Aqua Alex's Fish Profile: Redhook Silverdollar (Myleus Rubripinnis)

J. H.

MFK Member
Oct 14, 2016
Metynnis is the regular common SD?

I have 7 SDs about 5-6 inches together with Java Ferns, i do have a torn leave once a while but by and large the plants are left alone

I now started adding Pothos (root only) into the tank and i see roots growing..

so i presume the key is for the SDs to be well fed?

I feed some obscure made in china pellets, which all my fishes love... as well as prawns stuffed with hikari pellets

And they love to **** during and just after my water change!!!!!
Your Java Ferns must taste like poison. My experience is SDs after plants are wilder and more ferocious than their piranha cousins after flesh.
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MFK Member
Feb 28, 2017
Your Java Ferns must taste like poison. My experience is SDs after plants are wilder and more ferocious than their piranha cousins after flesh.
was doing some reading before i purchase the ferns, it seems java ferns have the highest chance of survival.... even when i see the ferns floating, it is usually 1 whole leave...
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Metynnis is the regular common SD?

I have 7 SDs about 5-6 inches together with Java Ferns, i do have a torn leave once a while but by and large the plants are left alone

I now started adding Pothos (root only) into the tank and i see roots growing..

so i presume the key is for the SDs to be well fed?

I feed some obscure made in china pellets, which all my fishes love... as well as prawns stuffed with hikari pellets

And they love to **** during and just after my water change!!!!!
Yes, Metynnis is the regular silver dollar.
Java fern, and anubais (spelling) seem to be plants that silverdollars seem to leave alone.
I hate when fish **** when doing water changes.

Your Java Ferns must taste like poison. My experience is SDs after plants are wilder and more ferocious than their piranha cousins after flesh.
I agree with you, plus they are better than piranha. ;) Although nothing wrong with piranha, I love caribe.


Goliath Tigerfish
MFK Member
Mar 14, 2008
Forgive my ignorance but these guys get pretty tall so while 12in long doesn't seem much, won't they almost be the same height? Pretty much like a small dinner plate. I guess you can keep in a 75g but I would just view that as tight, especially for two.
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Kittiee Katt

MFK Member
Aug 1, 2015
My House!
Tankmates: Tank mates can include but not limited too: Angelfish
Forgive me if I'm wrong, but unless you're talking about a huge tank I feel like this is an accident waiting to happen. Angelfish are slow and graceful, even at full speed they're a pretty slow fish and I feel like they'd get injured by the silver dollars if they were to start darting around.

I have (what I believe to be) metynnis hypsauchen which are half the size of redhooks, and I couldn't imagine keeping them with angelfish because of how quickly they can move. If I ever kept them with angels I'd either want a HUGE tank, HUGE angels or both - probably both. Even then I'd expect wake up one morning to an angel with a broken spine sooner or later. :(

Disclaimer: this is solely my opinion. I do not know everything nor do I claim to. I'm here to learn just like the next guy. :)

Otherwise, great job Alex!
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Forgive my ignorance but these guys get pretty tall so while 12in long doesn't seem much, won't they almost be the same height? Pretty much like a small dinner plate. I guess you can keep in a 75g but I would just view that as tight, especially for two.
Yes. It would be tight for 2, but not cruel, they would be able to swim. BUT BUT, I did say that 75 gallons and BIGGER is recommended so I did suggest bigger tanks.

Forgive me if I'm wrong, but unless you're talking about a huge tank I feel like this is an accident waiting to happen. Angelfish are slow and graceful, even at full speed they're a pretty slow fish and I feel like they'd get injured by the silver dollars if they were to start darting around.

I have (what I believe to be) metynnis hypsauchen which are half the size of redhooks, and I couldn't imagine keeping them with angelfish because of how quickly they can move. If I ever kept them with angels I'd either want a HUGE tank, HUGE angels or both - probably both. Even then I'd expect wake up one morning to an angel with a broken spine sooner or later. :(

Disclaimer: this is solely my opinion. I do not know everything nor do I claim to. I'm here to learn just like the next guy. :)

Otherwise, great job Alex!
Meow! Meow! (insert laugh)
I have kept redhooks with angelfish in the past before, and haven't ever had any issues what so ever, in fact the angelfish would chase the red hooks around. The red hooks were more afraid than the angelfish. The angels were the boss. My angels are selffish I feed them a lot and spoil them.
It depends on the individual fish as always.
No need for the disclaimer I am the same way.


Goliath Tigerfish
MFK Member
Oct 13, 2014
Forgive my ignorance but these guys get pretty tall so while 12in long doesn't seem much, won't they almost be the same height? Pretty much like a small dinner plate. I guess you can keep in a 75g but I would just view that as tight, especially for two.
I'd agree, let alone the fact the SD are active. I'd recommend no less than a 90 personally; 125 better. Think they'd appreciate the length greatly.

Also not to nit pick but just for future reference. Don't think you should write 75-1000g may confuse younger readers that a tank to big isn't good for fish. Kind of contradict yourself right after saying bigger is better. And also you say 75 for a pair but then say don't get less than 3. Another contradiction. Id say five would be better knowing how nippy SD can be to eachother. Other than that good write up

Kittiee Katt

MFK Member
Aug 1, 2015
My House!
I guess we need Dr Foster & Smith to write these articles give him a break
I don't think anyone was giving Alex a hard time, just offering their thoughts and advice. This is a public forum for people to share their thoughts and experiences so that's what people were doing. No one was bashing Alex's write up, just offering their experiences with the fish in question :)

Meow! Meow! (insert laugh)
I have kept redhooks with angelfish in the past before, and haven't ever had any issues what so ever, in fact the angelfish would chase the red hooks around. The red hooks were more afraid than the angelfish. The angels were the boss. My angels are selffish I feed them a lot and spoil them.
It depends on the individual fish as always.
No need for the disclaimer I am the same way.
Hmm. I would of expected the dollars to accidentally hurt the angels if they got spooked.. That being said I've never kept angels and dollars together so you're probably a lot more qualified than me to talk about this subject. :D
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I don't think anyone was giving Alex a hard time, just offering their thoughts and advice. This is a public forum for people to share their thoughts and experiences so that's what people were doing. No one was bashing Alex's write up, just offering their experiences with the fish in question :)

Hmm. I would of expected the dollars to accidentally hurt the angels if they got spooked.. That being said I've never kept angels and dollars together so you're probably a lot more qualified than me to talk about this subject. :D
I suppose they could hurt the angels if really spooked, but they would need to hit them really hard.