Do they make dentures for cats?


Redtail Catfish
MFK Member
Jan 26, 2020
Canton SD
WOW, your cat is a hard core "I hate to be confined and doubly hate the vet" type.

Call your vet to see if they are willing to provide you with a medication that you can dose your cat prior to his visit to relax/calm him down a bit. Ideally you will need to know his weight to get the correct dosage.

I'm surprised the vet tech didn't/isn't using a cat muzzle during treatment even if it's a brief time.
Well like I told her "your going to want to wear gloves, he hates the vet and other animals and will act like a feral cat when confronted with such things" it just makes it even worse having both present at the same time. I'd say he weighs roughly 7-8lb he looks skinny but definitely has a bit of weight to him. Normally he loves ppl and will let you do almost anything to him as long as he's getting attention it's just the moment he's in the car that all thought and logic goes out the window for him and he's reverted to being a wild cat again. I think it all stems from his first ever visit to get his nads chopped off. Lol least to say the cardboard carrier didn't last long maybe 5 mins tops, just long enough to race him over to the vet and get into the waiting room.


Balaclava Bot Butcher
MFK Member
Dec 30, 2015
They certainly do make dentures for cats. I think this fellow looks quite fetching in his new pearly whites.



Silver Tier VIP
MFK Member
Mar 26, 2008
Medina, Ohio
^^Good one!!

On the news last night they played a clip of dog Milo the Jackapoo from Wales with dentures in his mouth. If you can find the video, put the sound on and enjoy a good laugh by the owner.
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The Fish Doctor
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MFK Member
Nov 15, 2005
Somerville NJ
cats and dogs should be able to manage dry food well even with no teeth. Have you ever looked at their vomit? Food typically isn't too chewed. If your cat is having trouble with dry food might be worth a trip to the vet to make sure everything is ok


Redtail Catfish
MFK Member
Jan 26, 2020
Canton SD
cats and dogs should be able to manage dry food well even with no teeth. Have you ever looked at their vomit? Food typically isn't too chewed. If your cat is having trouble with dry food might be worth a trip to the vet to make sure everything is ok
Yeah his was always very pasty. My cat might have been a weird one then because he is a very slow and careful eater, always chews his food for a bit before grabbing another bite even with wet food. Even with wet food he still takes about 5mins to eat only half a can. Granted like I said earlier tho I got to take him to the vet anyways because he needs to get that cavity removed before it causes any major problems. Need to talk to the vet first to see if there's anything we can give the can at home to kind of sedate him prior to his visit, otherwise it's going to be a major pain for the vet to deal with a cat that's going to act feral. Either going to take him to the one in town here or up in Sioux falls, ain't going to bring him back to that country side vet again after what happened last time.


The Fish Doctor
Staff member
MFK Member
Nov 15, 2005
Somerville NJ
Yeah his was always very pasty. My cat might have been a weird one then because he is a very slow and careful eater, always chews his food for a bit before grabbing another bite even with wet food. Even with wet food he still takes about 5mins to eat only half a can. Granted like I said earlier tho I got to take him to the vet anyways because he needs to get that cavity removed before it causes any major problems. Need to talk to the vet first to see if there's anything we can give the can at home to kind of sedate him prior to his visit, otherwise it's going to be a major pain for the vet to deal with a cat that's going to act feral. Either going to take him to the one in town here or up in Sioux falls, ain't going to bring him back to that country side vet again after what happened last time.
Ask your vet about giving him gabapentin before the visit
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Redtail Catfish
MFK Member
Jan 26, 2020
Canton SD
Ask your vet about giving him gabapentin before the visit
That a kind of sedative I'm guessing? Either way anything to keep him calm will help immensely. Now I just wonder if I can put it into his food without him noticing it.


MFK Member
Mar 2, 2017
New Zealand
That a kind of sedative I'm guessing? Either way anything to keep him calm will help immensely. Now I just wonder if I can put it into his food without him noticing it.
I really wish vets would provide medication in syringes. It's really soooo much easier to give the average cat a shot compared to giving them a pill.
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Redtail Catfish
MFK Member
Jan 26, 2020
Canton SD
I really wish vets would provide medication in syringes. It's really soooo much easier to give the average cat a shot compared to giving them a pill.
Yeah idk how they do it here. Never really had to do anything like this for another animal before. I doubt he'd like me sticking a needle into him tho but he'd probably cooperate with me more then he would with the vet so it's worth a try atleast.


MFK Member
Mar 2, 2017
New Zealand
Yeah idk how they do it here. Never really had to do anything like this for another animal before. I doubt he'd like me sticking a needle into him tho but he'd probably cooperate with me more then he would with the vet so it's worth a try atleast.
They typically don't even notice the needle. Assuming it's something that doesn't need to go into a vein(That's probably not practical at home) you just lift the skin between their shoulder blades and poke the needle in. Easy.