is Willits,California a good place ?


MFK Member
May 26, 2013
It should really just be it's own state. Sort of a different culture, different slang, NINER fans, colder weather, I could go on and on. I don't know, it's just not for me.
There have been a few tries in the last few years to break away because like you said the two sides of the state really are to different, in every aspect of life. It's nice to hear someone from SoCal say it also

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Red Devil

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MFK Member
Feb 23, 2006
United states of America
There have been a few tries in the last few years to break away because like you said the two sides of the state really are to different, in every aspect of life. It's nice to hear someone from SoCal say it also

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Are the people really this different.. the culture etc...

pacu mom

Goliath Tigerfish
MFK Member
Jun 8, 2006
northern CA
Absolutely. In SoCal if you drive the speed limit, you will probably cause an accident for driving too slowly. Lots of redneck loggers and lots of growers in the Emerald Triangle. Years ago in Southern Humboldt County, there was a community performance of the Messiah. If there was a love of music, you participated, gardener or redneck, it didn't matter. There was a lady with perfect pitch who could sing a note to start the whole choir. She was an amazing musician. During one rehearsal, I was struck with the irony of singing the Messiah in church with the strong smell of marijuana emanating from the person next to me. I figured she must have been trimming her buds that day. I practiced dentistry for about six months in Southern Humboldt County, considered to be the heart of the emerald triangle. Someone actually came in the dental office to ask if the dentist (me) would accept buds for dental work. The office manager happened to be the CHP Captain's wife. She told that grower off. The hygienist said a patient stopped her in the middle of the cleaning and rubbed something on her gums. When the patient was questioned, it turned out to be cocaine she had used. I had grown up in an ultra conservative environment, and went to parochial schools and Christian universities. I had never been exposed to that culture before I lived there. The culture in the Emerald Triangle is absolutely different....there may be places on Maui that rival it. Indeed, many of the growers after fall harvest would winter in Hawaii and make it back home for spring planting.

Red Devil

Nice to meet you and welcome to MFK
Staff member
MFK Member
Feb 23, 2006
United states of America
Absolutely. In SoCal if you drive the speed limit, you will probably cause an accident for driving too slowly. Lots of redneck loggers and lots of growers in the Emerald Triangle. Years ago in Southern Humboldt County, there was a community performance of the Messiah. If there was a love of music, you participated, gardener or redneck, it didn't matter. There was a lady with perfect pitch who could sing a note to start the whole choir. She was an amazing musician. During one rehearsal, I was struck with the irony of singing the Messiah in church with the strong smell of marijuana emanating from the person next to me. I figured she must have been trimming her buds that day. I practiced dentistry for about six months in Southern Humboldt County, considered to be the heart of the emerald triangle. Someone actually came in the dental office to ask if the dentist (me) would accept buds for dental work. The office manager happened to be the CHP Captain's wife. She told that grower off. The hygienist said a patient stopped her in the middle of the cleaning and rubbed something on her gums. When the patient was questioned, it turned out to be cocaine she had used. I had grown up in an ultra conservative environment, and went to parochial schools and Christian universities. I had never been exposed to that culture before I lived there. The culture in the Emerald Triangle is absolutely different....there may be places on Maui that rival it. Indeed, many of the growers after fall harvest would winter in Hawaii and make it back home for spring planting.
how interesting.. is the crime rate low..are they more or less a peaceful type ... something like the people in the florida keys... they seem to have a world all of their own..oblivious to all thats around them........ thanks for all the info.....


MFK Member
May 6, 2012
Over there
I agree with Rob. NorCal is just not for me but I also live in SoCal. My family goes up there at least twice a year to visit family and they are completely different. I'm definitely not gonna trash it cuz there definitely are a lot of cool places to go and lots of cool hikes to go on but I'm a surfer and the surf just isn't as consistant up there as it is down here. I just could never get used to the place and we've been going up there ever since I was born and probably will continue to for the rest of my life

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Goliath Tigerfish
MFK Member
Jan 19, 2007
Laguna Beach
I agree with Rob. NorCal is just not for me but I also live in SoCal. My family goes up there at least twice a year to visit family and they are completely different. I'm definitely not gonna trash it cuz there definitely are a lot of cool places to go and lots of cool hikes to go on but I'm a surfer and the surf just isn't as consistant up there as it is down here. I just could never get used to the place and we've been going up there ever since I was born and probably will continue to for the rest of my life

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You forgot to mention the ''Landlord''. I once paddled out at this spot in Humboldt. It was massive, but the paddle out must have been half a mile. We each rode about 3 or 4 waves when we heard a splashing sound about 200 yards away. Then the seagulls started going off. At that point we noticed the red slick of blood in the water where a great white had just attacked a sea lion or harbor seal. Needless to say we paddled our ***es off back to shore and never returned. Since that day I refuse to surf anywhere north of south side Seal beach.

