new to parrot fish, setup worries


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Feb 12, 2012
4x2x2 is 119 gallons. Roughly.

Gold fish are hardy. I have some in 80F now and do just fine.

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its probally 3 1/2 foot long and 18 inches wide. ill have to get an exact measurment tomorrow.

your catfissh is a Synodontis euptera aka featherfin synodontis ... not an upside down....
ive googled that result and found they are also called upside down cats though I may be wrong. I actually got this fish at walmart a few months ago. how big do these guys get? hes always upside down so the name fits this guy too aparentlty. is this a good tankmate for the parrots longterm? they seem to get along except when the catfish trails under them :)

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MFK Member
Dec 1, 2011
yup they are wrongly termed that way... the real upside down actually swims upside down... the feather just hangs upside down under the rocks, filter and driftwoods... they dont swim that way... they grow upto around 7"-9"... and having them with parrots is not a problem longterm....


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Sep 5, 2011
its probally 3 1/2 foot long and 18 inches wide. ill have to get an exact measurment tomorrow.
ive googled that result and found they are also called upside down cats though I may be wrong. I actually got this fish at walmart a few months ago. how big do these guys get? hes always upside down so the name fits this guy too aparentlty. is this a good tankmate for the parrots longterm? they seem to get along except when the catfish trails under them :)

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Is it a 3 foot long and 18 inches wide and 24 inch tall tank? if so 3 bps would be pushing it. It could work with 3. Just do lots of water changes.


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Feb 12, 2012
that sounds about right, I know the tank is at least sixty gallons however. I found a home for the goldfish today. but my catfish odly passed away in the same hour jumping from the tank, I found him a few minutes too late so im now down to the three parrots. think I can relax with the water now and just do a weekly water change? also out of curiosity I have an eight inch african spotted lungfish in a twenty gallon he shares with some tiger barbs. the barbs were for food but hes never ate them, he mainly prefers eartworms and hikari. ive been wanting to take down this twenty gallon to clear space and I know the parrots wouldnt last as tankmates in the longrun, or any tankmates at all but could I add the lungfish to the parrots sixty gallon for a couple of months? I know the parrots are way too large for him to eat at the moment, but im worried about overstocking..?


Fire Eel
MFK Member
Oct 7, 2010
Sorry about the loss on the featherfin, they can be pretty nice fish. I don't think having the lungfish in there would hurt much temporarily, you already acknowledge the risk of having a bp eaten. Bump the weekly water change up for waste control, you'll be ok for awhile. I housed 6 parrots in that size tank before, they were about 3-4 inches at the time and were fine. The parrots like to have caves or flowerpots to hide in, don't get stuff you can't see in - or you'll have an empty looking tank at time.


Fire Eel
MFK Member
Oct 7, 2010
oh, pic of true upside down catfish - notice the short fins. They sometimes carry them at Petsmart, LFS can probably order them too. They seem to max out about 6 inches and like to swim upside down at the surface.



Mean Cat
MFK Member
Jul 10, 2010
Oregon, it's part of 'Murica!
The tanks more than adequate for the parrots for life assuming the tanks around the size you originally said. They can breed around that size so it is possible they are courting but nothing will come of it. I will admit I am not on the up and up on lungfish but I would say neither tank is big enough for it and I wouldn't trust one with parrots.


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Feb 12, 2012
Thanks for all the help guys, i have a few more questions and im hoping you can ease my mind a little if you guys can help. I added the lungfish this morning and he hides during the day in his cave, right now after lights out hes just browsing the substrate for his hikari pellets. He seems pretty peacful for a lungfish but should i be worried? I know hes not at the size to eat or harm the parrots at the time and i know it wont work longterm but should i be okay for the next couple months with the 8 inch lungfish and the three parrots that are a little over two inches?

Also, now that im down to these four fish is my tank currently overstocked? Now that im down to these four fish in my sixty gallon with one 75 gallon marineland HOB filter and extra 20 gallon HOB filter how often and how much water should i be changing? Im hoping i dont have to do the daily water changes any more. My temp is 80f so ive added the ten inch air stone and the fish have plenty of hiding spaces. Ive read that parrots and lungfish tolerate a wide range of ph, should i be treating my ph anymore? I used to keep it at an even 7.0 but should i even worry about it?

Thanks for the help guys, can i relax now? Well atleast for a couple months lol..? :confused:


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Feb 12, 2012
Sorry about the loss on the featherfin, they can be pretty nice fish. I don't think having the lungfish in there would hurt much temporarily, you already acknowledge the risk of having a bp eaten. Bump the weekly water change up for waste control, you'll be ok for awhile. I housed 6 parrots in that size tank before, they were about 3-4 inches at the time and were fine. The parrots like to have caves or flowerpots to hide in, don't get stuff you can't see in - or you'll have an empty looking tank at time.
ill get some more pics tomorrow of the aquarium hidings spots and maybe you can tell me if I need to add more. my parrots sleep in their caves at night but are very active during the day dashing around and begging for food. with these four fish how often should I change my water now. I have a habbit of doing daily twenty percent water changes, would this be a problem?
The tanks more than adequate for the parrots for life assuming the tanks around the size you originally said. They can breed around that size so it is possible they are courting but nothing will come of it. I will admit I am not on the up and up on lungfish but I would say neither tank is big enough for it and I wouldn't trust one with parrots.
true but ive kept this lunfish in a community all the four months ive had him. im aware lungfish will not tolerate any tank mates but at his current size I think I could trust him for a couple months..

also could I introduce a small clean up crew of any kind for these fish? I was thinking of adding a small pleco to take care of the alage, but what could I add to take care of un eaten food and debrees? snails? crayfish?

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