Two Questions here:

Blue Crab of PAIN!!!!

MFK Member
May 20, 2009
Buffalo NY
Hello everyone, I have two questions for all of you.

First of all, do any of you have any experience or knowledge about the "lesser electric ray" or "brazilian electric ray" (Narcine brasiliensis). I don't know why all my text is now in Italics; I can't fix it...
This place HAD them
and This place HAS them

From what I've read about this particular ray it stays quite small (less than 2ft) which, in terms of size requirements, puts it in league with the freshwater rays. In fact, if some of the estimate are right (max size 45cm, depending on who you get your information from) it would be even smaller.
My primary questions would be how "hardy" these guys are compared to other elasmobranchs (and, for that matter, other SW fish), and whether or not the fact that the ray can electrocute you be of particular concern when you're trying to clean the tank?

Oh yeah, and that second website ONLY sells to legitimate institutions like aquariums or research facilities. THey don't sell to private aquarists, but I could try to pull an underhanded move and use my college as a proxy to get my hands on one.

OR I could ask these guys if they can get one: (as of right now 11:07pm [eastern time] November 18th 2009) they're having website issues so you probably won't be able to see anything.
THis is my second question: Do any of you guys know about or have any experience with doing business with these guys? They seem quite legitimate, but I've been fooled before (, which does not exist anymore). I saw their site a while ago and was interested in getting a clearnose skate from them, or I was teasing the idea but deep inside knew I had no possible way of taking care of one. They have a LOT of interesting things so I would like to do business with them at some point.

I kinda lied to you, I have a third quesiton. Do clearnose skates and lesser electric rays have similar requirements? (oh yeah, that site that only sells to institutions also has clearnose skates). Both species do stay reasonably small, and from what I can see they're also both tropical (no water chillers). Am I missing something though? Will these guys fight to the death or would it actually be manageable to keep them together?

Background information about me: I am a college student who is currently living in a small dorm (and it sucks). It will be at least 4 years before I can even consider looking after an animal that needs a large tank (even terrariums with large tropical pitcher plants in them...). I am asking you guys for answers 1. out of sheer curiosity and 2. for future reference. If keeping these animals does seem somewhat manageable then I'll save up for them intead of a big tegu or a crocodilian.
BTW I'm majoring in "aquatic and fisheries science", so I may end up buying some of these for research beforehand anyway. We'll see if I end up in graduate school or not :)

Thank you for your time.


Blue Crab of PAIN!!!!

MFK Member
May 20, 2009
Buffalo NY
Just asking about these things is probably already overambitious by my standards, but I have a fourth (and hopefully final) question.
Are there any types of Guitarfish which reach a similar [small] size as the skate and electric ray, have similar requirements, and would get along with them?

Guitarfish are, next to Chinese Alligators and exotic Land Crabs, THE #1 pet that I would like to have. After seeing a picture of one in the thread about the cownose rays I just remembered how much I really want. I certainly can't take care of one if it gets more than 3 feet though. I'm trying to aim for species than can handle a tank < 300 gallons.

Blue Crab of PAIN!!!!

MFK Member
May 20, 2009
Buffalo NY
I might have just found an answer to my own question: the "Atlantic guitarfish" (rhinobatos lentiginosus) only grows to 30cm, which is smaller than both the electric ray and clearnose skate... so much so that now I'm worried the skate might try to bully it.

Do any of you know anything about this species... and where to get one... and if all 3 species of batoids would get along together?
Again, thank you all very much for your help.

P.S. Guitarfish this size ^^ would be awesome!

Oh yeah, and some pics (none of which are mine, including the one above).
the electric ray I want:

and the skate:


Fire Eel
MFK Member
Aug 25, 2006
Eastern NC
I might have just found an answer to my own question: the "Atlantic guitarfish" (rhinobatos lentiginosus) only grows to 30cm, which is smaller than both the electric ray and clearnose skate... so much so that now I'm worried the skate might try to bully it.
Actually the Atlantic Guitarfish (Rhinobatos lentiginosus) grows up to 30 inches (76cm), not 30cm(12 inches). With the males tending to be smaller than females. The lesser electric ray grows to about 18 inches (45-46 cm).

