Are rays better off in high ph/tds waters


MFK Member
Nov 10, 2009
Not intresting to watch. It's obvious there is something to this, but yet everytime I ask any sort of water parameter questions here I get the same answer.....

Don't mess with it. Rays breed in any water.

Well, rays might breed in any water, but my rays don't seem to like to breed in my water and I seem to have years of the same luck.
Your bang on bro just like dW says

And using ro your not messing with anything theirs a big big misconception. All you are doing is making something more optimal.
If you can do something better why not.if it doesn't need fixing why fix it ,is the mentality of everybody .but if you can do it better do it! Theirs no science behind. Most people that have a good aquatic background could easily run ro no problem.full proof way is mixing.more advanced is straight ro, this is where ppl see issues

Just Toby

Fire Eel
MFK Member
Apr 22, 2010
Guildford UK
Davidw, I think T1 meant that a captive bred ray in our tanks is stronger than a wild caught ray entering our tanks due to exposure to parasites, stress of shipping, adapting to eating in captivity etc....

My pearl is in ph 7.8 with fairly hard water, he has some really dark blacks and my marble has good colouring, they are breeding now....could they show better colours in softer water...probably. BUT I run a drip and would not want RO without remineralisation and I also don't like the waste of RO therefore the drip works for me and I know my water is stable (monitored 24/7 for ph, temp, and redox by aquatronica with alarms)

I agree with davidw that rays have adapted and evolved to amazon water and they are best off in those conditions but they do seem to thrive on stability and many rays die if ph crashes etc...


MFK Member
Nov 10, 2009
Toby wtf is the point of using ro just to add minerals back ? Rays get minerals from foods.

You think a wild ray also doesn't do well because exposure to parasites? I guarantee theirs more parasites and bacteria in your aquarium than in the wild regardless if you use uv or not.aquariums are incubators.i would love for somebody to chip in here that's actually knowledged on how gross aquarium water really is.
The reason wilds die is because people are retards.a good solid wild ray is as strong as any if treated proper from step one.


MFK Member
Nov 10, 2009
You spend all this money on ro and waste 75% of what you produce only to add back what you just took out , I Now see why you don't use ro.

I've even heard of guys on here running ro dripping it into their tanks and dripping the waste water into the same tank?? Some ppl are retarded

Just Toby

Fire Eel
MFK Member
Apr 22, 2010
Guildford UK
Calgary, this is really basic cannot argue they get minerals from food and don't need it from RO, it is just basic biology and chemistry as we are not talking about the same minerals.

The reason to take out everything with RO is to get rid of the rubbish and the unknowns you then add back in the good stuff. If you do not understand that then you should not be messing with RO and certainly not arguing about it.

AND can you explain where you get this misconception through that tank water is dirtier than the amazon, my rays are captive bred, they eat gamma irradiated food and I run 2 slow flow uv. Where would these parasites come from? The bacteria that we would worry about could be less than the wild and 99% of wild caught rays would be carrying some level of parasite. Tanks may be pretty nasty in terms of bacteria, many people get food poisoning from tanks but this is not what we are discussing.

RO has nothing to do with bacteria or parasites so don't know why you are bring that up.

I have used RO extensively in reef keeping and understand what it is and what it does, re-mineralisation is the key and fish kept long term in RO straight with no other added water often die of lateral line erosion (where they have one) and other health issues. I can see how some people mix 50/50 and I understand that, it is not for me due to the waste water and I would prefer to use 1 source of water as a known quality, therefore I use hmac.

Just Toby

Fire Eel
MFK Member
Apr 22, 2010
Guildford UK
Step one for a wild ray is often being hooked on a fishing line, it then spends days or weeks in poor water whilst getting to the shipping, it then ends up on planes or boats before finally leaving the water that is now full of ammonia and low on oxygen to be dumped in to a holding tank before shipping off to a distributor and then often on to a shop to be fed a diet alien to it and kept in one of your "dirty incubators" which is smaller than anything it has been trapped in before...some of those owners then put them in RO water thinking the minerals that buffer the water may be helped by some minerals in food.

Captive bred rays are not exposed to most of these stresses before they get to their home, they know no different and the parasites that inhabit the body are at a constant as opposed to a stressed wild ray in por water where the balance of parasites get the better of the ray in its weakened state.

I agree that some people are retarded but we just differ on which ones we think they are lol.


Mantilla Stingray
MFK Member
Feb 9, 2012
West Jordan Utah
Sorry to get in the middle. Setting up a drip and I really don't want to deal with a ro unit even though I got one with the tank I got. Should I just dose prime into the tank daily weekly every few days or what do allot of you do? 600 gallon tank I am thinking 1-2 gph drip. My water is chloramine, No chlorine what would you guys think would work good? Be the best for stingrays?

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Just Toby

Fire Eel
MFK Member
Apr 22, 2010
Guildford UK
Sorry to get in the middle. Setting up a drip and I really don't want to deal with a ro unit even though I got one with the tank I got. Should I just dose prime into the tank daily weekly every few days or what do allot of you do? 600 gallon tank I am thinking 1-2 gph drip. My water is chloramine, No chlorine what would you guys think would work good? Be the best for stingrays?

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I originally used a dosing pump to add dechlorinator and chloramine remover, I wouldn't recommend it though as you always run out at the wrong time. You would need to dose prime at the same time.

I would recommend the hma with the extra c chamber, t1 and others using the drip seem to be able to source the pods from cheaper sources but I bought mine from devotedly discus in the uk ( heavy metal axe), I am sure they sell similar in other countries, essentially you need the carbon membranes plus the one that removes chloramine which is pretty nasty stuff for fish.

motoro magic

Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Apr 2, 2011
I've used neat RO in my tank for the last 4.5 years with no ill effects. I have healthy breeding rays and other stock in with them. My water parameters are constant and the only thing i have changed is the temp (lowered by 6 degrees) 4 months ago. I agree that rays need constant water parameters to thrive but some rays are just hardier than others be it wild or tank bred. My tank runs at 80 degrees PH 6.5, GH 20, KH 30 NO3 10/15 PPM depending on how much food is added to the tank. Thats my input on this subject.


Mantilla Stingray
MFK Member
Feb 9, 2012
West Jordan Utah
So question never used a chloramine filter before with all my fish and I would be just about 100 percent sure my friend who breeds rays does not filter for it just puts prime in with weekly water changes why all the sudden would I need a filter for it? Just trying to fully understand as I want a good setup for them but some stuff seems not needed. Like people using aquarium water to rinse a filter I never do that I use the hose.

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