johnny potatoes

MFK Member
Mar 27, 2010
First, it takes a mature person to admit they were wrong and are making efforts to change. But I have a question. If the past is the past, why bring it up? Why not just start over and leave the past in the past? I do remember the name cichla dude but not the drama associated with the name. I think most of us would never have figured out that was you unless you told us. Good luck to you


First, it takes a mature person to admit they were wrong and are making efforts to change. But I have a question. If the past is the past, why bring it up? Why not just start over and leave the past in the past? I do remember the name cichla dude but not the drama associated with the name. I think most of us would never have figured out that was you unless you told us. Good luck to you
Thank you. I felt it was the right thing to do. I want to wipe the slate clean and have a fresh beginning. I also felt it was right to apologize to those I may have offended or upset. I feel a lot better with an apology and now I am here with a fresh state of mind. I am excited to share my fish and learn about fish.

hello; Been around for 70 years this August but only a fishkeeper for around 57-58 years. Still a bit to learn about.

Here is a thought. Just start being honest we will catch on eventually. This leading with the line I was a pathological liar but you can trust me now just does not fly well. You do not have to keep telling how honest you are now, just be honest.

The brother of my first wife was much like you acknowledge to have been. He never got over it. Was telling me one day about the neat car he had in a garage. I forced his hand by going to the garage. It was amazing how the story changed several times before we got to the empty garage. Proof is in the pudding as they say.
Awesome! We both have the same birthday month! Kudos to you for being a fish keeper for all of those years, I certainly hope to keep fish for all those years. You are lucky because you were able to grow up in various decades and have watched the aquarium hobby go through it's changes. I'd love to have you as a guest on my fish keeping podcast if you ever wanted to have a discussion on that very topic.
I agree with you 100 percent. I can say I am honest until I am blue in the face. The only way to prove it is to be honest 100 percent.
I will admit that I felt the need to impress other people and get compliments. But when the time came, I had nothing to back it up with. It may have been a self confidence thing or ego I am not sure but I was looking through my old profile the other day and I was like really why the hell did I do this crap?
I don't have to go out of my way to impress people that I have learned. I will just show what I have and if people like it that's cool with me.
I am enjoying the fish that I have now. I can say that the last few years have been the best in the fish hobby because I haven't lied about the fish I have or the tank size. I am up front and honest and that is why I don't have any issues with fish keepers now a days.
I have both freshwater and saltwater now, and this hobby is one of the only things that makes me happy in my life.


MFK Member
Feb 15, 2008
haha....Here we go again....Sorry, but you aren't getting any sympathy from me. You will be banned again before the year is over.


haha....Here we go again....Sorry, but you aren't getting any sympathy from me. You will be banned again before the year is over.
Wow... talk about someone who can't let the past go. Although most Massachusetts people are that way so they can't help it. A lot of MA people still ***** about Billy Buckner's Fielding Error in the 1986 World Series causing the Mets to win the World Series. :D:D:D:)
But in all seriousness, why can't you let the past be the past? It's not like I did anything to you or go out of my way to destroy you. Then I could understand.
Anyway, I guess when I prove you wrong, I will get the last laugh.
I am going to remember this thread and on December 31st this Year I will leave a message here.


MFK Member
Sep 18, 2014
Land of corn
haha....Here we go again....Sorry, but you aren't getting any sympathy from me. You will be banned again before the year is over.
Technically he should be banned because of rule four of the tos.


