I am getting started tomorrow, going to buy a 120-130 us gal tank. I would like to keep two tiger Oscar’s in it. Would like to get them as juveniles. Was thinking of doing a sandy substrate, 6-7 heavier rocks and or drift wood on bottom. I would like to get a canister filter with the water heater built inside. Any recommendations on the make and model for that canister filter?. Also anything else that I could get to help . I was also thinking of buying a larger black ghost knife and keeping them with the two juveniles Oscar’s. Was thinking if oscars grew up with a black ghost knife being a larger one. They would be comfortable with black ghost knife as they grew past it in size in the short amount of time that would take. I’m just worried about finding the right size black ghost knife. If it’s a stupid idea please let me know. Any and all advice will be taken and used. I’ve had pacu’s in larger tanks and Africans , not together obviously. I have yet to have a oscar tank. It’s been something I’ve always wanted to do. Finally getting to it.