Working for Petco.......


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Jun 11, 2011
South Florida
It's pretty simple really, from a corporate standpoint a happy customer is one that leaves the store with what they want. It is the same in every industry. A customer walking out with nothing, may make you feel morally superior, but does the business no good. They survive off of profits. Drive all the customers out and the business fails. In a perfect world animals would be above profit, but realistically we have to realize that profits are the life of a business.

Keep some things in mind;
1) Driving a person away, especially aggressively, doesn't prevent a sale. It prevents a sale at that store. This is why managers/employees get upset when people start correcting them and talking customers out of sales. They arn't upset that they lost the sale. They are upset because they lost the sale and know that person will go across the street to a store where the now-it-all isn't hanging out.
2) The higher up you get in a company the more things become numbers. Even in small businesses this happens. That manager's boss may not even work in that store. He/she may simply get a sheet of numbers. That manager doesn't necessarily get to explain why his numbers are low. He just gets told "increase them".
3) All the OP had to do was politely listen to the reprimand, explain his point, and try to adapt. He didn't even need to obediently obey the manager. There was a middle-ground here and it was immediately lost when the OP started talking back. Some manager excourage nicely and tell you what to do. Some get angry and aggressive and hope you'll find a way to fix the problem. The key here probably would have been encouraging sales in a different direction. Don't say "you can't have this" or "that won't work", approach it more of "you could buy that fish, but this would be a better choice". People take that approach much better. As others pointed out, people don't like to be told what to do but they are perfectly happy being patted on the back and then steered in the right direction.

And as for the big chain bashing, I've personally run into the same behavior in LFS as chain stores. The employees in LFS are just trained a lot better at selling and talking. Chain store employees are trained to agree with the customer. LFS employees are trained to steer people towards other sales. The main difference is that the chain store will sell you a Oscar/Pacu/Pleco for a 10g tank while the LFS will sell you a eel or other oddball fish that gets even bigger.


Jack Dempsey
MFK Member
Sep 18, 2011
i was in my lfs just last night looking around watching people as they came in, overheard a guy who thought his 55 gallon was a monster tank, he has a bunch of african cichlids and was complaining about "the 6 dollar fish died, so im going to get the 20$ one it will be stronger and live"

bad part is the 6 dollar fish was an electric yellow and the 20 dollar one was a black ghost knife.. felt so sorry and wanted to bud in but i bit my lip, kinda wish i hadn't


Jack Dempsey
MFK Member
Sep 10, 2011
Plumas Lake, California
i was in my lfs just last night looking around watching people as they came in, overheard a guy who thought his 55 gallon was a monster tank, he has a bunch of african cichlids and was complaining about "the 6 dollar fish died, so im going to get the 20$ one it will be stronger and live"

bad part is the 6 dollar fish was an electric yellow and the 20 dollar one was a black ghost knife.. felt so sorry and wanted to bud in but i bit my lip, kinda wish i hadn't
Gotta love people who are stupid and think they know more about fish and fish tanks than anyone else...if I were you I woulda jumped in and told him the truth


Fire Eel
MFK Member
Sep 23, 2010
western hemisphere
I find it interesting how many people vent about chain petstores, and yet when they are there, they can't follow the rules of employement. Instead of trying to show up the store with 'knowlege' and doing the job, the store was shown another person who can't follow orders and flies off the handle when pulled into an office.
I would agree with you except yelling at someone for doing the right thing, YELLING, automatically communicates the level of maturity you are working with. I don't know how many jobs you've had where getting yelled at is a routine thing but for 8 an hr I'd have quite on the spot. As a professional you realize that guilt isn't instilled by yelling and clearly that boss wasn't professional. I've had my share of crap jobs and they all involved a ignorant middle aged manager with no high school diploma yelling at me because I was more qualified for his job than for mine. I think the OP was genuinely justified in his actions.


As seen on TV
MFK Member
Aug 22, 2005
South FL
Gotta love people who are stupid and think they know more about fish and fish tanks than anyone else...if I were you I woulda jumped in and told him the truth
Especially when they work for the stores and talk down to customers without knowing the full story. :)

I would agree with you except yelling at someone for doing the right thing, YELLING, automatically communicates the level of maturity you are working with. I don't know how many jobs you've had where getting yelled at is a routine thing but for 8 an hr I'd have quite on the spot. As a professional you realize that guilt isn't instilled by yelling and clearly that boss wasn't professional. I've had my share of crap jobs and they all involved a ignorant middle aged manager with no high school diploma yelling at me because I was more qualified for his job than for mine. I think the OP was genuinely justified in his actions.
I wasn't there, so I'm not sure of the exact tone of this converstation - but I will say as a manager/supervisor, I've had to pull staff into my office and lay into them for things. I don't actually "yell" at them, but talk directly and bluntly (more so if it's a repeat offense). I've watched those same staff members turn around and say I was "yelling"... so I guess it comes down to use of the term.


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Jun 11, 2011
South Florida
For a lot of people any critical, harsh or negative tone is remembered as "yelling" when they recall the event. It's one of those phrases that shouldn't be taken literally, especially when a person is talking about a reprimand or being fired.


MFK Member
Jun 6, 2011
coconut creek, FL
i went to my local pet supermarket and was browsing the small fish section and came across an silver aro, in a... umm, im not going to call it a "tank" because the box my shoes came in was about 1.5 times bigger(not an exaggeration :(). i almost went off on the manager about proper fish care, but upon further investigation i noticed the aro's fins were missing, it was deadly thin, and would only survive in the care of an experienced fish keeper... walked in 48hr later and its dead in the same box. it made my stomach upset seeing a great fish have to go through that. unfortunelty where i live all but only 2 or 3 of my LFS employee's, chain or not are knowledable enough to deal with the experienced fish keepers who walk through the door. i do and don't blame the uneducated employees. i do blame them becasue if your going to be working in a LFS caring for live animals you should atleast do the minmum of research about adult size, tank requirements, and compadibility. and i don't blame them becuase i at the age of 21 am older than 75% of the employees and most of them aren't responsible enough to care, its just a JOB to them. nothing more nothing less. i know for a fact that the so called "fish experts" at my local petsmart DON'T OWN FISH!!!! i don't listen to them althogh i do go in about once a week just to ask them questions that pretty much anyone on this site could easily answer, just to watch them scramble for answers....

living in florida i love asking LFS's if the could get me a black arowana, seeing that they are illegal here. just to see what the staff says


As seen on TV
MFK Member
Aug 22, 2005
South FL
I think it's interesting to see how much negative attitude people give fish store employees. If you look at the BIG picture, 1 in 500 customers will know more than the fish store employee.
That being said, there is no "own a fish" requirement to work at a pet store. Most of them aren't going to be super mega experts when it comes to fish. Some like fish and are just starting out learning about them. Others just want a job. Talking negatively towards them or about them isn't going to win any points as a customer. As a fish keeper, we need to acknowledge that there's a big difference between a passion for fish care and running a fish selling business. Every fish isn't going to make it out of the store alive... just like every fish we have at home won't live it's full life. If you look at the numbers that go through a store, they are mostly on par with those that walk out the door and make it to a tank.

How many of you who like to 'go off' at petstore employees would open you home to have someone who is more experienced that you come in and go over everything you do?


MFK Member
Jun 6, 2011
coconut creek, FL
i went to my local pet supermarket and was browsing the small fish section and came across an silver aro, in a... umm, im not going to call it a "tank" because the box my shoes came in was about 1.5 times bigger(not an exaggeration :(). i almost went off on the manager about proper fish care, but upon further investigation i noticed the aro's fins were missing, it was deadly thin, and would only survive in the care of an experienced fish keeper... walked in 48hr later and its dead in the same box. it made my stomach upset seeing a great fish have to go through that. unfortunelty where i live all but only 2 or 3 of my LFS employee's, chain or not are knowledable enough to deal with the experienced fish keepers who walk through the door. i do and don't blame the uneducated employees. i do blame them becasue if your going to be working in a LFS caring for live animals you should atleast do the minmum of research about adult size, tank requirements, and compadibility. and i don't blame them becuase i at the age of 21 am older than 75% of the employees and most of them aren't responsible enough to care, its just a JOB to them. nothing more nothing less. i know for a fact that the so called "fish experts" at my local petsmart DON'T OWN FISH!!!! i don't listen to them althogh i do go in about once a week just to ask them questions that pretty much anyone on this site could easily answer, just to watch them scramble for answers....

living in florida i love asking LFS's if the could get me a black arowana, seeing that they are illegal here. just to see what the staff says
i forgot to add that i commed her for trying to give me the correct answer rather then just feed me a line of bs, but i dont think in the store in front of a potential customer is the place to do it. it doesn't instill confidence in the customer that is asking for advice on fish


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Oct 23, 2011
Thunder Bay On
It realy is to bad more people like you do not work at these stores. When I got my 36 I was told it would be better on my part not to buy one Bala but 5. An angle fish, pleco, and somthing else don't remember now. Needless to say a couple weeks latter all the fish were gone because the guy said all I had to do was put water in the tank and run with it. Since then I have learned more about fish then I think any man should ever have to know. Now everytime I walk into Pet Smart I wait for them to ask me if I want fries with that.