What carpet plants are good?


Fire Eel
MFK Member
May 18, 2012
New York
I've never used smaller than 20 pound tanks and I've never had to fill them. Always ended up tearing the tank down first lol

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Mine gets refilled like twice a year cause I run it to two aquariums.

50lb is the only thing bigger and I don't want to carry that filled lol

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THE serrasalmus rhom
MFK Member
Nov 3, 2011
Had this same one. Its way to high pressure and the diffuser would pop off or the cartridge wouldn't puncture when twisting into the regulator. It was one thing or another with that. Take it back and look on drfosterandsmith.com and get a legit setup!

×Go S. Vettel #1 Infiniti Redbull! 4x WDC!!! Congrats on another flawless title× <GET BETTER SCHUMI>
Cheap way to decrease nitrates and keep your fish healthy: http://monsterfishkeepers.com/forums/showthread.php?t=504763


Jack Dempsey
MFK Member
Feb 24, 2013
Northern NJ
I'd like to see pics of your tank as well, and more info on your stock, size, etc. It looks to me like you're getting a great deal of advice from very knowledgeable members who have already gone through your current situation. Folks in this forum have all had their successes and challenges. Their input and advice are important resources we all learn from every day. Personally, I've received fantastic input from the members posting in your thread. And I've also avoided a lot of mistakes by really listening to their replies.

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Jack Dempsey
MFK Member
Feb 24, 2013
Northern NJ
Personally, I'd never put anything metal in a fish tank

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Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Jan 12, 2014
Its a 40g breeder.Its got 12 neon tetras, 5 neon swordtails(both females are pregnant), 2 angels, 1 peacock eel, 2 blue rams(one of them that is a definate female is SO D*** PRETTY!!!!!), and 3 long finned tetras.P.S. can a long tailed tetra be a female or are they all males??I have baby tears, micro sword, java moss, 20 lb of black gravel, this fake drift wood decoration, this fake wood cave thing, three fake plants, 20 gph filter (I got it as a donatoin and am upgrading to a 400 gph.)


THE serrasalmus rhom
MFK Member
Nov 3, 2011
Its a 40g breeder.Its got 12 neon tetras, 5 neon swordtails(both females are pregnant), 2 angels, 1 peacock eel, 2 blue rams(one of them that is a definate female is SO D*** PRETTY!!!!!), and 3 long finned tetras.P.S. can a long tailed tetra be a female or are they all males??I have baby tears, micro sword, java moss, 20 lb of black gravel, this fake drift wood decoration, this fake wood cave thing, three fake plants, 20 gph filter (I got it as a donatoin and am upgrading to a 400 gph.)
No planted specific substrate? Unless the substrate you have now is old, used and seeded you kind of got off to a bad start IMO. When you think of plants in general what's the top elements it needs? Nutrients in the substrate, light, co2 and the proper macro and micro nutrients, which is why people like me got lucky when they started out with planted tanks! I didn't even fully understand fertz but thank good my substrate provided those until I did the proper research and bought bulk dry fertz.

You do have a good Bio load and as long as the tank is cycled I wouldn't vac the gravel, let the crap sink into it and that will help provide nutrients to the roots. Until then check out this cheap dry starter kit, it will last you awhile, there's even a link on this page on how to dose given the tank volume! http://greenleafaquariums.com/aquarium-fertilizers-supplements/micro-macro-fertilizers.html seems complicated but believe me its easy peasy!

But that's the the thing about this hobby you live and learn and that's what makes it fun and frustrating!

×Go S. Vettel #1 Infiniti Redbull! 4x WDC!!! Congrats on another flawless title× <GET BETTER SCHUMI>
Cheap way to decrease nitrates and keep your fish healthy: http://monsterfishkeepers.com/forums/showthread.php?t=504763


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Jan 12, 2014
I will vacuum some crap out and put it in a bucket with cycled water and an old filter for a few days.That will make the gravel kind like old gravel.