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Stocking a tank with odd dimensions


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
I recently picked up a 33 gallon long, 48x12x12 and was wondering what anyone would recommend for it. It will be a planted tank and was thinking about doing a large school of tiger barbs but I already have a 20 gallon long with some corydoras and cardinal tetras. I was wondering if there was a singular or pair of fish that would fill the tank out or maybe something like a couple Pictus catfish any ideas are welcome
I recently picked up a 33 gallon long, 48x12x12 and was wondering what anyone would recommend for it. It will be a planted tank and was thinking about doing a large school of tiger barbs but I already have a 20 gallon long with some corydoras and cardinal tetras. I was wondering if there was a singular or pair of fish that would fill the tank out or maybe something like a couple Pictus catfish any ideas are welcome
33 is a very good size. People collect them around here, they get bought up as soon as they pop up. I have one myself.

My go to suggestion would be a pair of one of the smaller amatitlania (Rio mongo/claro convicts, HRPs, nanolutea, kanna). The length also makes it a good stream tank, in case you want to try US native minnows or darters or something. Of course these both don't involve plants, so if you're set on plants, you could do a pair of laetacara, Bolivian rams, anomalochromis, or any of the krib species. I recommend taeniatus for the latter, if you can find them. Don't do apistos, ivanacara, or blue rams, though apistogramma nijessini/panduro are exceptions. Dicrossus are also nice. With a four foot tank you might be able to get away with a pair of dwarf pikes, but don't quote me on that.
What are your tap water parameters? Is your water hard, with a higher pH, (i.e. above 7.6) or soft water with a low pH, 7 or below?
This info will help determine what fish fit with your situation.
33 gallon long is a great tank size, good for a lot of smaller fish, can fit in many areas, and can make a great display.

If its me, i would scape with some long pieces of bogwood and stock with a group of synodontis petricola, maybe even one dwarf jewel cichlid.
Would a planted tank with a school of Synodontis nigriventris be active or would they just hide?
I have now just purchased a 75 gallon tank that I was hoping to do like a single cichlid or a fish that was interactive like an Oscar but the tank isn’t big enough for one I still am setting up the 33 gallon any suggestions for the 75? Sorry I get carried away when it comes to aquariums
I have now just purchased a 75 gallon tank that I was hoping to do like a single cichlid or a fish that was interactive like an Oscar but the tank isn’t big enough for one I still am setting up the 33 gallon any suggestions for the 75? Sorry I get carried away when it comes to aquariums
A larger hemichromis species would be a nice interactive and aggressive cichlid. I’m probably biased but you could do an mbuna setup. Lots of activity, color, aggression and interaction
I would save the cichlids for the 75 and put a handful of loaches in the 33. 6-8 yoyos and a few weather loaches would be a playful mix.