I think this needs to be addressed again

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MFK Member
Aug 20, 2009
Eugene, Or
I personally think pacu, rtc, tsn, arapaima, etc etc should be banned from sale. Esp paima though. Unless you have something that's 10000+ gallons you have no business owning one.

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You do realize they only grow to the size of your tank?

All sarcasm aside, I think it's a slippery slope banning sales if you want those who can afford to do so to own them. They can't go straight into a 1000000+ gallon tank at the size most are sold at. So you have the allow people with "plans" to buy them. Once you start banning things, they're hard to get back.

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Senior Curator
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MFK Member
Dec 31, 2009
Naples, FL, USA
Been discussed to death over the years and forums. People butted heads over this and got hot. At the moment, it is an intractable problem mingling freedoms, economics, adequate animal care, invasive sp problem, ethics, animal psychology / cognition, etc.

IIRC, there are two most likely outcomes: either education of the hobbyists at large makes big strides and they start acting more responsibly or the "nanny-ness / police-ness" of our country(ies) will continue to rise stepwise (more and more bans and regulations, fed and state) to protect animals and nature from its own citizens, who seem to treasure freedom most sacredly but not knowledge, hence, including the freedom to remain uneducated and, oftentimes, ignorantly vile.


Blue Tier VIP
MFK Member
Aug 30, 2013
New Mexico
Work at a petstore for a while and hear all the horror stories of how these monster fish are typically kept and short lived.

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MFK Member
Sep 18, 2014
Land of corn


MFK Member
Apr 6, 2015
bristol, pa
Some of us actually upgrade.

When I started on here i had a 29 gallon. I now have over 14 tanks and I'm about to setup a 300 gallon were not all like that :D:D:D:D:D

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I started keeping fish with a 10 gallon. I then went out and got a 29.i went over to the lfs and told the kid working I wanted a bigger fish that grows fast so he asked me what size tank I had. He then proceeded to point me in the direction of about 100 little Oscars in a tank. He said it would be perfect for my tank as it would only get 6 to 8 inches as an adult. So I bought it. After months of him growing and me reading about Oscars I determined I needed a bigger tank. So I jumped right to 125 gal, where 7 years later he still lives. I now have a 75 gal display tank in the living room and 4 tanks ranging in size from 55 to 125 in the basement. Anyway I think a major problem is lack of education on retail and consumers part. People don't know what they are getting into and when they ask the lfs, they are clueless as well.

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Blue Tier VIP
MFK Member
Aug 30, 2013
New Mexico
You can't compare the mfk community to the people you typically meet at lfs. In my ~3 years there I meet two people that I didn't want to strangle.

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Blue Tier VIP
MFK Member
Aug 30, 2013
New Mexico
Anyway I think a major problem is lack of education on retail and consumers part. People don't know what they are getting into and when they ask the lfs, they are clueless as well.

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This is funny. So the store I worked won't sell monster fish like rtc or aros. But employs people that can't care less about the animals.
The two(only one remains) lfs that sell monster fish are ran by people that know all too well about the problems these fish can cause or go through and choose to order/sell monster fish to anyone and everyone.

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MFK Member
Apr 6, 2015
bristol, pa
This is funny. So the store I worked won't sell monster fish like rtc or aros. But employs people that can't care less about the animals.
The two(only one remains) lfs that sell monster fish are ran by people that know all too well about the problems these fish can cause or go through and choose to order/sell monster fish to anyone and everyone.

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Yea the lfs by me sells it all. They will have 3 rtc at 18 inches each inside a 125 with a couple good size pacu. The worst part about it is the owner and manager are both very knowledgeable about fish when I've talked to them. They hire high school kids they can pay cheap. It all comes down to the almighty dollar.

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