Lets play a game - How many snails are in Shadows tank?

The Masked Shadow

Redtail Catfish
MFK Member
Jul 19, 2020
Southern California (San Diego)
So, let's play a little game. I have a 55g tank that has no decorations, and only topwater plants (for algae). Snails entered the tank through the plants. most likely only a few. Over a month later, take some guesses for how many snail egg cases I found on the side of my tank, which have the dimensions of 18"x13". Guess before you read the next part. You better have taken your guess! Well, I have 27 snail egg cases on the 18"x13" piece of glass. 22!?!?!? And there are hundreds of egg cases in the tank itself. I am just amazed at how fast these snails will reproduce.

Anyways, how do I get these snails outta my tank? The tank is stocked with a 10-inch Delhezi Bichir, so if there are fish that eat them, that would be great. I 100% don't want chemicals. So how the hell do I get the snail population under control?


Silver Tier VIP
MFK Member
Mar 23, 2009
If you weren't the son of a Biologist, I would suggest Dimilin......game over!
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The Masked Shadow

Redtail Catfish
MFK Member
Jul 19, 2020
Southern California (San Diego)
The eggs look like this above water

If you weren't the son of a Biologist, I would suggest Dimilin......game over!
Doesn't this work only for land snails? Yeah, no pesticides. My mom did a whole report on how most rat poisons are super bad for the environment because whichever eats the rat will get the poison, and it greatly impacts the raptor population, which is decreasing at a rapid rate. Dimlin is an obvious no-go, but thanks for the reply :)


Redtail Catfish
MFK Member
Apr 19, 2021
I don't think it's a great idea to keep puffers with bichirs. I'm gonna say stick with loaches or maybe catfish of some kind for now. The only puffers I could maybe think of are amazon puffers, because they aren't prone to biting fish, and they do live in the same 6-8 pH range, but then again the bichir is considerably larger and more aggressive than them, so just sounds like trouble brewing


POTM Curator
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MFK Member
Aug 31, 2020
Amazons are a whole load of work on their own…
Schoutodini come from the same spot as dels, so if I had to pick a puffer that’s the one I’d go with. But mixing puffs and bichirs probably isn’t the best idea (nobody wants their poly getting a nice toxic meal).
Most loaches eat snails, but do have barbs that can get caught in sparky’s throat.
I’d say assassin snails are your best bet. They do as their name implies.
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