Looking for a whole host of new fish for my new upcoming system! Please get in contact with me if you have any of the following up for sale, refer to the linked document for sizes, etc. (created document for easier updating of list.)
Updating LIVE updating list of fish click here (google document)
tags/ fish I need:
Updating LIVE updating list of fish click here (google document)
Please feel free to contact me at:
07523218429 (text or whatsapp)
(based in North West, UK - Preston/Blackpool)
07523218429 (text or whatsapp)
(based in North West, UK - Preston/Blackpool)
tags/ fish I need:
HBRTG Asian Arowana (hi-back red tail golden)
Banjar Red Asian Arowana
Tigerinous Catfish
Florida Spotted Gar
Black diamond stingray pair
African Tiger fish
South American Lungfish
Palmas Bichir
Ansorgii Bichir
Teugelsi Bichir
Delheizi Bichir
West African Bichir (retropinnis)
Endlicheri Bichir
Royal Knife Fish
Azul Peacock Bass
Temensis Bass
Fly river turtle
Unsure of the following
Black shark
Siamese carp
Banjar Red Asian Arowana
Tigerinous Catfish
Florida Spotted Gar
Black diamond stingray pair
African Tiger fish
South American Lungfish
Palmas Bichir
Ansorgii Bichir
Teugelsi Bichir
Delheizi Bichir
West African Bichir (retropinnis)
Endlicheri Bichir
Royal Knife Fish
Azul Peacock Bass
Temensis Bass
Fly river turtle
Unsure of the following
Black shark
Siamese carp