To drill a tank properly (as said above) you need a diamond hole saw bit, like the one below. You can actually see the diamond crust on its edge

And you need to be sure the glass is not tempered.
Most manufacturers put a warning on tanks these days.

If you try to drill a tempered tank, what I did in the video below will happen.
The tank below didn't have the sticker, so I guessed, and guessed wrong
This is what happens.......
Below I tested on an old piece of non-tempered glass.
I have drilled about 10 tanks so far, and considered non-drill able tanks almost useless, because I use sumps.

And you need to be sure the glass is not tempered.
Most manufacturers put a warning on tanks these days.

If you try to drill a tempered tank, what I did in the video below will happen.
The tank below didn't have the sticker, so I guessed, and guessed wrong
This is what happens.......
Below I tested on an old piece of non-tempered glass.
I have drilled about 10 tanks so far, and considered non-drill able tanks almost useless, because I use sumps.
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