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New Oscar tank, advice please


Feeder Fish
I am getting started tomorrow, going to buy a 120-130 us gal tank. I would like to keep two tiger Oscar’s in it. Would like to get them as juveniles. Was thinking of doing a sandy substrate, 6-7 heavier rocks and or drift wood on bottom. I would like to get a canister filter with the water heater built inside. Any recommendations on the make and model for that canister filter?. Also anything else that I could get to help . I was also thinking of buying a larger black ghost knife and keeping them with the two juveniles Oscar’s. Was thinking if oscars grew up with a black ghost knife being a larger one. They would be comfortable with black ghost knife as they grew past it in size in the short amount of time that would take. I’m just worried about finding the right size black ghost knife. If it’s a stupid idea please let me know. Any and all advice will be taken and used. I’ve had pacu’s in larger tanks and Africans , not together obviously. I have yet to have a oscar tank. It’s been something I’ve always wanted to do. Finally getting to it.
I am getting started tomorrow, going to buy a 120-130 us gal tank. I would like to keep two tiger Oscar’s in it. Would like to get them as juveniles. Was thinking of doing a sandy substrate, 6-7 heavier rocks and or drift wood on bottom. I would like to get a canister filter with the water heater built inside. Any recommendations on the make and model for that canister filter?. Also anything else that I could get to help . I was also thinking of buying a larger black ghost knife and keeping them with the two juveniles Oscar’s. Was thinking if oscars grew up with a black ghost knife being a larger one. They would be comfortable with black ghost knife as they grew past it in size in the short amount of time that would take. I’m just worried about finding the right size black ghost knife. If it’s a stupid idea please let me know. Any and all advice will be taken and used. I’ve had pacu’s in larger tanks and Africans , not together obviously. I have yet to have a oscar tank. It’s been something I’ve always wanted to do. Finally getting to it.

Welcome aboard
I have zero experience with BGK so I can't help you on that part.
As far as wanting to keep two Oscar's I would suggest at least a 6X2X2 or better a 8X2X2. Mine grew out to 12 inches in a year. I then gave her to a fellow MFK member and last I heard two years ago she had pushed out to 14 inches. Oscar's don't stop growing just slows way down from and inch a month as a fry/juvenile.
Be ready for repetitive massive water changes. These big fish put out massive amounts of waste. A 12in Oscar's poops are as big around as a pencil three to four inches long. So for filtration I would go with as many Aquaclear 110's as you can across the back and clean one, rotating thru them all, each water change. I did 75/80% water changes every three days. If you want to go sump route all the better.

Honestly tho we should start off with your water peramaters. Oscar's are from soft, low PH water. When kept in hard water often they will get Hole in the Head disease.
It's a lot better to keep fish that thrive in the water source you will be using for water changes.
Tank decor for big fish has to be big enough that they can't move it. Big smooth rocks placed on the bottom glass so the Oscar can't under dig it and cause it to move possible braking the tank in the process. Big fish like to dig and they can move massive amounts of substrate quickly. I would leave the main pit alone and only worry about keeping the rest of the tank situated.

This is Toni as 14in
I have 2 tiger Oscar’s in a 4 ft. Long tank (20”x30”x48”)
Too small? Probably but they are a pair and they seem happy. They are really a crack up. They bump each other’s nose but never lock jaws or anything like that. They have a nest at each end of the tank.
They love to move the smooth river rocks and bump them into the glass. Love digging and spitting the gravel. Rocks hitting the glass would scare some people but we need some excitement in life,
Lets us know they are busy and having fun.
I have hard water and yes their foreheads are prone to some pitting but it doesn’t progress.
Sort of a ”ruddy” look on their heads.
Not much I can do about the water at this point. Almond leaves help a bit. Water changes super important.
My Oscar’s are only about 10” so I do believe tank size can affect growth.
I started with 5 Oscar’s and ended up with this pair. So based on what I went through having 2 Oscar’s pair up out of the gate is a crap shoot.
Should I have a larger tank?
I guarantee all my fish in all my tanks would vote for larger tanks. But such is life.
Maybe they are 11”. They sure are thick. BTW Oscar’s love to be around people. It helps if they have a buddy so they have stuff to do When no one’s around. I firmly believe a lone Oscar or even my pair like to be around people.
same with my bass.
They watch what is going on outside the tank.
I have zero experience with BGK so I can't help you on that part.
As far as wanting to keep two Oscar's I would suggest at least a 6X2X2 or better a 8X2X2. Mine grew out to 12 inches in a year. I then gave her to a fellow MFK member and last I heard two years ago she had pushed out to 14 inches. Oscar's don't stop growing just slows way down from and inch a month as a fry/juvenile.
Be ready for repetitive massive water changes. These big fish put out massive amounts of waste. A 12in Oscar's poops are as big around as a pencil three to four inches long. So for filtration I would go with as many Aquaclear 110's as you can across the back and clean one, rotating thru them all, each water change. I did 75/80% water changes every three days. If you want to go sump route all the better.

Honestly tho we should start off with your water peramaters. Oscar's are from soft, low PH water. When kept in hard water often they will get Hole in the Head disease.
It's a lot better to keep fish that thrive in the water source you will be using for water changes.
Tank decor for big fish has to be big enough that they can't move it. Big smooth rocks placed on the bottom glass so the Oscar can't under dig it and cause it to move possible braking the tank in the process. Big fish like to dig and they can move massive amounts of substrate quickly. I would leave the main pit alone and only worry about keeping the rest of the tank situated.

This is Toni as 14in
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How old is Toni now, about 5 or 6?