Technically he should be banned because of rule four of the tos.
Let's talk a look at rule four shall we?
User Conduct

You agree not to provide any Messages, Avatars, Titles, Signatures to the Monster Fish Keepers forums that:
(a) infringes any third-party intellectual property or publicity/privacy rights, (b) is knowingly false, and/or defamatory, inaccurate, abusive, vulgar, hateful, harassing, obscene, profane, threatening, invasive of a person's privacy, or otherwise violation of any law or regulation, (c) contains any viruses, Trojan horses, worms, time bombs, cancelbots or other computer programming routines that are intended to damage, detrimentally interfere with, surreptitiously intercept or expropriate any system, data or personal information, and (d) promotes piracy.
Nothing broken here

As each forum is specifically tailored to address certain topics, you are responsible for initiating new threads in the correct forum. You should stay on-topic at all times. The appropriate content for each forum is described in detail on the Monster Fish Keepers forums homepage.
Nothing broken here

You agree not to post the same message in multiple forums without permission from the Monster Fish Keepers Administrator. All such requests for permission should be directed through the Administrative forum.
Once again nothing broken
"Impersonation," or assuming the character of another member by copying his username and manner of writing, is not allowed.
HMM... once again nothing broken. I can't impersonate myself can I?

"Multiple User Names," or assuming the character of more than one member by using more than one username and manner of writing, is not allowed.
I don't have MULTIPLE user names! All of my previous accounts are no longer valid. This is my only account with my only user name. Those were also on another old computer that I no longer have so no longer have their I.P. addresses. So, technically speaking if I had not brought this up thread or name, I could have been a new member without any one knowing who I was.
BUT, like a MATURE adult I decided to own up to my mistakes and move on. Apparently, some people can't move on and get so bent out of shape with something that really didn't effect them much.


Staff member
MFK Member
Jan 14, 2016
South Africa
I can feel the love


Goliath Tigerfish
MFK Member
May 16, 2011
I decided to own up to my mistakes and move on.
some people can't move on and get so bent out of shape with something that really didn't effect them much.
hello; Apparently you are under the impression you are the decider as to when folks must move on. We each get to decide when to let go of the past. We each get to decide if and how something affects us, not you.

I recall some years ago now a former friend coming around doing his steps for AA , he was an alcoholic. One of the steps is to go back and make amends with folks he had hurt or offended while a drunk. He had offended my wife and wrecked my boat.
I did not buy it from him and in the spirit of holding a grudge offered to attempt to kick his behind. I also suggested he never show me his face again.

I could have been a new member without any one knowing who I was.
Hello; Yeah you blew it.


hello; Apparently you are under the impression you are the decider as to when folks must move on. We each get to decide when to let go of the past. We each get to decide if and how something affects us, not you.

I recall some years ago now a former friend coming around doing his steps for AA , he was an alcoholic. One of the steps is to go back and make amends with folks he had hurt or offended while a drunk. He had offended my wife and wrecked my boat.
I did not buy it from him and in the spirit of holding a grudge offered to attempt to kick his behind. I also suggested he never show me his face again.

Hello; Yeah you blew it.
No, I am not saying that anyone has to move on. Hell I know people are going to hate me and I understand that not everyone is made to be liked. But, saying that I will repeat or be banned by the end of the year is totally inappropriate or in pure bad taste. I feel it's like I committed a crime even though I didn't.
Saying something like that is like telling an pervert you will repeat an offense.

Holding grudges believe it or not is not healthy for the mind. Because it always make you think badly of a person who probably feels terrible for something they have done but won't ever say sorry or own up because they are too afraid. Forgiveness is something that takes time. I don't expect to be forgiven quickly. I want to show people that I am worth their time and trust.
Heck, the point of this whole thread is to prove that I have nothing to hide or lie about now. I want everyone to know that moving forward, I will be honest. If it takes a long time for people to change their minds, I understand.

I appreciate your speeches. I want you to know that they are helping and beneficial to me as odd as it sounds.


Goliath Tigerfish
MFK Member
Dec 12, 2005
I don't remember you or anything you said or did. I don't know you nor do I have any hard feelings towards you. But
The last couple of post come off a little arrogant and argumentative, going through the rules one by one trying to prove you case.
Just remember this. Some people will never like you for one reason or another. I'm not just talking about you, I'm talking about people in general. You may not have even done anything and still some people just won't like you.
But when you say I'm sorry and move on then move on. If those people don't accept it that's okay.
When you try to argue that your a good person and you've changed it begins to look as though you haven't.
You just come on MFK and do your thing and contribute and people will start to notice. Don't worry about it.