Oscar Mike

MFK Member
Oct 9, 2010
I moved from the bay area to the central valley for college and you could tell if someone was from norcal or socal after talking to them for 30 seconds. Most of us had never met someone from the other side but our whole dorm went to In-n-Out the 2nd weekend of school and made fun of eachother the whole time about how everyone from socal said chill and people from norcal said hella. The dialect and culture is even more different than the slang. I'd say there's 4 distinct zones in CA: Norcal goes from crescent city to redwood city and is full of farmers, retired people, and these emo hippie hobos they call scrodes; the bay area is a 2 hour diameter around SF and is probably one of the most diverse and overpriced places on earth; the central valley goes from stockton to Bakersfield and is full of cows, immigrant workers, and druggies; and socal starts an hour north of LA and is full of millions of workaholics, beach bums, and valley girls. It's weird because people in the bay area and socal don't ever really think about eachother, but people in norcal and the central valley HATE them. Talk with one of them for long enough and they'll tell you all about how we're taking their water and jobs and spending all our money on expensive houses and cars. It's a completely different lifestyle in central and northern CA.

Speaking of Willits, that's actually the place I came the closest I've ever come to dying. My old roommate and I drove 4 hours to visit our friend who had dropped out after the first year to help his dad with the family "business". The next morning we decided to go shooting on top of the tallest mountain in the area, and our friend was driving like 40mph and drifting around every corner in his truck the whole way up these dirt switchbacks. We told him to slow down but he said "don't worry, people up here drive on dirt roads better than the freeway"... well on the way back down he was doing the same crap and about 3 miles up he started fishtailing. I was in the back and held onto the drivers seat headrest for my life as he swerved towards the cliff, but when the front tire went over we suddenly turned back towards the mountain and the truck flipped, landing on its side 2ft from a power line. I could see the glass and metal crushing under me as I was holding my weight up with that headrest, and when it stopped rolling my hat was stuck under the truck. Somehow none of us were injured besides minor cuts but all I could think about were movies where the gas tank blows up, so I told them we had to get out NOW and pushed them out the top window by their shoes lol. After we climed out and looked at the road, you could clearly see where the tires had traveled in the dirt. We walked a few hundred feet up to where we almost went over the cliff and found a bush split in half where the front tracks vanished. If it weren't for that bush being in that exact spot the truck would have gone over with us in it. We were so high up you couldn't see the valley floor and the chp wouldn't send officers to help. Even the local tow company couldn't get up there but luckily my friend knew someone that owned a tow truck. I actually took a branch from that bush, wish I knew where it went so I could put it in a tank.


MFK Member
May 6, 2012
Over there
You forgot to mention the ''Landlord''. I once paddled out at this spot in Humboldt. It was massive, but the paddle out must have been half a mile. We each rode about 3 or 4 waves when we heard a splashing sound about 200 yards away. Then the seagulls started going off. At that point we noticed the red slick of blood in the water where a great white had just attacked a sea lion or harbor seal. Needless to say we paddled our ***es off back to shore and never returned. Since that day I refuse to surf anywhere north of south side Seal beach.
I've actually never heard of the landlord. I know there's an area out there that's the great white breeding ground but I've never known what it was called.

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MFK Member
Dec 10, 2010
Are the people really this different.. the culture etc...
Much... Then they all move to my state because they don't like all of the laws and crap, then they vote in their laws here and bring their crap:( Nor Cal is crazy, other than my friends from there ;)

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Goliath Tigerfish
MFK Member
Jan 19, 2007
Laguna Beach
I've actually never heard of the landlord. I know there's an area out there that's the great white breeding ground but I've never known what it was called.

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The Landlord is slang for Big Great White Sharks.