Henlei Group Just In

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MFK Member
Jun 11, 2009
southern indiana
you have no ****ing idea who you are talking too.
i live in arlington virginia..bring your fat trucker ass here. 540 272 7856 is my number.
i am calling you out badass.. come here.
Calling now answer pal ;)

Sent from my iPhone using MonsterAquariaNetwork app
Good talk venom"

Now everyone let's all do what we can to help these poor rays

Sent from my iPhone using MonsterAquariaNetwork app
all that and a sexy voice too?
u heartbreaker.
lol wish i could have heard this call. sounds like its now time for blk and venom to talk too....please record this one though

its sad to see rays looking that skinny but they will def become your favorites for how much hard work you will be putting in with them. glad 2 of the three are eating. water changes and good water will hopefully bring the third around. i would keep the sand that is in there put as the less changes the better at this time. maybe when they get better do your changes.

and as far as shawn goes im neither going to defend or bash him everyone can make their own decisions on who they buy from. one thing alot of people have gotten away from is vids of the ray eating before being bought and just more pics before the purchase. when going wc there will always be more problems than a captive bred but imo it makes the ray worth it more when having to care for it and nurse it up to where you want it. it gives you a sense of accomplishment. yes it hurts to see such skinny rays being sent out but who knows ray5 might have had prior knowledge of this and feels confident enough in his abillities to turn these guys around.

my past purchase from shawn is doing great and im glad to have him. so will this thread keep me from buying from him again? prolly not if i see something i like for the right price i will buy it. i am just informed now to ask for a pic of the ray when it is in his posesion before i buy. when doing prepays the importers surprise is the buyers surprise as well. thats why 9 times out of 10 i will wait until the buyer has the ray at their facility before i purchase. sometimes you dont have this option though and chances are taken sometimes they pay off and others dont.

Venom Stinger

Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Jan 22, 2006
lol wish i could have heard this call.
it was sweet. touching really. i wish everyone could have heard it because it would have brought a tear to everyones eye.
i think we have a bro-mance happening. its quite special. i love him.
and i have MFK to thank.


MFK Member
Nov 4, 2008
The rays will be fine. Just keep things simple.

I was going to stay out of this but seeing how quickly this escalated I just wanted to say that from my experiences with Shawn, he is a good dude to deal with. He is one of the few people I would buy rays/fish from with no hesitation. We are definitely lucky to have him here in MN.


MFK Member
Jan 6, 2009
just a thought or two if you dont mind.
you might want to change to a sand that doesnt stick to them..and i think it would be best to get the rocks and wood out for a couple reasons.
1. your rays could hurt themselves on the points of the wood and rocks and in the shape they are in they might not be strong enough to fight an infection.
2. could trap alot of food in there causing a spike.

just imho..

he is a stunner.
This for me is the most constructive advice so far, I would even go a stage further and remove all decor, sand and switch the lights off(Go glass bottom). I do this with all new imports, did it with a couple of Henlei a few years ago that arrived in a similar state, i'm pleased to say both survived and are now doing very well.
Why do I do this?..Because new rays have an instinct to bury themselves for long periods, this is a problem when adding live foods ie river shrimp, night crawlers and even live fish,these foods simply escape and the rays inherent need to bury out weighs its need for food in many cases, the trouble is time isn't on the rays side once in this state, the quicker it feeds the better chance it has for a full recovery. Now I for one only use live fish as a last resort and with these Henlei thats exactly what I did, they simple refused everything till the day I dropped a few deformed Cichlids in with them, the response was alarming.

Seems there's a mixed response regarding the deals Shawn has done, some really like this guy some of the comments less favourable, I would give him the benifit of the doubt, the thing is like everyone knows your only as good as your last deal, no one remembers all the good ones before that which is a shame.

Anyway like all the other members on here I wish you and your new rays the best of luck.


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Jan 27, 2012
Basement of Rays
Thanks Im actually going to take that feed back and take everything out for now I cant agree with you more but I wasnt exspecting these rays to be in this state thats why I had the tank setup like this .

