iPhone pffft! THIS is the phone to have!!


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Sep 8, 2010
Raleigh, NC
Good post cardona. The thing with the smaller screen on the iphone...are those phones with larger screens physically (particularly NOTICEABLY) larger, or do they just make better use of the real-estate available? I can't STAND large phones and I greatly appreciate how small the iphone 4 is. I'm ok with a smaller screen given that the phone itself is small.

4g...like I said, I wasn't sure. I hear all this hubub about 4g LTE and the like so I'm figuring it must be that they're still working out whats actually going to take over. Like blu-ray vs whatever that other type of disc was. I completely agree that the next rendition has to be 4g compatible, they're shooting themselves in the foot if its not.

The problem with getting my gps checked out is that it performs just well enough just often enough that any time we try and show anyone the problem or take in to be looked at...it doesn't happen:p While I'm sitting in my house it consistently puts me houses down across the street (in a neighborhood) for instance. And thats on wifi with 2 3g bars. Oh well. I've gotten used to it.

I guess I'm somewhere between average user and super-nerd. I like to have quality products and take full advantage of them however I can, but it doesn't bother me at all that I can't browse my phones file-system or use apps that aren't available in the app store. Lack of 4g doesn't upset me at all because I'm still comfortable on a 3g network... I'm able to stream music over spotify consistently and at great quality on 3g, and thats about the most network intense thing I do. iTunes is my media player of choice anyways so I could care less that I don't have options there. It would be different I'm sure if I weren't using an Apple computer, but I am ;).

I might keep an eye out for a cheap used android phone that I can pop my sim card into for a while, but I feel pretty certain that I'll be making my 3gs last until the next rendition of the iphone and grabbing that when it comes out.

Another thing to think about...an October release is not normal for an iphone. They usually come out in june. I'm wondering if the 4s was just a proto-type in progress that they decided to release based partly on Jobs and the transition to the new CEO.


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Jun 5, 2007
South of Heaven
Yeah there's definitely a size difference in this phone. Comes down to personal preference. I'm starting to like big phones and big screens. Makes the 3.7" screen on my Droid look tiny! Here's a good side-by-side of the Galaxy Nexus and the iPhone 4S, and some sample camera photos from each. They seem to be pretty comparable.
