Debt Collector Problem


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Sep 16, 2007
Mansfield, Texas
They can't do jack... except be a royal pain in your arse. But beex is right, it's a small, unsecured debt; they'll be happy to get anything at all from you so they can cover their cost of buying (which might be as low as 10% of the original debt). What can you do? Call them and let them know they can either 1) take what you offer them (offer them the original amount, be nice) or, 2) send a bad hit to your credit score (kinda bad for you) and never get their money (bad for them).

They'll play ball.

Rays of Sunshine

Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Mar 20, 2010
I worked for a collection agency years ago. The agency will buy your debt from the credit card company and charge the fees they wish. If you decide to do a settlement in full (less than the $400.00) make sure you request the settlement in full offer letter that clearly states the agreement between you and the collection agency. You will be given a time frame in which to pay. After that date, another agent can change the price.

Pay via check, money order, credit card by Mail. Some agencies will continue to debit your checking account and credit card from your payment by phone. It will then be PURE HELL for you trying to get your money back!!! The collectors have your money and you are no longer needed. They will not, nor will they be allowed to constantly dig to find out why your account keeps getting charged.

If you pay less than is owed, it will be clearly stated as such on YOUR credit report. Sometimes this is viewed negatively by creditors. Regardless of your decision, MAKE SURE YOU GET THE COLLECTION AGENCY TO send you receipt that it was paid. Without this, you will be sent to another agency that will add more fees. This will more than likely happen anyway as the debts are constantly sold to other agencies.

As a former collector, I will give you this advice...Stay on top of this, 1-6 years later, it will probably show up again. Keep all paperwork, no proof showing it was paid, means they will pursue. You can send CERTIFIED proof also. Also send a certified letter stating the debt has been paid and you wish to have no further calls. Certified mail means your mail was accepted by a person at the address. Keep that receipt also. You can also tell them the date it was sent and if you continue to receive calls, you can pursue it legallly.


Jack Dempsey
MFK Member
Aug 28, 2008
Ignoring this can damage your your credit score. I had a $20 doctor bill on mine that I didn't even know about. They didn't have my address or phone number so they could not contact me. I didn't find out about it until I checked my credit report. I paid it but it still will take 7 years before it drops off my report.