I would also like to state that people need to stop using my thread in other threads it figures only people from jersey would act that way mind your f-ing business, and let the adults handle this matter. Children will always speak when not spoken to thats why they are still children. I would think that there still are people out there who have the respect and have been brought up with manners to just keep their mouths shut but thats not the case with this thread. I now know why people said to stay away from this site bunch of f-ing flammers.

DB junkie

Gold Tier VIP
MFK Member
Jan 27, 2007
You need to get your head out of your ass!!!. Nothing but bad things about this guy. Those rays are in horrible shape & you know it!! If some one shipped you those rays you would be having a fit to no end!! Thin garbage that should have never been sold/ shipped
You need to learn to friggin read. I HAD someone ship me skinny rays. Guess what I did? Nursed them back to health and am happy to have them, and the last thing I'm gonna do is post pics for dumbazz people like you to judge. You guys would have a hayday draggin my guy through the mud for skinny rays but I on the other hand am happy to have been dealth with cause it's stupid ass fingerpointers like yourself that makes it tough for real hobbyists to even get rays. The guy that sold me my rays doesn't typically deal with us (US) because of this very crap going on here right now. If you don't know rays well enough to take a gamble then don't. It's really that simple. But instaed you gotta jump on here to help make sure justice is served and there's yet another vendor that just can't seem to please the internet experts here at MFK.

Thin garbage shouldn't be sold? Then maybe all under/over weight babies should be killed too huh? Maybe we should just cull all the people in the world that rely on meds?

Maybe you should just keep your mouth shut.


Jack Dempsey
MFK Member
Dec 9, 2008
Coon Rapids, Minnesota
You need to learn to friggin read. I HAD someone ship me skinny rays. Guess what I did? Nursed them back to health and am happy to have them, and the last thing I'm gonna do is post pics for dumbazz people like you to judge. You guys would have a hayday draggin my guy through the mud for skinny rays but I on the other hand am happy to have been dealth with cause it's stupid ass fingerpointers like yourself that makes it tough for real hobbyists to even get rays. The guy that sold me my rays doesn't typically deal with us (US) because of this very crap going on here right now. If you don't know rays well enough to take a gamble then don't. It's really that simple. But instaed you gotta jump on here to help make sure justice is served and there's yet another vendor that just can't seem to please the internet experts here at MFK.

Thin garbage shouldn't be sold? Then maybe all under/over weight babies should be killed too huh? Maybe we should just cull all the people in the world that rely on meds?

Maybe you should just keep your mouth shut.



MFK Member
Sep 22, 2010
You need to learn to friggin read. I HAD someone ship me skinny rays. Guess what I did? Nursed them back to health and am happy to have them, and the last thing I'm gonna do is post pics for dumbazz people like you to judge. You guys would have a hayday draggin my guy through the mud for skinny rays but I on the other hand am happy to have been dealth with cause it's stupid ass fingerpointers like yourself that makes it tough for real hobbyists to even get rays. The guy that sold me my rays doesn't typically deal with us (US) because of this very crap going on here right now. If you don't know rays well enough to take a gamble then don't. It's really that simple. But instaed you gotta jump on here to help make sure justice is served and there's yet another vendor that just can't seem to please the internet experts here at MFK.

Thin garbage shouldn't be sold? Then maybe all under/over weight babies should be killed too huh? Maybe we should just cull all the people in the world that rely on meds?

Maybe you should just keep your mouth shut.
Why would a vendor be calling him to give advise on how to nurse the rays back to health. Because they were no good to begin with! This is not the first time Shawn did a switch & bait with rays, its an old story.Skin & bones with dented foreheads, give me a break....


MFK Member
Jul 15, 2008
Why would a vendor be calling him to give advise on how to nurse the rays back to health. Because they were no good to begin with! This is not the first time Shawn did a switch & bait with rays, its an old story.Skin & bones with dented foreheads, give me a break....
+1, Since the buyer wasn't bothered about the condition of the ray he received even though he wasn't expecting them to be like this. I guess we shouldn't be adding more fuel to the fire.
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