My New Monster-To-Be


MFK Member
Jan 10, 2014
Pittsburgh, PA
Was out fishing at my local lake tonight and actually had my minnow bucket and aerator with me for once so I figured I'd try to catch a sunfish or two for my 75 gallon. Well get this: I caught a bullhead that was only 4", didn't swallow the hook (1:10 chance), and wasn't bleeding from the hook! I figured that all these things meant something so now I've got a 4" yellow bullhead in a 14 gallon Rubbermaid bin (as a quarantine) with a seeded sponge filter and a few hiding places! I'll keep him in there for a few weeks at which point he'll be going into my 75 gallon until he needs upgraded again. This is an awesome fish for me since it combines my two favorite "categories" of fish: catfish and US natives. I'm fully aware this is a fish that significantly contributes to the bioload and will outgrow any of my current setups and I'm prepared to up my water changes and upgrade whenever he gets to big, just to get any warning people may have given me out of the way. Right now he's chilling under a little bridge decoration getting used to his new home. I do however have one or two questions. I know bullheads are by no means picky eaters but being that he's wild what foods should I start him on and what should I work up to, also how often (once it twice a day) should I feed him? Foods I have available are shrimp pellets, algae wafers, frozen bloodworms, frozen brine shrimp, live nightcrawlers, and 1/4" cutteri cichlid feeders.

Can't wait to see what a monster he's going to turn into, here's to my new monster to be :D

PS, name suggestions are welcome!





MFK Member
Jan 10, 2014
Pittsburgh, PA
Well, restless night. Fell asleep on the couch next to the bin and he was constantly jumping all night! Woke up and he was just sitting under the sponge filter like nothing happened. Any thoughts on feeding, should I wait and try tonight or try now and tonight?


Senior Curator
Staff member
MFK Member
Dec 31, 2009
Naples, FL, USA
I'd not expect him to feed for 1-2 weeks at least, likely longer, because the capture is a humongous change for him. Not that he cannot surprise us.

I'd focus on the water quality (#1!) and on getting rid of parasites, external and internal, now or later but in QT. He may easily jump out too, so a full lid would be wise.


MFK Member
Dec 27, 2011
When I was about 9 or 10 a bullhead swam into the arch of my foot while wading at the beach it was about 2" long. I trapped him with my hand brought him home in a styrofoam cup I hid from my mom :D. I only had a 10 gallon at the time and after my parents saw all my fish were gone except my blue gourami they asked what happened to them. I moved my bubble filter and showed my parents what I had. They made me put it back in the lake he was about 5" by then. I was extremely sad when I let it go I loved that fish I thought it was the coolest thing ever.

Enjoy yours they are awesome fish. Mine used to sit in the middle of the tank and we would just watch each other, anyone else came in the room and it hid behind the filter.


MFK Member
Jan 10, 2014
Pittsburgh, PA
I'd not expect him to feed for 1-2 weeks at least, likely longer, because the capture is a humongous change for him. Not that he cannot surprise us.

I'd focus on the water quality (#1!) and on getting rid of parasites, external and internal, now or later but in QT. He may easily jump out too, so a full lid would be wise.
That long? I'm going to try a crawler tonight but I won't be shocked if he doesn't eat it. I'll aim to change about 5 gallons every or every other day.


MFK Member
Jan 10, 2014
Pittsburgh, PA
When I was about 9 or 10 a bullhead swam into the arch of my foot while wading at the beach it was about 2" long. I trapped him with my hand brought him home in a styrofoam cup I hid from my mom :D. I only had a 10 gallon at the time and after my parents saw all my fish were gone except my blue gourami they asked what happened to them. I moved my bubble filter and showed my parents what I had. They made me put it back in the lake he was about 5" by then. I was extremely sad when I let it go I loved that fish I thought it was the coolest thing ever.

Enjoy yours they are awesome fish. Mine used to sit in the middle of the tank and we would just watch each other, anyone else came in the room and it hid behind the filter.
Sorry you lost yours. Can't wait until mine starts to get that interactive, hopefully he'll handfeed soon enough :)


MFK Member
Jul 25, 2013
Very cool sean!