Help me keep my ALANTIC STINGRAY long live and happy!


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Apr 22, 2005
South Texas
Redtail_Watcher;523690; said:
no! that is a new one that i got to grow it out so i can start fresh and to be able to breed RTCs an mabey one day possibly sell them! you should look through the whole fornt page before you start your assumptions!

It is from the stress!

I'm really, really WEIRD! But.... in the end, alot of pople amit that they like me!:) :D

Kind of funny, no matter how much stress I am experiencing it never affects my communication skills or my literacy.:grinno:


MFK Member
if you buying some fish (big fish) you must first know the information about that fish before you buy it !!!!

in holland we are busy with some other guys from P-fury.NL to try that people first get information before they buying some fish JUST GUYS LIKE YOU !!! if you buy a house do you buy it also if you have no information ????? i don't think so ! so next time when you buying big fish, first information it's much better then this " Help me keep my ALANTIC STINGRAY long live and happy! "



MFK Member
Mar 22, 2006
wow added another 2 pages huh...well im only 13(14 nov.) and i maintain a 235gallon tank all by myself and has only had 1 death(well 3 the black arow ate 2 small fish) but he was small and got beat up and was dead when i got home....anyways i have kept my black arow alive for a good atleast 6 months and have doubled him in size...and am working on my stingray order so i think age has nothing to do with it....its the time and dedication you are willing to put into something more than the age that you are...i know people lets say 23 that couldnt maintain a 235 gallon fish tank....and i researched a good 6months before my tank was finially set up and running...and have been reading up on stingrays for a long time on this fourm and in books....


Stingray King
MFK Member
Jul 2, 2005
Spokane, WA
Age has very little to do with acting 'Grown up'..

Let me rephrase, This person is not 'mature enough' to care for exotic animals. It's frusterating to those of us who dedicate alot of time and thought into making these animals viable specimens in captivity. HOWEVER, when some dolt who half-asses everything in life comes along and dosn't do research and has bad judgement, which in turn creates a misconception of the hobby or animal he cares for, it could be bad for all of us. Not to mention a waste of time.

Example: Kid buys stingray, Has a book, thinks he knows alot.. Puts stingray in Undersized tank, and it dies. Tells friends, "Stingrays are hard to keep."..

= Misconception

Example 2: Kid buys stingray, Has a book, think he knows alot. Gets stung by the Stingray, Stingray injury report hits media, Stingrays deemed dangerous animal, banned from keeping them. "Stingrays are dangerous"..

= Bad Judgement ruins it for all

I wouldn't really care as much, but the problem is this guy just recently killed a Motoro with the exact same ignorance. Then what does he do? Rushes out and purchases an even harder to care for animal that he knows little to nothing about, and runs to MFK asking for help.. In the end, we will all know what will happen to the stingray, and we all know what message he will portay to anyone who asks about his Stingray. "It was too hard to keep, and it died.".. when he should really be telling people "I didn't know what the hell I was doing, and it died."..


Giant Snakehead
MFK Member
Sep 19, 2005
London UK
you know what i used to attack this kind of forumer all the time

but i must be getting old as i feel bad when i do it now so try to stay away from it

we know nothing about this guy he chould have a learning problems that we dont know about the internet may be the only contact he has with the world and he feels he needs to lie to fit in

their are a few users that i have seen do this and some do come accross like they are taking the piss

but hey if this is what he gets off on then leave him to it its only himself he is kidding


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Jul 26, 2006
Columbus, Ohio
I have no learning problems! Yall just will find any to say and make it negative.... IF i did i wouldn't have my job. So what if i wrote a few typos, it is not like it's going to hurts you. I'm not a person like my slow as computer processor when it over heats.(it's when i can't see the word on the screen for a while.)

also half the time i don't think to much when i just got home from work and i'm just tired. (I work at night.) Yes there is a kid inside of me somtimes but i do take my work and fish keeping seriously. that is why i asked around to know more about my Alantic stingray, because my book dosen't cover alot of about it.

I didn't rush out and just buy my A. stingray. it was there, at my Lfs It was just there while i was getting roses for my electric catfish. It was at a cheap price. so i just got it.(and hoping i won't make the same mistake) i also I diecied that i won't buy anymore stingray if it didn't live for more than a year.(i got othere matters like getting ready to get a house and built my dream tank 12x30ft.
but my stingray is still alive and doing well. it is in it's 4x4 pond by it'self. i use my 50gallon water power head to filter the water for now until i get a 350g water pump, -later.

Stone Like Fish

MFK Member
Nov 15, 2005
Queensland, Australia
Updated pics of the ray please, we are all yet too see it in the 4'x4' please