Five days ago I took my previously unused but full of water and bio medium 55 gallon fish tank and did a whole rehaul on it. I left in the original substrate and bio medium after cleaning out the filter and I set it up for African cichlids, I have not added any fish to it yet but I was wondering if somebody could help me with a few pieces of it? Since this fish tank had been running two years without a ton of maintenance done on it and no fish in it, I did a complete re-haul and cleaned almost everything, I did a 90% water change and cleaned the filter thoroughly. I was wondering how long I have to wait before introducing the fish that I already have for it and going out and buying new fish? I am also looking at some specific species, I already have a red zebra Cichlid male and want to get 7 females for him (I have wanted to do a breeding group for a while and this was the suggestion that people gave to me) this will also be in multiple months as my red zebra cichlid male is very small. I am looking at getting a regular bristle nose pleco as well, and I have had multiple people suggest I get a small group of synodontis catfish but I have no clue what species specifically, it helps if you give me scientific names. I also want to add a species of snail to keep the glass more clean so I don’t have to wipe down algae as much, but I don’t know what species for that either. Any help is severely appreciated.