iPhone pffft! THIS is the phone to have!!


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Jun 5, 2007
South of Heaven
After Apple's disappointment, all eyes will be on Samsung/Google next week on the 11th. I've been waiting to upgrade for months now and I've been holding off for this phone. I just hope they don't pull a huge upset, and it comes out soon! Check out the specs on this monster


Samsung Galaxy Nexus full specs revealed; Verizon Wireless exclusive

By: Jonathan S. Geller | Oct 6th, 2011 at 09:30AM

Well, now that Apple has announced the iPhone 4S, there’s only one other flagship on the horizon that people are eagerly anticipating and that’s the Samsung Galaxy Nexus. Codenamed “Nexus Prime,” the Galaxy Nexus is a phone we have scooped on numerous occasions, and now we can paint a complete picture of the device thanks to new information from a trusted source. Here’s what Samsung and Google will unveil next Tuesday:

  • Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich
  • 9mm thin
  • 4.65-inch 1280 x 720-pixel Super AMOLED HD with curved glass
  • TI OMAP 4460 dual-core Cortex A9 processor clocked at 1.2GHz
  • 1GB of RAM
  • 32GB of built-in storage
  • 5-megapixel camera on the back, 1.3-megapixel in the front
  • 1080p HD video capture support
  • LTE/HSPA depending on carrier
  • Wi-Fi a/b/g/n
  • NFC
  • 1,750 mAh battery
We have confirmed that the Samsung Galaxy Nexus will be a pure Google Experience device without any third-party UI or modifications, so no TouchWiz on this one, guys. Also, one notable feature of Ice Cream Sandwich? The ability to monitor each app’s data usage on the device. Lastly, we’re still hearing that the Galaxy Nexus will be a Verizon Wireless exclusive here in the U.S., so it’s time to check out those contract end-dates if you’re on another carrier and you plan to scoop up the latest pure Google smartphone.


Bronze Tier VIP
MFK Member
Jun 19, 2006
Datnoid Island
Since you won't be getting the Iphone you can keep that statement above your avatar.


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Jun 5, 2007
South of Heaven
Ha! Good thing too, cause I didn't want to have Li change to iLove Apple :D


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Sep 8, 2010
Raleigh, NC
I'm not too sure I understand the huge disappointment with the iphone 4s. They did everything except change the case and put a 5 on it. Whats lacking?

also, maybe I'm missing something significant, but whats the point of curved glass?


MFK Member
Sep 15, 2009
mmm ice cream sammich.


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Jun 5, 2007
South of Heaven
I'm not too sure I understand the huge disappointment with the iphone 4s. They did everything except change the case and put a 5 on it. Whats lacking?

also, maybe I'm missing something significant, but whats the point of curved glass?
Yeah, I think they pulled a dumb marketing move on that one. They basically made a brand new phone on the inside. Why not add a new chassis and a bigger screen and call it the iPhone 5 like people wanted? The public would have gone nuts. Instead they kept the same shell and called it a 4S. For me personally, the lack of 4G/LTE and no Flash support is a deal breaker. While I wouldn't mind having that camera, lighting fast download speeds, being able to stream HD video without buffering and viewing all web content with Flash is more important to me.

Curved glass makes the phone more comfortable to hold against your face for phone calls. This isn't the first Nexus phone with curved glass. The Nexus S 4G has a curved profile.


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Sep 8, 2010
Raleigh, NC
Ah that makes sense about the curved glass I guess. The flat screen doesn't really bother me, but mabye thats because its all I've had aside from the flip phones that came before it.

As far as 4g/lte, I guess it depends on where you're located. I haven't heard anything other than hype with it. That is to say, I've read in a couple of places that it doesn't actually make much difference with the currently available networks and you're paying a premium for little to nothing.

Also, if Apple isn't lying about what they've done with the hardware/software, the 4s is just as fast as a 4g/lte phone anyways.

I have a few thought processes on why they held off on naming it the 5.

1) If they had gone with the 5 it would have been attached to Jobs and not Cook. The way they've done it, even if the phone is already pretty well developed, if they release it next year and it does well, Cook will likely get a pretty vote of confidence from the public which is a huge thing considering the way Apple WAS Jobs and visa versa.

2) They didn't feel quite ready to up the number yet. I'm sure some people had this very same discussion when the 3gs was released (I don't know, thats when I jumped on the bandwagon and I just bought what was new at the time). They could have just gone ahead and made the 3gs the 4 and then we'd be looking at a 6, but the 3gs did just fine. Also, its october, this isn't when iPhones are normally released, the 5 might still be right around the corner in the middle of next year.

3) This could definitely be a really bad move on apples part. They're expected to completely revolutionize things with every new product and every upgrade now. If the iPhone 5 isn't a significant hardware upgrade along with a sweet new design & software to back it, they might feel a bit of a sting from the public.

And so far as flash, yeah that one still pisses me off. I understand there might be reasoning behind it from a business stand-point, but seriously thats been crippling to the iphone all along. I wish they would just allow it.

Personally I'll be upgrading to the 4s very soon, skipping the next model and waiting for 2013 for another upgrade. The way I see, they've set a trend of release a new model & then give it a significant upgrade/fix whatevers wrong with it the next year. So if I get the 4s then I've got the upgrade, wait for the 5 release and give them a year to work out the kinks & top-out the hardware in that and I'll snag the '5s' or whatever it might be.

(FWIW...this is an apple house, me & wife both have iphones, we share a macbook pro & an ipad, I'll be picking up a second ipad as soon as we can afford one. I just like apple's way of doing things :))


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Jun 5, 2007
South of Heaven
^ Yeah good points.

But I will tell you, 4G is definitely no hype. My area has had full 4G coverage for several months now. I've done some speed test on a few 4G phones and the speeds are blazing. I've seen download speeds of 12-18mbps and upload speeds of 3mpbs+. In comparison, I see 1-2mpbs download speeds with 3G. Streaming video and watching HD videos on Youtube (and embedded in websites thanks to Flash support) is flawless and without a hiccup. You can download app/songs in a matter of seconds.

But what I'm pretty sure is hype's is Apple switching antenna thing, claiming users will see 4G speeds. Now I'm not an IT/communications/infrastructure expert, but I simply don't see that's possible when you're on a 3G network with limited bandwith. How they claim to achieve 4G speeds on a 3G network is beyond me. Another thing to note is they said "theoretical" speeds. Sure, the new hardware may allow download speeds of 14mbps, but there's no way in hell you're gonna see that from your carrier when your device cannot connect to their 4G networks.