I thought this was MONSTERfishkeepers


MFK Member
May 13, 2008
Well, to be honest for me a monster tank isn't something that would be less than 1000gal. My 480 doesn't seem big at all to me. That's the only one I have right now. I had multiple tanks and ponds before. I had a 29 biocube with a mantis shrimp.
I don't really care if people on here have a biocube or not. I am here for the info and love of the hobby. Maybe we could have a "tanks over blah blah" section


Feb 12, 2011
You can specialise without excluding.

Being exclusionary is just something I can't relate to, nor is elitism.

As for hating on people keeping fish in small tanks on a moral level, that just feel like a bit of shucking and jiving after initiating an obviously inflammatory thread.


Silver Tier VIP
MFK Member
Aug 28, 2016
Warren PA
These sorts of threads never end well. Depending who you are and who you talk to, fishkeeping in general is "inhumane." In the wild, many fish have may acres to roam...tens of thousands, or even tens of millions of gallons of water. It's a very subjective topic, and most of us are doing what we feel is appropriate given our means and abilities. I know fish keepers who feel a 55 gallon is a very large tank, I also know some who feel a 1000 gallon is small. I tend not to criticize unless I see something that just won't work...eg.-stingray in a 55 gallon, arowana in a 125...ect. Even then I'm careful not to offend or write inflammatory remarks, just pass along useful information for the better of the hobby.

Oz fish guy

Jack Dempsey
MFK Member
Jan 23, 2018
These sorts of threads never end well. Depending who you are and who you talk to, fishkeeping in general is "inhumane." In the wild, many fish have may acres to roam...tens of thousands, or even tens of millions of gallons of water. It's a very subjective topic, and most of us are doing what we feel is appropriate given our means and abilities. I know fish keepers who feel a 55 gallon is a very large tank, I also know some who feel a 1000 gallon is small. I tend not to criticize unless I see something that just won't work...eg.-stingray in a 55 gallon, arowana in a 125...ect. Even then I'm careful not to offend or write inflammatory remarks, just pass along useful information for the better of the hobby.
Hell yeah you said it mate all tanks are in the big picture wrong.. i actually wasnt trying to inflame anyone.. I didnt ask these nano tank defenders to jump in.. (i was then) lol but anyway i feel like most peolpe will agree that nano tanks shouldnt even exist.

Oz fish guy

Jack Dempsey
MFK Member
Jan 23, 2018
These sorts of threads never end well. Depending who you are and who you talk to, fishkeeping in general is "inhumane." In the wild, many fish have may acres to roam...tens of thousands, or even tens of millions of gallons of water. It's a very subjective topic, and most of us are doing what we feel is appropriate given our means and abilities. I know fish keepers who feel a 55 gallon is a very large tank, I also know some who feel a 1000 gallon is small. I tend not to criticize unless I see something that just won't work...eg.-stingray in a 55 gallon, arowana in a 125...ect. Even then I'm careful not to offend or write inflammatory remarks, just pass along useful information for the better of the hobby.
And bro who is tryin be be elite.. i wish i could mate. Ahah

pacu mom

Goliath Tigerfish
MFK Member
Jun 8, 2006
northern CA
Kinda not really? I joined because it was mfk. Not nanofk. Im just thinking out loud. I hardly log on i wanna see more big prime stuff. It seems the good stuff was posted early. (2005ish) ive revived so many early post lol joined late is all and having a windge. I love keeping fish..
You are correct in all your observations. MFK is not the forum it used to be. The statement in MFKs welcome page hardly applies anymore. "We are a unique community of Fish Keepers who seriously take our hobby to extremes and the NEXT level. The majority of our collections include RARE and EXOTIC Species of all sizes. BIG FISH with BIG APPETITES and BIG TANKS. It's not easy for most people or other "regular" fish keepers to understand why we maintain this type of collection and spare no expense on this fascinating hobby."

The argument has been used repeatedly by the current majority on MFK that it is not about size but about passion. I think there should be a forum called PassionateFishKeepers. The current majority on MFK are have nots--have not big fish--have not big tanks. In the early years of MFK, people would post pictures of their huge tanks chock full of huge fish, and every one called them JDM tanks. In the current atmosphere on MFK, if some one posted a JDM tank, they would be mercilessly flamed for doing so. There is a critical "let's flame everything that gets posted" air on MFK now. People post pictures of their tank and immediately get flamed or criticized..."it would look better with darker/lighter substrate", "your tank is so bare", "I would never have a bare floor tank". There is always someone criticizing something...even when the poster was really proud of his tank and just wanted to show it off. People feel like they have to give advice and correction and critical comment, even when advice was not sought out.

I am not a fan of JDM tanks, but I will NEVER criticize some one who has a JDM tank. We might all be shocked at their surprisingly great water parameters. I currently have a JDM tank, as my poor fish are still stuck in their way too small 300 gallon tank. Life has a way of interfering, and my big tank upgrade is still in progress (after all these many years). Keeping big fish in small tanks without a continuous drip system can be challenging. Water changes are very frequent, (daily), but my nitrates are less than 20 ppm and are usually less than 10. I am looking forward to the day when my fish are in their big tank system with 7 times the water volume of their current tank.

Yes, I, too, miss the big tank threads.