle is where a perimeter of maple leaf stone would go (I would buy new maple stone and break it into small pieces for maximum detail), and in the center is the driftwood. The green is plants. While I didn't draw this perfectly, I will also expand the perimeter to take up the majority of the tank rather than just a small portion in the center. I want the decor to be bold, but not so bold that it takes away from my fish.

I apologize for the length of these posts, but I had a lot to get out of my brain and onto "paper." I hope at least this was a fun read. See y'all in the next post.

P.S. I know I've been saying I will be posting pictures, but I think I will wait until I do some work on the tank, it could be a few weeks, or a few months.


Peacock Bass
MFK Member
Sep 21, 2023
Houston, Texas
While this is veering off the topic of this thread, I thought I would give a mini update on my current "outside of fishkeeping" life:

I'm about to take my driver's license test. Very excited and nervous. I feel confident overall as a driver but there are some weak spots that I need to work on before the test. I've had a learners permit for over a year now, so to be so close to getting an actual license is very exciting for me since it will open a huge door for me. I will also soon be getting a job once I get my license. Yes, I will use a small portion of the pay on fishkeeping, although the majority will go to a new car. (I do own a car, but my parents want me to have a brand new one before I go to a 4 year college)

Here are a few pictures of my current ride (I'm very proud of this beast):
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