About those fuel prices…

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MFK Member
Nov 4, 2014
Toronto Ontario, Canada
Just insane everywhere. Exploding gas prices impact grocery and others
Pet food prices have gone crazy as well .
Not too sure when and how it's gona stop. Oil prices went up when Hurricane Katrina hit and never came down since then
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Peacock Bass
MFK Member
Dec 6, 2018
The corruption in the financial market right now is making the U.S economy even worse. Things are gonna get really really bad for the economy. We are already in a recession. It's a matter of time they admit it


Bronze Tier VIP
MFK Member
Jun 19, 2006
Datnoid Island
I wanna say something pithy and philosophical this morning, but I’m just tired and sick and upset. Fortunately I know that everything in our lives run in the boom and bust cycle, and with the bust this sharp, there is certainly a boom to follow.

My biggest concern in life is not the economic situation. I am very much afraid that our media has decided that since we’re not going to have a nuclear war and ordinary wars are just too boring to keep people interested on the news, that we have to have a race war.

As far as I can see they’re doing everything they can to start one. They are dredging up every petty problem and scratching old injuries . . . basically just aggravating everybody with a manufactured culture war, and shoving everybody in each others faces in a confrontational manner.

I think there would be push-back on this from our government, except that the people in power seem on board with the whole idea.

They may pay it some lip service, but then they turn around and stoke the fires.

Just remember the boom and bust problem. Today’s bust begins tomorrow’s boom. It’s just the manner of all human progress.

It does not go in a steady line, but by jumps and limps and struggles.
I think the media/gubment thing is the other way around.I could be wrong about that but they are definitely in bed together.
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Peacock Bass
MFK Member
Nov 27, 2018
Long Beach
There was a guy (in charge) who threatened to outlaw and close all stores and websites that sell tropical Fish and fish stuff. At least he would do whatever he could to make this type of business difficult if not impossible. No new stores, limited importing, laws and regulations etc. etc.
So the owners and investors of tropical fish retailing decided to get into another business as they could see the light that this type of business was a no win situation.
Low and behold unbeknownst to anyone millions of fish keepers could not get the fish they want or supplies they need.
Millions of fish keepers could now not afford the hobby or keep their fish healthy and happy.
The now small number of tropical fish retailers could now charge top dollar as the competition was nil. These limited number of retailers were collecting what they could before they too had to close.

Millions of upset fish keepers. A mad mob of fish keepers. Now upset that they couldn’t get what they need and if they could it cost hand over fist.
So the guy in charge now fearing the huge angry fish keeper mob decided to act and act fast.
He promptly fired off some angry letters to the remaining fish retailers telling them they better lower their prices “or else”. Get us more fish and lower your prices he demanded.
The retailers were perplexed. Is this the same guy who wanted us closed?

Next the guy in charge told the people to quit complaining and that this angry mob would not be tolerated. They were branded “terrorists” by the guy in charge.

Needless to say things just got worse. And the retailers just scratched their heads again. Didn’t this guy want to close us down? And now he wants more fish?


MFK Member
Jan 3, 2006
Why are gas prices high? "A rare combination of economic and geopolitical forces now manifest themselves at the gas pump. The economy’s rapid recovery from the pandemic created more demand for gasoline, pushing prices higher. Then, the invasion of Ukraine led to a global backlash against Russia, which produces more oil than all but two other countries. So prices went higher again." (https://www.washingtonpost.com/business/interactive/2022/why-gas-prices-so-high/)

Reality is that CORPORATIONS and OPEC could expand production. But they'd lose money if they did.

Reality is also that this is a GLOBAL issue and oil and gas prices are based on GLOBAL MARKETS. So assigning blame to any country's particular political leadership is nonsense. As is the idea that recent, past decisions to build or not build pipelines to export more oil... or to open more drilling now or in the recent past would somehow affect supply in the global market enough to affect things significantly.

So what can governments do to lower prices? Ease taxes on gas (you know the ones that pay for our road repairs), increase supply from the petroleum reserve and pressure oil producers like OPEC and Venezuela to increase production.

What can we do? Drive less. Drive a higher efficiency or electric vehicle.

Filled up my 50-ish mpg Prius for $4.99 per gallon the other day.


Peacock Bass
MFK Member
Nov 27, 2018
Long Beach
There was a guy (in charge) who threatened to outlaw and close all stores and websites that sell tropical Fish and fish stuff. At least he would do whatever he could to make this type of business difficult if not impossible. No new stores, limited importing, laws and regulations etc. etc.
So the owners and investors of tropical fish retailing decided to get into another business as they could see the light that this type of business was a no win situation.
Low and behold unbeknownst to anyone millions of fish keepers could not get the fish they want or supplies they need.
Millions of fish keepers could now not afford the hobby or keep their fish healthy and happy.
The now small number of tropical fish retailers could now charge top dollar as the competition was nil. These limited number of retailers were collecting what they could before they too had to close.

Millions of upset fish keepers. A mad mob of fish keepers. Now upset that they couldn’t get what they need and if they could it cost hand over fist.
So the guy in charge now fearing the huge angry fish keeper mob decided to act and act fast.
He promptly fired off some angry letters to the remaining fish retailers telling them they better lower their prices “or else”. Get us more fish and lower your prices he demanded.
The retailers were perplexed. Is this the same guy who wanted us closed?

Next the guy in charge told the people to quit complaining and that this angry mob would not be tolerated. They were branded “terrorists” by the guy in charge.

Needless to say things just got worse. And the retailers just scratched their heads again. Didn’t this guy want to close us down? And now he wants more fish?
Then the people watched MSNBC and realized all is well and that the man in charge (and his advisers) are very brave and smart.
So all was well in LaLa land.
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