Aussie natives Stocking.

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
Sounds like an epic tank! Would it not be too many fish tho? I'm getting an 8ft tank soon and would love to stock it with a similar list. I have already 3 salmontail catfish, they're awesome fish, would love a platinum or golden barra
I bought another filter to run in combination with the sump to take filtration to around 13000LPH, the tank itself holding 1100L and the sump a further 250L or so. So filtration is pretty beefy.

I'll cut back to 1 eel. Trying to get rid of a stupid short neck turtle before I do any of this though.

Need to catch myself some salmon tails! Love those guys.
And congratulations on the 8'! What are the dimensions? :)
WOOT , i figured out how too post : )

-- Only native's i currently own are 2 archer fish, toxotes jaculatrix & toxotes microlepis

And they surely hate each other, but do live together.
Just caught a murray cod the other week in the dam. He's about 6-7 inches in a 40 breeder (only temporary when he gets too big he's going back into the dam). Woke up the other day to a frog on top of the tank so I chucked it in with him and in about 2 seconds he had inhaled it. I just heard a big slam and got a little bit wet! Not aggressive but VERY predatory. Great fish put up an awesome fight too
Joining for inspiration. I'd love a 6ft tropical community ank but I am just so scared of heating costs. So I'm thinking a cold water setup. What is there out there in way of peaceful schooling fish?
Othe than that, if I did grow up a yellow belly would he/she get a rich yellow belly in a tank? I really wanted a planted tank but I know they would dig up all the plants. At least my Murray used too.
Joining for inspiration. I'd love a 6ft tropical community ank but I am just so scared of heating costs. So I'm thinking a cold water setup. What is there out there in way of peaceful schooling fish?
Othe than that, if I did grow up a yellow belly would he/she get a rich yellow belly in a tank? I really wanted a planted tank but I know they would dig up all the plants. At least my Murray used too.
Rainbows would be best.