How many angelfish should I get for them to not be agressive with each other

Gourami Swami

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MFK Member
Jul 13, 2006
Can you link where he says that angels kept singly will die because of this? Would be hard for me to locate this in foreign language articles with nothing but an author's name.


MFK Member
Mar 23, 2018
As far as I can tell, Angelfish will be fine on their own.

But they aren't so aggressive that they'll rip each other to shreds, nor are they armed to do so. Mine will only ever peck at each other's bodies and chase each other around, though they do it quite often. I keep a trio in 75g. I've never seen them damage each other's fins, even when the breeding pair gangs up on the third wheeler. Though you will see fin damage after a unsuccessful spawning "for some reason".

In a 40g, you can keep a pair I'm guessing. They're quite easy to vent even without flipping them, but you can keep same sexes and likely not have consequences. Keep a few dithers just in case.

Then again, this is coming from the guy who successfully kept a pair of bettas in a 20g. Maybe I'm just lucky.


Jack Dempsey
MFK Member
Jan 4, 2018
I think it is a bit of an overstatement saying Angels will die if kept alone. Like most Cichlids they like to live in a group, but manage fine by themselves if needed.
Most fish don't reach their potential or even live their maximum lifespan in tanks.

Just set up a 40 gallon and looking to get some angel fish in the mix. Currently have emperor tetras, red phantom tetras, black phantom tetras, cardinals tetras, platies, guppies, kuhli loaches, amano shrimp and an angelicus plec.
Fully grown Angels will probably eat your cardinals and possibly your shrimps.

I'd say your tank is too small for fully grown angels, but you could keep 2-4 small angels and give them away when they grow too large for your tank and get new small angels.
If not I suggest you look at other options. I'd recommend Dwarf Gourami's, they have stunning colors and don't grow very large and will peacefully live with everything you have.