Mega Monster Dovii


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Apr 11, 2007
In a couple of year my little boy will be close. That is a very nice fish.

cchhcc;2648308; said:
Several photos on fishing sites, and the experience of collectors and researchers.

If the guy in the hat is in the 5'6"-5'10" range, this fish seems to fit the bill:

Of course, that doesn't mean all fish live long enough to get that large. Predation (especially from landlocked bull sharks in Lago Nicaragua) takes its toll on the large specimens, and some may not be genetically capable of topping the 30" mark.


MFK Member
Apr 20, 2007
reverse;2647963; said:
SO in your opinion would say a statement like this was inaccurate? I felt it was............

"There are plenty of 18"+ Dovii on mfk....Are you crazy? Just because no one posts pics in this thread in 30 seconds, does not mean you are right...I have seen plenty of 18"+ dovii in members from Washington state's tanks...Ted comes to mind."

Maybe I'll just put a single Dovii in the 450 I will be getting from 509stinger who lives in my town, and is a member, and on my profile, and built the tank, just in case you would like to know some facts before you act like you know anything. I can handle pressure, and feel like I can grow 'em with the best of 'em. 18"+ Dovii are possible in the home aquaria.


MFK Member
Aug 22, 2008
Gallatin, TN
I agree with the statements about the the Tennessee aquarium in Chattanooga. There CA setup is amazing and there Dovii's were easily pushing 20 inches if not closer to 24 inches. The tank had jags, loiselli's, midis, red devils, huge black belts, dovii, and maybe some others. There were several batches of fry in the tank as well. They had the largest black belts I've ever seen. Some of them were right at 16 inches and the dovii were at least 4-6 inches bigger.

Go see for your self if you don't believe us. It's well worth the trip.


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
May 31, 2006
Virginia Beach, VA USA
Regarding huge dovii, I've still only seen one (Twhittle comes to mind) or two posted next to a tape or something that provides scale (like Cichlidmaniac's arm).

I don't count the TN Aquarium fish as not many people can replicate that at home (and you still can't really tell how big they are, though they are certainly huge).

I don't doubt how big they can get. I just doubt that there are "plenty" 18"+ in home aquariums. I know of a few (Reagan, Dan -- ya'll out there?), and I've had a couple, but in my experience just about everyone adds an inch or two....... or five!

For a size comparison, I've had this umbee in my hands and on a ruler, so I know exactly how big he is..... and it's not 2 feet! : )

Keep in mind, I'm not trying to do anything with my comments other than point out just how difficult it is to provide these beasts with what they need to thrive. That they are so rare at large sizes says a lot.


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Apr 11, 2007
1000 gl indoor pond for my dovii.

The glass throws people off at the Chat Aquarium. If you ever get to go see the fish from above the tank take it. The 3 large Dovii were around 18-20 when I saw them last year. One is gone now I think.

I have told Chris many times the Dovii is not made for the home aquarium. I think if a fish never get to its max size something is wrong. Most standards say a Midas will get to 12" we have all seen one bigger. If a Dovii is healthy it would get bigger in a tank than it does in the wild. Lots of food no predators and so on.

With that being said my boy is doing good in the pond. 1000 gls with a 5,000 gl filter and the pond gets a 75% water change every week. When I put him into a tank to spawn him he just does not do as well.

I am not going to tell anyone they should not keep Dovii or Umbee, or any large growing fish, but think before you get one. Something is not right if the fish only grows half as big in a tank as it does in the wild.



MFK Member
Apr 20, 2007
cchhcc;2707118; said:
Regarding huge dovii, I've still only seen one (Twhittle comes to mind) or two posted next to a tape or something that provides scale (like Cichlidmaniac's arm).

I don't count the TN Aquarium fish as not many people can replicate that at home (and you still can't really tell how big they are, though they are certainly huge).

I don't doubt how big they can get. I just doubt that there are "plenty" 18"+ in home aquariums. I know of a few (Reagan, Dan -- ya'll out there?), and I've had a couple, but in my experience just about everyone adds an inch or two....... or five!

For a size comparison, I've had this umbee in my hands and on a ruler, so I know exactly how big he is..... and it's not 2 feet! : )

Keep in mind, I'm not trying to do anything with my comments other than point out just how difficult it is to provide these beasts with what they need to thrive. That they are so rare at large sizes says a lot.

Your post is informative (as usual) There are millions of Dovii in the US. If only a small percentage makes it to 18+, I want to know everything there is about getting past that. Is tank size the culprit. Are people un willing to dedicate a large enough tank to a Dovii?


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Nov 19, 2008
Bichir Alley
I'm sure it's a combination of tank size, and water quality... as is usually the case.


Peacock Bass
MFK Member
Feb 8, 2007
Clarkston, Wa
I don't recall if I posted this already, but here is my big guy after an ammonia spike (my own fault) killed him. :cry: I have a new 12 inch beauty I will be growing out though. :naughty:

