Datnoid cloudy eye and possibly Popeye I

Tony Trapz

Black Skirt Tetra
MFK Member
Sep 20, 2017
That's what I thought. But 2 different fish stores checked it. The first said all 3 were 0. The second checked just for ammonia and nitrate and said my water was "perfect". Anyway I had a large white love rock that I had in the new 75 gallon. I got this with the tank. The fish store guy said that is most likely the reason my ph is going up. He also said it's not a good rock to have with a datnoid because he could've potentially scratches his eye. So I removed that, added a little ph down, threw fresh carbon in the filters and did a 40% water change. I am going to keep up the MB and Epsom salt dips but I will let the tank have a rest for a few days.

In a few days should I dose with paraguard for the Popeye?

Tony Trapz

Black Skirt Tetra
MFK Member
Sep 20, 2017
Also I was reading the back of sulfaplex and I didn't see feeding instructions.

Tony Trapz

Black Skirt Tetra
MFK Member
Sep 20, 2017
Guys what the heck is raising my ph so high? The LFS gave me the powder to lower it. I removed the Live rock and have nothing but fake ornaments, fake plants, a piece of slate and a shell in the tank. I lowered the ph to around 7. And than a few hours later it's high again? What's going on. And I checked my tap water again today and it's around 7 now. Keep in mind this is the SAME test kit I got 6 with last week at the tap. It's not expired or anything and I fill it to the line and add 3 drops so I'm not doing anything wrong. I'm getting awfully confused. Here's a pic of my tank and the latest ph.




MFK Member
Feb 2, 2015
North Carolina
Tony Trapz said:
Guys what the heck is raising my ph so high? The LFS gave me the powder to lower it. I removed the Live rock and have nothing but fake ornaments, fake plants, a piece of slate and a shell in the tank. I lowered the ph to around 7. And than a few hours later it's high again? What's going on. And I checked my tap water again today and it's around 7 now. Keep in mind this is the SAME test kit I got 6 with last week at the tap. It's not expired or anything and I fill it to the line and add 3 drops so I'm not doing anything wrong. I'm getting awfully confused. Here's a pic of my tank and the latest ph.
Why are you trying to lower your pH in the first place? Those pH down products will destroy your carbonate alkalinity and your entire tank. You need to get the API Master Freshwater Test Kit. It has a high range and low range pH test kit. You only have the low range. Some people have water above 8.8 ... places in Lake Tanganyika are above 9.2 .

Start saying to yourself, 'pH doesn't matter.' Because it really doesn't. It matters in relation to other tests, E.g., You might measure pH to see how toxic your ammonia level is, but 1) you need the test kit to measure your ammonia first and 2) there's nothing you can do to change your pH anyway. Trust me on this. You can raise your pH but you can't lower it. Not without killing your fish. Altering water chemistry is done in an aging tank not in the fish tank anyway.

I wish you understood just how unimportant your pH reading was.

I mentioned that your pH rises because of CO2 in an earlier post. Some rocks do release alkalinity but that's not why your pH starts at 6.0. lol If you put your water strait from the tap into a plastic cup or bucket it will read the same pH initially and then after 24-48 hrs. This is because your water from the tap has a high level of dissolved CO2 gas. CO2 lowers pH. Once your water exits the tap and hits the air the CO2 begins to vent with the atmosphere and pH starts increasing. Within 6-48 hrs ... it depends on the anount of aeration/surface agitation .. after CO2 has finished venting out of the water then pH stops increasing and the water reaches it's 'natural pH'. That value is mostly dependent on the total alkalinity of the water.

Other water, like mine, declines in pH after it exits the tap. My water exits the tap around 8.6 and settles at 7.45 within 24 hours in an aging tank. I won't get into why but it's for similar reason.

