A new monster we all need to be aware of!


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Dec 25, 2010
Who the **** is pushing this garbage? This is ridiculous. There are no scientists behind this-except the scum that have been paid off. Take note, goldfish are an invasive species in almost every state, by the way.


Jack Dempsey
MFK Member
Jan 3, 2009
Atlanta, GA
All I keep getting told is 'read more carefully'. The bill's purpose is NOT "To establish an improved regulatory process for injurious wildlife to prevent the introduction and establishment in the United States of [all] nonnative wildlife and wild animal pathogens and parasites", it is
"To establish an improved regulatory process for injurious wildlife to prevent the introduction and establishment in the United States of nonnative wildlife and wild animal pathogens and parasites that are likely to cause harm"
Section 2, which defines the bill's purpose, does NOT read "The purpose of this Act is to establish an improved regulatory process for injurious wildlife to prevent the introduction and establishment in the United States of [all] nonnative wildlife and wild animal pathogens and parasites", it reads:

The purpose of this Act is to establish an improved regulatory process for injurious wildlife to prevent the introduction and establishment in the United States of nonnative wildlife and wild animal pathogens and parasites that are likely to cause--

(1) economic or environmental harm; or

(2) harm to humans or animal health.[/

If it's not ALL non-native animals, then what is it?

Section 3, Definitions, Part 6 reads:

INJURIOUS WILDLIFE- The term ‘injurious wildlife’ means any species of mammal, bird, fish, mollusk, crustacean, arthropod, coelenterate, amphibian, or reptile, and any offspring or egg of such a species, that is designated as injurious under a regulation promulgated by the Secretary pursuant to section 42(a) of title 18, United States Code.
That list is already defined by the Federal Wildlife Service. I will relink it here: http://www.fws.gov/fisheries/ANS/pdf_files/Current_Listed_IW.pdf

My guess is that the 'everything will be banned' misconception comes from the inclusion of what is considered a non-native species in part 9 of the definitions. It is simply a list intended to define what a non-native species is. It could, perhaps, be a misinterpretation of Section 4, which
is titled "PROPOSALS FOR REGULATION OF NONNATIVE WILDLIFE TAXA". I can understand why that is concerning. If you look under that headline, though, under (a), it says that entities MAY propose regulation and even propose re-regulation of already listed species!

If someone with their panties in a twist /does/ decide to propose that legislation, Section 5, "SCIENTIFIC RISK ASSESSMENT AND RISK DETERMINATION REGULATIONS" flat out states that prior to approving or rejecting the proposal, a risk anlaysis will be performed
(B) to establish a process for assessing and analyzing the risks of taxa that may have been, or foreseeably could be, imported into, or found in interstate commerce within, the United States;
and that
(2) BASIS, AVAILABILITY, AND REVIEW- The Service shall--

(A) ensure that the risk assessment and risk determination processes conducted under this section are based on sound science; and

(B) make the results of each such assessment and determination available to the public.
-- hence my earlier statement that creatures will be reviewed on a case by case basis.

Is it paragraph 2 of Section 11, Prohibitions that is throwing everyone for a loop? It reads,
(2) to engage in interstate commerce for any nonnative wildlife taxon described in paragraph (1), or to knowingly possess such an animal, or the descendant of an animal, that was transported in interstate commerce in violation of this subsection;
which, taken out of context, certainly DOES sound like everything!! However, it refers to paragraph 1 immediately above it, which describes non-native taxa that are ALSO injurious, not ALL non-native taxa. That part could have been written better.

Please remind me precisely /which/ part I am supposed to be reading more carefully?


MFK Member
Apr 25, 2009
Which subsection and heading are you citing? The domestic species listed in Sec. 3 Definitions are simply species that they aren't going to bother regulating.

This bill DOES NOT immediately ban every non-native species ever. Yes, as written, those do have the POTENTIAL to be banned by law. However, this particular bill will REQUIRE lawmakers to research any animals (other than those on the FWS injurious list) BEFORE they can create federal legislation banning them -- AND it can't be done wholesale -- it will be done on a case by case basis at the species, genus, and possibly family level.
Are you familiar with how "thorough" the government is with its studies? If they want to ban it, then they'll make up stuff as needed to get their way.


Fire Eel
MFK Member
Jun 29, 2009
posting bail
Even if the list of restricted animals is short to start out, the entire purpose of this bill is to streamline the process of banning new species so that they do not need to go through the whole long and drawn out process like they did with Burms. It will allow the Gov't to add species to this list with little forethought or opposition.


Jack Dempsey
MFK Member
Jan 3, 2009
Atlanta, GA
I was arguing mostly because posters on this board felt it meant an instant ban of everything. ;)

Currently, the Federal Wildlife Service's list of banned creatures /seems/ to list those that can survive in colder water -- ie, natural habitats of the contiguous 48 states. Even a supremely predatory species, such as peacock bass, are not on FWS's **** list because the states of Hawai'i and Florida did their homework -- they cannot survive in water temperatures below 65*F overwinter, and cannot tolerate salinity, which would be necessary to spread north along Florida's coasts. As such, even something as voracious as a pbass would not be considered an injurious species.

I acknowledge that this bill has the potential for misuse and misinterpretation. A VERY BROAD interpretation, for example, would ban FW stingrays nationwide because of the potential for them to survive overwinter conditions in natural waterways ANYWHERE in the US -- say, for example, Georgia and Florida. This is personal sore point for me, as you can imagine, because I do covet a small Hystrix for my 300 gallon, but I can't have one -- based on a list that has ALREADY been customized for the state that I am in. But get this -- that is because of an ALREADY existing law better tailored to my geographical location, aka STATE level.

I realize that for many of us, it would be better if this bill did not exist at all. We need to explain to our representatives that a FEDERAL regulation banning certain species will not work for MOST non-native species in MOST states, regardless of their invasiveness and injuriousness. It is worthwhile to get in touch with your Congressmen to express concern that the bill will be interpreted too broadly! It's a good chance to educate them about the number of SMALL BUSINESSES that depend on interstate trafficking of specific non-injurious, non-native species, as well as the number of TAXPAYER DOLLARS that could be wasted going through a species by species inventory of what stays, and what goes. Hell, cite the above example, and encourage them to abandon the bill -- tell them this is best handled on a state by state basis! The work has ALREADY been done by your local state legislature. Folks in Congress may not even BE aware that states are handling this already. Send your Congressmen a copy of your state's restricted list!


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Mar 1, 2011
The way to fix this is at the polls just need to vote out all these liberals out of the 12 sponsors of this bill 11 democrats 1 republican get out and vote


MFK Member
Sep 17, 2005
Peoria, AZ, USA
All right, stupid question, but if a bill liked this passed banning all non-native animals, wouldn't PetsMart and Petco be out of business outside of cats and dogs?