peacock bass

  1. Blakewater

    Want to Buy  Cichla Mirianae / Cichla Pinima

    Looking for someone who has one or both of the above mentioned Cichla under 8". Either in Northern CA or who is willing to ship. Price is not an issue. Thanks for looking! :grinyes:
  2. Blakewater

    Off to a Rough Start

    So while my 325g tank is finishing cycling I decided I’d start purchasing my grow outs and keep them in my 55g acrylic quarantine tank (that my fiancé decorated so colorfully). The first guy showed up today, a 7” Spider Kelberi but I had a couple questions about his current health as it’s been a...
  3. Jush

    Want to Buy  Azul Peacock Bass

    Looking for Azul Peacock Bass either 3-5 inch or 8-14 inch, if you have a size not listed still let me know, may be able to work something out. I'm from the North-West of the UK, in Preston/ Blackpool (PR3) I can often collect, as prefer not to ship bass due to friends having dead on arrivals...
  4. Blakewater

    How Many Cichla Can I Cram Into A Glass Box?

    In all seriousness.. how many pbass, if say I went with smaller species like Kelberi and Intermedia, could live life comfortably in a 96x30x26? Theres enough filtration for a fully stocked tank twice its size so thats not an issue. Just want to know how many swimmy bois you guys think I could...
  5. gotin20

    Peacock bass curvy gills?Is anyone know why my fish gills start looking like this

    I think my fish got some kind of Gill disease !What do you think fellas?
  6. Blakewater

    Good Sites To Order Rare PBass?

    Just wondering if any of you guys know of any good importers of rare peacock bass? I already know of Fugu, Ebays sellers, Aquascapeonline, and Aquabid but I have yet to see certain species outside of the normal 5 or 6. Species Im particularly interested in are Pinima, Jariina, and Nigromaculata.
  7. gotin20

    Please ID my peacock bass

    ID peacock bass please?
  8. Ashan Kavinda

    Cichla (Peacock Bass)

  9. Mfowlie626

    Need quick responde. Can anyone ID?

    Anyone know what species this is?
  10. a_dilshan

    My Kelberi and Orino

    Sharing my Cichlas Large Kelberi around 11” Smaller kelberi around 7” orinos around 8” Follow me on instagram Dilshan_mfk Videos
  11. LBDave

    Luther In Color

  12. Bassjedi

    Another 650g update

    Here are a few pics I took of my 650g. My bass now range from 7-13". No casualties in the tank other than the Arowana that was attacked and fatally wounded by the largest bass. I'm pretty sure he was trying to eat it despite it being longer than him. That was a real bummer. Anyway, enjoy...
  13. ukgoffer

    FS - Large Peacock Bass

    I am selling 3 15” Intermedia Peacock Bass $150 for one, $275 for two, $400 for all three. Pellet trained Pick up only - Westport CT (near exit #17 off I95) PM if you want to see more pics.
  14. KelberiFishLover19

    Peacock Bass Help

    I have an RTC with my PB and lately they have been chasing each other around and fighting. The bass has gotten beat up a bit and has these white dots on her head along with some marks. Also, she hasn’t eaten in 2 days. Was wondering if this is potential HITH or if she is just beat up and...
  15. Ashan Kavinda

    Peacock Bass ( Cichla )

    Peacock Bass ( Cichla ) Need Your Support Follow & Share “mfk_srilanka” on Instagram Official IG Account for my #Fish_Photography
  16. Ashan Kavinda

    Blue Azul <3

  17. Mr geophagus

    Peacock bass in a 10 gallon

    Hi. I’m thinking about picking up a baby peacock bass (he’s about 3 inches right now) to put in my monster fish indoor pond, but he is too small. I plan on keeping him in a 10 gallon until he can move up to a 55, then a 75 and then the pond. What are your thoughts?
  18. KelberiFishLover19

    Cabelas/Bass Pro Giant Tank

    Anyone been to a cabelas or a bass pro and seen their giant tank? Usually they just have LGM Bass, bluegill, catfish, trout, etc. All the fish are usually found commonly in all states ponds, lakes or rivers but they come from a farm. I went to a Cabelas near me and was just watching the fish...
  19. LBDave

    Luther Photo Op

    Took a little time off work. Cleaned the tank. Grabbed the camera. Photos taken with a zoom. Swear he knows I am taking his picture. Is this a dog or a fish? GOOD BOY LUTHER
  20. KelberiFishLover19

    Red tail catfish question

    I have a red tail catfish that is 5.5 inches and a bass that is 8 inches. Not in the same tank now but was wondering if they could be or would the bass eat the catfish? Also all the catfish does is sit on the bottom of the tank I have him in and doesn’t move. Is this normal? I know they’re known...