My festae finally spawned


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Feb 28, 2011
76F huh? so they like the water temps cooler


Retired MFK Admin
MFK Member
Aug 4, 2008
Definitely!! As the male matures and gets larger he'll get more comfortable and hold his bars longer. I like both looks tho so I'm.not disapointed when mine don't show bars;)
I like the look too but once you've seen him barred up you think he looks plain without it. He is really hard to get pics of. I'll get him though and post in here, trust me I'm on a mission now lol..

Congrats Justin, they look great!!!!!
Thanks Scott! I am really excited :)

Victory! Good job, Justin. They both look nice.
Thanks Al! It's been a while, how have you been?

Nice Justin! That pair is pristine.
I wish my bunch had made it:(

Funny thing tho, my pair is spawning too :)Just noticed them a few hours ago.
Must be that time of year.
How is your drip system set up? That would change my life.
can't wait to see updates...
Thanks Ed!!! Congrats on your spawn as well! The drip system has changed my hobby honestly. Not doing water changes and exceeding the amount of water I changed manually (without stressing the fish because it is changed slowly) is a night and day difference. One other thing I noticed is they behave differently with me. The only time I am there is to feed or shoot pics. I am not doing things that are invassive to their territory so they interact differently with me, in a good way. $150, 2 hours worth of work makes one wonder why everyone is not running on. Specs on my system are here:

Stunning pair, congrats Justin!
Thanks Neil!!! :D

76F huh? so they like the water temps cooler
Yes sir. I keep all of my tanks on the cool side, it cuts down on the aggression. My dovii male is insane at any temp above 78 degrees, over 80 degrees and he hurts himself hitting the tanks etc... 74-76 degrees is perfect for him IME. I like to keep the festae slightly armer than the dovii though.

Gruff Master

Jack Dempsey
MFK Member
Oct 27, 2009
St. Augustine, Fl
I've been doing well, Justin. I've just been very busy lately. Thanks for asking. I hope you and your family are well. I checked out your Drip System thread. It makes a lot of sense to go that route, especially with larger tanks. I'll definitely refer to that thread when I decide to try my hand at it. I'm sure your Festae and Dovii appreciate the pristine parameters. Again, the Festae look fantastic.

Dan F

Fire Eel
MFK Member
Dec 10, 2007
The female really is incredible, you don't see that much color on a fish very often, if ever!

Congrats on the spawn and good luck with the fry!


Fire Eel
MFK Member
Mar 21, 2008
where EVERY things LEGAL :)
congrats Justin !! once the eggs hatch your male should become more protective and hold his barring more, that is my experience anyways. I agree with you 100%, a male barred up is an AMAZING sight !!


Retired MFK Admin
MFK Member
Aug 4, 2008
I've been doing well, Justin. I've just been very busy lately. Thanks for asking. I hope you and your family are well. I checked out your Drip System thread. It makes a lot of sense to go that route, especially with larger tanks. I'll definitely refer to that thread when I decide to try my hand at it. I'm sure your Festae and Dovii appreciate the pristine parameters. Again, the Festae look fantastic.
Glad to hear your doing well!! Thanks for checking out my thread, I hope a few other people post their setups as well so people new to these systems have more options to see what works best for them. Once you pull the trigger you will never look back.

Very nice, the NW needs more of these.
Thanks Chris!

The female really is incredible, you don't see that much color on a fish very often, if ever!

Congrats on the spawn and good luck with the fry!
Thanks Dan! Something (a guy named JK47) tells me you will be getting some F1's very soon ;)

congrats Justin !! once the eggs hatch your male should become more protective and hold his barring more, that is my experience anyways. I agree with you 100%, a male barred up is an AMAZING sight !!
Thanks LOPAKA! Good to know about the males barring and fry. This is my first spawn/experience with this pair and the species in general. I am glad I'm not the only one excited about the male. Everyone knows what to expect with a breeding female but the males varry so much in color that it's almost more exciting to me to see how he turns out.


Fire Eel
MFK Member
Apr 7, 2009
Beautiful pair bro. Congrats on the spawn.