
  1. R

    PLEASE HELP (Oscar fish weird behavior)

    Hello everyone, please only respond if you have experience on the matter, thank you for your time tank set up size: 180 gallons fish: 1 Adult Oscar fish, 7 silver dollars, 1 Adult pleco, 1 Adult bichir water parameters: PH 7.1, Ammonia 0ppm, NO2 0ppm, NO3 0ppm filtration system: UV filtration...
  2. W

    Diamond Rhom behavior questions

    Thanks for accepting me to the page, this is my first post on this site. My name is luc im from the netherlands and have a diamond rhom that is around 18cm atm. I have him around 6-7 months atm. I have a question about rhoms behavior you guys have seen in your fish. My setup: I have him in a...
  3. C

    Polar blue parrot/HRP short behavior help?

    I believe this is the appropriate place to post this if not just delete or let me know. I inherited 7 of these polar blue or HRP I’m not sure what the most accurate name for them is, a few days ago I noticed their behavior/colors changed it seems like 2 maybe 3 pairs are attempting to breed or...
  4. Benthebassmaster

    Angelfish behavior

    Am i the only person who’s angelfish handfeeds and chases my finger across the glass after 3 weeks of keeping them
  5. The-Almighty-Zugs

    Is there a way to lower timidness in Piranhas?

    So I have heard that Piranha's are usually very timid in nature but was wondering what ways there are to counteract this other than adding more fish. Can interacting with them or having a certain environment do anything to change their timid nature?
  6. LBDave

    Splitting Up The Oscars (a story)

    For those that appreciate the behavior of oscars: As I have posted before I have 4 oscars. They grew up together since they were about 1.5". Now they are about 7" and I have moved them to a larger tank. The tank was not what I ordered. It's smaller than expected. (Which is a whole other...
  7. Zak03

    Baby Sun Cat Behavior

    Hey, I have a baby sun cat in a 40 gallon tank (will upgrade when he grows older). I did a water change today, and rearranged the rocks/decor, although keeping them in the same general area. PROBLEM: The sun cat keeps "freaking out". Swimming frantically against the back glass wall. Other days...
  8. C

    Gar Behavior

    Hello MFK, First time posting but have used MFK as a resource for quite a while. I did search but could not find an answer to this as it pertains to my setup: My Gar (sold to me as a Florida, I believe it is a spotted) goes through periods of pretty aggressive glass surfing. Swimming top to...
  9. Pitty27


    (I'm sorry if this is a repeat thread). Hey guys, I know there is a ton of stuff on Google about care and details on these wonderful little floppy discs, but I would really like to hear what everyone can say about their behavior from personal experiences. I've noticed some cues my pup will give...
  10. AG458

    Weekend Vibes

    My endli is absoultely DONE with the week and ready for the weekend :)(Should I post a tank update soon?)
  11. Kiryoku

    Are My Discus Showing Pairing Behavior?

    I have 1 larger discus and 1 smaller discus (barely larger and smaller about the same). I rehomed a discus from my girlfriends house which is the larger one, I went out and bought another one at my LFS. Me and the shop owner took the time to try our best to pick out the opposite gender based on...
  12. AG458

    Ok then...

    Just another normal day in my tank. What are some odd places you've found your polys in?
  13. N

    My rainbow doesn't want to eat...

    Hi. I want to ask. I just recently bought a 5 cm rainbow shark yesterday. I put him in my temporary 20 gal tank that already have 2,5 - 3 cm black tetra, which there are 3 of them and one leopard bush fish. I am not intending to add another fish since it is pretty much overstock i know. But he...
  14. mattybecks

    What are these polys doing?

    Hi guys, I have taken a video however this site dosnt seem to allow me to post it. So you only have a few pics. There are 2x polyeptrus Seneglaus in this 5ft 100gal, along with syndontis, Oscar and some SDs. So the Polys rub up right next to each other, top to tail, and start rubbing their...
  15. clm08k

    Poly being ostracized?

    My smaller female moke (moke 1)has been sitting in the left hand corner of the tank almost all day today. I saw her on the right side of the tank for a second. But the larger moke (moke 2) had the smaller mokes finlets in his mouth again. Moke 2 is so gentle, so it’s very bizarre. Over the past...
  16. AG458

    CK Needs Live?

    I recently bought Hikari sinking carnivore pellets for my fish. My juvenile pbass like loves them and eats them before they hit the ground. My pleco will try to eat them if they sink. However, my CK will not eat them. He's looking thinner than normal, and I don't want him to starve. I also don't...
  17. AG458

    Black Ear Shark Catfish Twitching?

    So this morning, I noticed my black ear shark catfish was twitching while swimming. He wasn't going crazy or anything; he was swimming very slowly, and every now and then he would make some jerky movements that were definitely not normal. His mouth would open whenever he twitched; it almost...
  18. AG458

    CK scraping on the ground?

    My CK, who I've had for around a month, has survived all of the water changes that occur during the first week of a new tank setup. Recently, he has started scraping his side on the ground. And before that, he developed a small bump on his left side. The fish store I bought him from told me that...
  19. AG458

    Black Ear Pangasius Going Nuts?

    So I've had my black ear pangasius for a little while now, and he is starting to gain confidence as a member of my tank. However, at random times, he'll go absolutely nuts for no reason. He will swim from one side of my tank to the other at lightning speed. He'll hit the glass so hard I can hear...
  20. AG458

    Nocturnal-only pleco?

    Hi guys- I bought a small pleco a while back-around 2 1/2 inches long-and he enjoys staying in the one cave (so far) in my tank. However, that's all he does during the day. He NEVER comes out. The only time he came out was the day I put him in my tank; he also only comes out at night. Is this...