Another dog biting story


MFK Member
Sep 8, 2014
I quoted it in it's entirety in my opening post.
Not that its my place, but by the sounds of it the parents are liars due to their obliviousness. I could be wrong, it may be the animal shelter lying but either way the parents still need to see their error as well.


Goliath Tigerfish
MFK Member
Sep 2, 2009
Austin, Texas
Here's what I did find after more searching.

Neville has gotten a stay of execution until Oct 22nd

AUSTIN (KXAN) — A municipal court judge will reconsider his decision to have an Austin dog euthanized, according to Austin Pets Alive.

On September 22, the dog, Neville, bit a young child while a family visited the animal at Austin Pets Alive. The shelter says the child grabbed the dog and that his parents had been asked not to let the child on the ground.

Wednesday, the judge issued a temporary stay of destruction until October 22, when he will reconsider the decision.

A spokesperson for the shelter said, “We are very thankful for the judge’s willingness to consider our arguments and our lawyers will continue to fight for Neville’s life.”

A petition to save the dog has reached around 200,000 signatures online.


Probation Member
Probation Member
MFK Member
May 16, 2011
Hello; At some point the child that was bitten by this dog will ask questions or perhaps have some very bad moments. One thing that might comfort the child, to my way of thinking, could be the knowledge the dog is put down and will never be able to cause harm again. Not just gone somewhere else and still around. I imagine that some will not be willing to acknowledge this point, but what would you say to such a traumatized child?

From the limited information in this thread a couple of things seem apparent. One speculation is that the shelter people in some ways dropped the ball. They apparently warned the parents about the potential danger of the dog with the small child, but went ahead and let them have it.

Another is that this was not a well loved pet the family had for sometime. Some have pets that are cared for like being apart of a family. Such apparently was not the case as the parents are reported to want the dog put down.

It would be of use to know why the dog was in a shelter in the first place.