Interactive wet pet & appropriate tank size


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Jan 9, 2018
Thanks for all the replies and suggestions!
I've ruled out the oscar/flowerhorn and anything that gets over the 10inch mark. Getting a fish like that would be amazing but I cant give it a good home with this tank so I'll wait till a bigger tank is feasible.

For now however I've got a long list of options from the comments here/general research, let me know which ones sound good.

I've ruled out the Gt since has the potential to get too big and the Jd because Ive heard the vast majority are shy. The red tail might not be an option as well. Ive heard they really need the 4ft swim space & are not super interactive anyway, thoughts?

- Sajica with a school of smaller fish, larger tetra?
- Single Red tail Black shark? with a fast/small schooling fish
- Single Blood parrot
- Single Severum, do Severums get too big? My lfs has them down as a max 12inches
- Single Giraffe Hap
- Single Long Fin Acara

All of these fish are available to me through my lfs,online or breeders. If anyone knows a bonsai flowerhorn breeder in Melbourne Australia give me a buzz haha. But anyways those 6 fish look to be the best options. Let me know what you think, particularly if they need dithers what kind/how many. I'll wait for a few more suggestions and start up a poll.

In regards to filtration, I have a 1250L/hr (330gal/hr) aquaone canister. I'll most likely buy a second one and run both on this tank. Im aiming for weekly 30% water changes but realistically when uni starts up again it will probably be a 40% fortnightly change. The tank is in my bedroom across from my bed and next to my writing table. Hopefully being around the tank most of the time and some good aquascaping will help.
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MFK Member
Apr 11, 2013
Thanks for all the replies and suggestions!
I've ruled out the oscar/flowerhorn and anything that gets over the 10inch mark. Getting a fish like that would be amazing but I cant give it a good home with this tank so I'll wait till a bigger tank is feasible.

For now however I've got a long list of options from the comments here/general research, let me know which ones sound good.

I've ruled out the Gt since has the potential to get too big and the Jd because Ive heard the vast majority are shy. The red tail might not be an option as well. Ive heard they really need the 4ft swim space & are not super interactive anyway, thoughts?

- Sajica with a school of smaller fish, larger tetra?
- Single Red tail Black shark? with a fast/small schooling fish
- Single Blood parrot
- Single Severum, do Severums get too big? My lfs has them down as a max 12inches
- Single Giraffe Hap
- Single Long Fin Acara

All of these fish are available to me through my lfs,online or breeders. If anyone knows a bonsai flowerhorn breeder in Melbourne Australia give me a buzz haha. But anyways those 6 fish look to be the best options. Let me know what you think, particularly if they need dithers what kind/how many. I'll wait for a few more suggestions and start up a poll.

In regards to filtration, I have a 1250L/hr (330gal/hr) aquaone canister. I'll most likely buy a second one and run both on this tank. Im aiming for weekly 30% water changes but realistically when uni starts up again it will probably be a 40% fortnightly change. The tank is in my bedroom across from my bed and next to my writing table. Hopefully being around the tank most of the time and some good aquascaping will help.
Blood parrot would have the best interaction from your choices!
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MFK Member
Nov 6, 2017
Thanks for all the replies and suggestions!
I've ruled out the oscar/flowerhorn and anything that gets over the 10inch mark. Getting a fish like that would be amazing but I cant give it a good home with this tank so I'll wait till a bigger tank is feasible.

For now however I've got a long list of options from the comments here/general research, let me know which ones sound good.

I've ruled out the Gt since has the potential to get too big and the Jd because Ive heard the vast majority are shy. The red tail might not be an option as well. Ive heard they really need the 4ft swim space & are not super interactive anyway, thoughts?

- Sajica with a school of smaller fish, larger tetra?
- Single Red tail Black shark? with a fast/small schooling fish
- Single Blood parrot
- Single Severum, do Severums get too big? My lfs has them down as a max 12inches
- Single Giraffe Hap
- Single Long Fin Acara

All of these fish are available to me through my lfs,online or breeders. If anyone knows a bonsai flowerhorn breeder in Melbourne Australia give me a buzz haha. But anyways those 6 fish look to be the best options. Let me know what you think, particularly if they need dithers what kind/how many. I'll wait for a few more suggestions and start up a poll.

In regards to filtration, I have a 1250L/hr (330gal/hr) aquaone canister. I'll most likely buy a second one and run both on this tank. Im aiming for weekly 30% water changes but realistically when uni starts up again it will probably be a 40% fortnightly change. The tank is in my bedroom across from my bed and next to my writing table. Hopefully being around the tank most of the time and some good aquascaping will help.
Try v&l aquarium in preston. The Asian guy that runs it can get most fish if you are willing to wait, there's also an aquarium store in bundoora that was filled with flower horns, they might be able to help with a bonsai one.
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Blue Tier VIP
MFK Member
Nov 28, 2011
San Diego
From your new list, an longfin acara or blood parrot with small swimming fish like tetras or barbs would both get you the interactive and movement you want in the aquarium. I have seen many large severums, and 3 feet aquarium would be rather small for them.

The redtail shark is just a plain punk and very territorial in an aquarium, so you don't need their drama.
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MFK Member
May 24, 2011
Kent UK
That's near you isn't it? Just a quick Google on Aussie gumtree!-)


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Jan 9, 2018
I should be able to finish building the stand and get the tank in by mid feb the lastest. That should give me enough time to actually see the fish and get them on hold. Then I can aquascape to their needs while cycling and hopefully have the fish in by the end of feb.

Thanks Ogertron3000 Ogertron3000 , I'll take a look at those places. justarn justarn thanks haha its about an 1.5hrs away from me which is probably why it didn't turn up on my searches. Still worth the drive tho, I guess bonsai Flowerhorns are back on my list.

The blood Parrot and long fin acara are definitely my top two right now, followed closely by the Sajica. I'll read up on the rtm and bonsai Flowerhorns. At this stage I plan on seeing all the fish in person and picking whichever really grabs my attention. Most likely the blood parrot or acara since a few people have pointed those two out as being the most interactive :)

What schooling fish would you guys recommend?

Keep the wet pet suggestions coming!!


MFK Member
May 24, 2011
Kent UK
Remember to pick a fish from a group. Even with FH some will be retired to the back of the tank hiding. If you want interaction buy a fish that's already interactive rather than the slightly prettier one at the back. Good luck pal.
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Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Jan 9, 2018
Yeah of course! I'm hoping one of them follows my finger ir something. Otherwise Ill have a hard time picking a fish from the options everyone gave me.