Blue Crab of PAIN!!!!

MFK Member
May 20, 2009
Buffalo NY
krj-1168;3633985; said:
Actually the Atlantic Guitarfish (Rhinobatos lentiginosus) grows up to 30 inches (76cm), not 30cm(12 inches). With the males tending to be smaller than females. The lesser electric ray grows to about 18 inches (45-46 cm).
Crap in a bucket!
...Oh well, 30 inches still isn't all that big. That's still actually a bit smaller than the skate.
Now that it's confirmed that 2/3 of the animals that I want are over 2ft in length... how big of a tank do you think I'd need? I'm trying to picture a standard 300gallon tank, but I could be wrong.

Blue Crab of PAIN!!!!

MFK Member
May 20, 2009
Buffalo NY
I just read this
Yeah... so I don't think I'm getting a guitarfish :( or the skate if it has similar size requirements.
Looks like it might be just electric rays for me. On that first website I listed it claimed that the minimum tank size for this type of ray is 100 gallons. I know 125 is the minimum for most FW rays, and since this is smaller than the FW rays that would seem to make sense to me. Am I wrong?


Fire Eel
MFK Member
Aug 25, 2006
Eastern NC
It doesn't quite work that way. The closest marine rays in general appearance to the river rays(FW rays) - would be the round rays(genus - Urobatis).But generally river rays are able to swim in tighter spaces than most marine rays. Hence the small tank size. So the marine rays need a bit more room than a river ray of equal size.Also there are several different types of marine rays & skates, some are benthic species, while others can be very active swimmers. While the lesser electric rays are benthic species - they still need a good size tank - of at least 200-240 gallons.

Blue Crab of PAIN!!!!

MFK Member
May 20, 2009
Buffalo NY
krj-1168;3636909; said:
It doesn't quite work that way. The closest marine rays in general appearance to the river rays(FW rays) - would be the round rays(genus - Urobatis).But generally river rays are able to swim in tighter spaces than most marine rays. Hence the small tank size. So the marine rays need a bit more room than a river ray of equal size.Also there are several different types of marine rays & skates, some are benthic species, while others can be very active swimmers. While the lesser electric rays are benthic species - they still need a good size tank - of at least 200-240 gallons.
Yeah, I just read a similar post over in sharkraycentral. Well, 200-240 (or 350 according to the other guy) still sounds like it might just be manageable, certainly better than 750 for a guitar. I don't plan on getting one when it's an adult anyway (hopefully a 6 inch pup, since I find it much more rewarding to watch something grow). Anyway, do you think that those giant 300gallon rubbermaid stock tanks would be suitable for at least temporary housing for an adult? If so I may find myself using one either as 1. a temporary house for dismantling its old tank and building a new, bigger one or 2. as a cheap enclosure for it if I'm actually doing legitimate research on the species; something that may not be pretty but can keep the ray happy and healthy.

Oh yeah, and I'm starting to get a little worried about Their sight as been down for... a while now.


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Jun 4, 2009
Bay Area
I have a guitarfish in my 1720 - he swims a lot (which is very cool), and other times he's a freakin' ninja - just disappears under the sand. It's really impressive. However, because he swims so much, I would say 750 might even be on the small side for a larger specimen.

And don't bother with - they're a joke.

Blue Crab of PAIN!!!!

MFK Member
May 20, 2009
Buffalo NY
Jabba954;3637510; said:
And don't bother with - they're a joke.
Oh, really?
well that really blows. What's wrong with them?
...and do you know of anyplace that might be able to get a little electric ray for me? :p
Again, can't get one for the next 4 years but it will be good to know for future reference.
Thanks a bunch.