

Fire Eel
MFK Member
Mar 30, 2005
guppies, and anything else that's small and you're willing to pay the money for.

use big fish pellets as the main diet if you can't afford the fish all the time.


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Apr 3, 2005
Selinsgrove, PA
ive been told that feeder fish arnt the best nitrionalyi found a beefheart recipe that works well Ingredients:

*500 grams (1 pound) beefheart
*350-500 grams (3/4-1 pound) chicken livers
*1 can of shelled green peas
*1 small packet of frozen spinach(150-200g)
*200 grams (1/2 pound) of prawns (I like to peel and head them otherwise they pass the shells and they end up sitting on the bottom of your tank)
*1 cup of fish food pellets crushed (soak this in some warm water to soften, they blends smoother if soft)
*1 packet of unflavored gelatine to bind


.....Its really quite simple, everything except the gelatine needs to be either minced or put in the food processors and made into a mince-like consistency. I recommend that you do each of the meaty ingredient in the food processor seperately and then combine all in a large mixing bowl. Its okay to blend all the veggies together. Once everything is blended up, combine it all in a bowl. Add the crushed fish food. Disolve the gelatine in a little water(as little as possible) then also add. Mix thoroughly. Line a baking tray with baking paper. Spread the mix evenly on the trays at around 1/4" (5mm) thickness. Place two layers of baking paper over the mix and keep repeating until the tray is full. Allow to set up in the refrigerator, when firm score with the back of a knife into equal serving size portions. Freeze. Once frozen break portions up and store in a container in the freezer.

You can add or not add whatever you like but avoid corn; it is indigestable to fish and causes problems.

Any other ideas on this recipe would be good.

Recipe by Tony Snell

Conversions by Adam Dagna

Important Notes:

This recipe makes an incredibly large amount of food. If you only have 1-3 large cichlids, very young, or small fish; I would recommend making the above recipe at 1/4 portions. This will make sure that it doesn't sit around in the freezer for ever while you try and go through it. I say this out of experience.

Also several people including the creator have burned out their wives blenders making this recipe. I recommend only using a good food processor, if you use a blender be very careful and add all ingredients slowly to insure the blade does not freeze up. Wives and girlfriends tend to be very unhappy when this happens.

.....I am not a scientist, ichthiologist, or veterinarian. This article is meant solely as an educational tool and not necessarily as a guaranteed cure. This is based on my own research and experiences as well as accounts of others experiences and has helped many people to cure their cases of HITH. I hope it helps you but I can not be held accountable if your fish dies after following the advice contained herein. Please feel free to email me with questions, concerns, and especially success stories at: Adam@cichlidfish.com.

Written by Adam Dagna (©2001-02)


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Jun 2, 2005
piranha45 said:
guppies, and anything else that's small and you're willing to pay the money for.

use big fish pellets as the main diet if you can't afford the fish all the time.
ok thanks. :cheers:


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
May 12, 2005
WckedMidas said:
55 gal will be out grown in aprox a year. Multiple feedings a day small quantitys will make them grow fast and i mean very fast. in a year they should be pushing 12 inchs give or take. Pellets are in my opp best food for oscars. feeders are worse food. feeders will make them sick and cause health problems for them. When i traded my pair of oscars in they were the best looking big pair the lfs has ever seen . and i never gave feeders. They were woprried about hole in the head . trust me pellets are best for em

What kind of palets have you used?
Is it any difference in quality betwen the palets you can find on the market?


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Jun 8, 2005
Northern VA
When I kept oscars it seemed to be that the debris from pellets polluted the tank more then "real food". I used to fed mine nightcrawlers and trained him to eat pieces of frozen shrimp (thawed out first).