java ferns

  1. MetalRavioli


    Heyo all! So, I;ve had a planted tank for a while now, and my recently set up 90 gal is a planted tank. The already set up tank is a 29gal with some fluval stratum or whatnot, with some generally easier plants. Java ferns, jungle val, (I think wisteria?) amazon sword, and a few other ones...
  2. amazontank

    Current USA LED lights

    I had a question on the remote settings. I have a 46 gallon bowfront with the 36" current USA led lights. The tank will have a freshwater angler fish and dozens of giant marimo balls, anubias, java ferns and java moss on driftwood. Can someone let me know the best settings on the remote and for...
  3. amazontank

    Anubias, Java Fern and Marimo Moss Balls Best Led's

    I am gonna try again my luck with plants! I just bought a couple dozen giant Marimo Moss Balls, a dozen Anubias and a dozen Java Ferns. All low light for a 46 gallon bowfront what is the best led light to purchase and how long should I leave it on? My options were the finnex plant light...
  4. xDestro

    Super glue underwater

    I just got in some lace Java fern and Anubias barteri Nana and I want to attach them to a piece of driftwood in my tank... I would like to avoid using fishing line or zipties as I feel as though it would "bug" me lol so could I take the piece out and just super glue the plants in place? I'm not...
  5. xDestro

    Enough lighting?

    I just ordered some Anubis and Java fern so I can start attacking it to my driftwood to add a "planted tank" look to my 75. As of now I just have a marineland led strip... I know this is not ideal at all but for these plants is it enough? I leave it on for about 11-12 hours a day... BUT I have a...
  6. Randy West

    Java Java Java

    I am considering real plants in my 29g with EBA,pleco,cory,platys,guppies and a fiddler crab. I have been informed...multiple moss and java fern. How easy are they? Any tips for setup and growth?
  7. amazontank

    Ztremeled light advice

    Hope everybody is having a great day. I had a question for the plant legends on mfk. I just got a Xtremeled Model XLED-130. I have a pair of jumbo black ghost knifes in a 240 8x2x2 and half the tank is full of Mother Anubias, giant marimo moss balls and java ferns! My question is can I just use...