Juvenile Dovii question


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Oct 31, 2018
I have a 2-3” Dovii currently in quarantine. I just got him a week or so ago. He’s in there with a 2-3” Convict that I’m treating as well. The convict chases him around from time to time. He also chases the convict from time to time. My question is...he’s seems a little shy. Can I put him in my community tank with 2 Oscars that are about 5-6”, green terror that’s about 3”, 2 JD’s 2-3”, 2 convicts 2-3” and a Pleco? The pleco is the biggest in the tank. The tank is 60 gallon. I’ll be building a 240 gallon tank in the upcoming weeks. So this is just temporary housing for him. I guess my concern is “will he kill or be killed?”


Redtail Catfish
MFK Member
Jun 28, 2007
I would worry about the oscars snacking on him. The oscars will grow much faster.


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Nov 22, 2018
Newark DE
Sorry to say but Dovii grow faster then every fish you currently have. He is giving you false information. Dovii males max out around 24” in aquariums. If it’s male, it will eventually kill every single one of those fish one by one! I’m strictly Dovii & I’ve been going at it for around 8 years. Put it in your community tank!


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Oct 31, 2018
Sorry to say but Dovii grow faster then every fish you currently have. He is giving you false information. Dovii males max out around 24” in aquariums. If it’s male, it will eventually kill every single one of those fish one by one! I’m strictly Dovii & I’ve been going at it for around 8 years. Put it in your community tank!
I put it in there a couple days ago and it seems to be doing fine. There were 2 goldfish in there that survived a few weeks. They were originally feeders, but were too big to be eaten. They ate and got bigger. Once the Dovii arrived mysteriously they both got devoured. Heads were gone on both and the rest of the fish just finished off the bodies. Could it have been the Dovii?


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Nov 22, 2018
Newark DE
I put it in there a couple days ago and it seems to be doing fine. There were 2 goldfish in there that survived a few weeks. They were originally feeders, but were too big to be eaten. They ate and got bigger. Once the Dovii arrived mysteriously they both got devoured. Heads were gone on both and the rest of the fish just finished off the bodies. Could it have been the Dovii?
You will start seeing all kinds of fish chewed up soon. Mark my word! Dovii’s are a solo fish. Rarely can you keep them with other fish. You need a huge tank to do so. More it gets bigger, more territory it’s going to start claiming & fish will start dying. Especially if it’s male! They don’t play nice with nothing! My one male is 16” & has killed a dozen fish including females. Now he’s 100% solo. I can hear his badass bang the glass when I’m upstairs!


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Oct 31, 2018
You will start seeing all kinds of fish chewed up soon. Mark my word! Dovii’s are a solo fish. Rarely can you keep them with other fish. You need a huge tank to do so. More it gets bigger, more territory it’s going to start claiming & fish will start dying. Especially if it’s male! They don’t play nice with nothing! My one male is 16” & has killed a dozen fish including females. Now he’s 100% solo. I can hear his badass bang the glass when I’m upstairs!
I think it’s a female. It’s all brownish with the black stripe. No freckling at all as of now that I can see


Redtail Catfish
MFK Member
Jun 28, 2007
Sorry to say but Dovii grow faster then every fish you currently have. He is giving you false information. Dovii males max out around 24” in aquariums. If it’s male, it will eventually kill every single one of those fish one by one! I’m strictly Dovii & I’ve been going at it for around 8 years. Put it in your community tank!
Idk how i missed this reply. Theres nothing false about my statement.. You put a 3" dovii in with two 6" oscar like the o.p was asking about, if it isnt instant snack time for the oscars, sooner or later it mostlikely will be. Yes dovii become huge killing machines, but they also have a much slower growth rate. parachromis in general are shy little buggers till they hit around 5" or so ime.


MFK Moderators
Staff member
MFK Member
Jun 7, 2007
Isla Taboga Panama via Milwaukee
I agree that at 1st, young dovii can be shy, and being the new guy, in a tank where a hierarchy is already established may get bullied.
But if it lives, and hits its stride, there is nothing in the tank that it can't, and won't easily kill. I'd say you have maybe a few months before you'll need the 240 up and running, and "it" will soon be too small for just 1 adult dovii with no other fish.
In nature dovii eat convicts, along with a number of other cichlids.

Mitchell The Monster

Peacock Bass
MFK Member
Nov 5, 2016
I agree. I had 3 dovii a long time ago and i thought they were odd ball calm ones untill about the 4-5 inch mark and slaughtered everything lol.


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Nov 22, 2018
Newark DE
Dovii’s average a minimum of a inch a month til it hit around 12”, where they finally start to slow down. I speak on facts, not opinions. I don’t see how that’s a slow growth rate. The dovii might have a challenge because it’s 2 oscars but I completely doubt it will die. It will just stay clear for awhile then surprise!! 1 dead Oscar!! Week or 2 later another dead Oscar!! Dovii’s are extremely smart. So Cichlidtank18 how’s he making out?