In a fish tank there are other processes moving pH in addition to the CO2 and other gasses and chemicals still venting from the underground distribution system. Crushed coral or aragonite and calciferous rocks raise alkalinity/KH and as a result pH increases. At the same time, you have things like tannic acids from driftwood and the nitrification process which erode alkalinity/KH and result in a decrease in pH. So there can be a few things going on at one time moving pH in different directions.

When you add a product like pH Down you're adding an acid to the water. This erodes the alkalinity/KH which releases CO2 into the water like when you mix vinegar and baking soda (just not as much). The CO2 is what lowers pH. Like your water from the tap, you know this is temporary and pH will increase again. The alkalinity/KH is eroded somewhat however and if enough is added pH and KH will eventually crash (KH~0º, pH ~4.5-5.2). This product should never be used in a fish tank.
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Tony Trapz

Black Skirt Tetra
MFK Member
Sep 20, 2017
Understood. Thank you. There's much more involved with water chemistry than I clearly know. Lol. I never touched ph for 5 years or more. But I started checking it now because one of the first things I read about datnoid cloudy eye was that it comes from high ph. But anyway my datnoid hasn't really gotten better or worse. He's eating like a pig, has beautiful colors and he's very active. So I'm keeping an eye on him for now and just giving him and the water a break.

If I knew it was going to be such a long battle I could've had that 10 gallon hospital tank cycled by now for treatment. Oh well!

Tony Trapz

Black Skirt Tetra
MFK Member
Sep 20, 2017
It’s been nearly another week. I left the tank completely alone. No medicine, ph adjustments, etc. My datnoid is still eating and being active. But no progress on the cloudy eye or Popeye. I thought it was looking better, but honestly it’s the same, if not a little worse. I’m really thinking about dosing with maracyn 1 and maracyn 2 and just being done with it. But I also read maracyn is erythromycin. Isn’t that antibiotic in the same family as kanamycin(kanaplex)? So if kanaplex didn’t work, will maracyn be a waste?


Blue Tier VIP
MFK Member
Nov 28, 2011
San Diego
maracyn 2 and kanaplex treat gram negative bacteria, maracyn 1 treats gram positive bacteria... so erythromycin and kanamycin sulfate are not the same class

Tony Trapz

Black Skirt Tetra
MFK Member
Sep 20, 2017
Guys I don’t know what else to do here. I’m on day 5 now of Paraguard with no effect. Everything new seems to work off the bat, but than it stops. The left eye doesn’t have the 2 pronounced white spots anymore but the popeye on that side got bigger. And now the whole center is very cloudy. The other eye is slightly cloudy but not as big. He’s obviously having trouble seeing pellets floating from the left eye. But he has a large appetite, and is acting like a puppy. So that’s good. I really don’t know what else to do. My last option is Maracyn the whole 75. Or like stated before, put the aqueoun 75 filter on the 10 gallon with the same tank water and Maracyn that tank for a week. I have a little 10 gallon filter laying around that I can use as well with new media. Would that be better off since the antibiotic is going to kill the bacteria anyway?There’s a lot of great knowledge in this thread, and I don’t want people to think I’m overlooking what they are saying, but nobody really told me what they think about trying the 10 gallon for 7 days for a Maracyn treatment. With no feeding that really can be done before an ammonia spike correct? Also if people have hospital tanks, won’t they never really be cycled since the antibiotics would kill the bacteria anyway?

Tony Trapz

Black Skirt Tetra
MFK Member
Sep 20, 2017
Oh, also if Maracyn is an option I noticed my local fish store has Maracyn Plus. It supposedly treats gram positive and gram negative in one. The antibiotics were different than Maracyn 1 and 2 tho I believe. Is that a better option?


Blue Tier VIP
MFK Member
Nov 28, 2011
San Diego
You can try the maracyn 1 and maracyn 2 treatment in the 10 g, but you have to do 75% water changes minimum every day. Dose the tank in the morning with Prime, and change the water in the evening if you work during the day. I wouldn't bother with Maracyn Plus if you already have Maracyn 1 and Maracyn 2.

Post a current picture of the fish.