Help me pick some dithers/cleaners!


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Sep 19, 2012
Jersey Shore
I know they get bigger than what you said in the op, but maybe a flagtail, although it will surely be eaten eventually. Mine swims around all day sucking up mouthfuls of sand and driftwood.

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Fire Eel
MFK Member
Apr 29, 2009
I know they get bigger than what you said in the op, but maybe a flagtail, although it will surely be eaten eventually. Mine swims around all day sucking up mouthfuls of sand and driftwood.

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Be careful, they're great at cleaning but some tend to harass other fish by trying suck off slim coats.

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Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Apr 28, 2009
A black aro, a GATF and a juruense catfish. All between 11 and 15 inches. I'll be adding a blue catfish in a week or two as well and somewhere down the road a goonch if I can ever find one.
imo you answered you own question.. a blue cat should be just fine at cleaning up left overs. most cats fit the bill, bottomless pits and all. I agree with being careful of cichlid sin general.. they can wreck havoke very easy.


Fire Eel
MFK Member
Dec 14, 2009
Long Beach, Ca
Speaking from experience I don't know if youll have a lot of luck with a rtbs. they typically have a lot of conspecific aggression but that can carry over to other fish at times. They will be able to hold thier own against other aggressive fish but too often they'll pick one fish they dont like in particular and chase it until it stresses and has to be removed. They might not all be like that but just wanted to give you the heads up from what I have seen


Hand of the King
Aug 29, 2009
I crash at the K-Pg
Be careful, they're great at cleaning but some tend to harass other fish by trying suck off slim coats.

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That's why I'm staying away from them and plecos. Shame too because flagtails are pretty.

imo you answered you own question.. a blue cat should be just fine at cleaning up left overs. most cats fit the bill, bottomless pits and all. I agree with being careful of cichlid sin general.. they can wreck havoke very easy.
I can't wait to get my blue cat! I'm waiting on the farm to do the next harvest. The last two I've had though were very predatory and active, nothing like a channel cat. They wouldn't take dead food without a couple weeks of starvation.

I was shocked at how differently they behaved from channels! These guys are my second favorite type of fish after ATF.

Speaking from experience I don't know if youll have a lot of luck with a rtbs. they typically have a lot of conspecific aggression but that can carry over to other fish at times. They will be able to hold thier own against other aggressive fish but too often they'll pick one fish they dont like in particular and chase it until it stresses and has to be removed. They might not all be like that but just wanted to give you the heads up from what I have seen
Thank you for the input! :)

I'm aware of the aggression issue with RTBS however. I'm hoping with sufficient space and hiding places I'll be able to avoid any aggression issues. Another key factor I feel that I have going for me is that the next smallest fish in my tank is about 10" long, nearly twice the size of an adult RTBS lol.

I actually picked up a RTBS yesterday. Its an itty bitty little guy that I got for $4.99. He's really pretty too, very deep, dark red tail with white edges on all of its other fins. Miraculously enough, it made it through the night without being eaten LOL. I really, really hope it survives to grow up, though I'm not going to get my hopes up too much. The heads of the four large fish in my sig are longer than the total length of this fish. I really hope he makes it though!


Siamese Tiger
MFK Member
May 21, 2012
Datnoid Island
Good luck Rob. I've had zero luck with my Juruensis lately. He's eaten 2 silver dats, and 6 geos in a month. He's now in the bigger tank being eyed by my 14" indo dat lol

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Hand of the King
Aug 29, 2009
I crash at the K-Pg
Good luck Rob. I've had zero luck with my Juruensis lately. He's eaten 2 silver dats, and 6 geos in a month. He's now in the bigger tank being eyed by my 14" indo dat lol

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Ginger used to be pretty bad about snarfing down tankmates, but since she's been on fillets for about six months now, she's gotten lazy lol.

Don't get me wrong, I'll NEVER trust a catfish, I'm just observing that I've been keeping her fat and happy lol.