
MFK Member
May 8, 2016
New Jersey
Have you tested your water?
If yes, what is your ammonia?
0 ppm
If yes, what is your nitrite?
If yes, what is your nitrate?
If I did not test my water...
...I recognize that I will likely be asked to do a test, and that water tests are critical for solving freshwater health problems.
Do you do water changes?
What percentage of water do you change?
How frequently do you change your water?
Every week
If I do not change my water...
...I recognize that I will likely be recommended to do a water change, and water changes are critical for preventing future freshwater health problems.
Hi all!

I have a 30 gallon tank with a pair of German Blue Rams, 25 (ish) Neon Tetras, and 1 Powder Blue Gourami. For filtration I'm using 2 AC 50s and 1 AC 30. Heating with the new version of Aqueon pro set to 80 degrees Fahrenheit. The tank is newly setup maybe a few weeks but is completely cycled.
I noticed a few small white dots on my Neon Tetras, maybe 1 dot on the fins on a few of them. I wasn't alarmed and decided I'll use the Aquarium Coop med trio so i can treat a wide variety of things since all these fish are new. The med trio consists of Ich X by Aquarium Solutions, Maracyn and ParaCleanse both by Fritz Aquatics. I dosed 5ML Per 10 gallons of Ich X and 1 packet of ParaCleanse and Maracyn for every 10 gallons. They said on Aquarium Coop to let the meds sit for a week, rather then change water and dose anew every day when using the med trio. So I let the meds sit in the tank for 2 days now and I noticed my male ram is lightly salted when he wasn't before. Does it get worse before it gets better? Or should i start dosing Ich X daily. The fish seem fine it doesn't seem to be stressing them out at all (yet). I just want to take care of it before it gets really bad. I heard when it comes to Ich your supposed to raise the temp to around 86 Degrees Fahrenheit to speed up the life cycle of the parasite (correct me if I'm wrong).

Here is a pic
Ram Ich.jpg

Thank you! :)
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Jack Dempsey
MFK Member
Apr 6, 2020
Raising the temp will speed up the life cycle yes but make sure you have adequate surface agitation or can put an air stone in there. There is less dissolved oxygen in the water at higher temps. I watched that Co-op video awhile ago so don't remember exactly what they said. I remember about not doing water changes but I thought they re-dosed daily. Go back and watch to make sure. Also, they are using it as a preventative measure so maybe that's why they are doing it differently. You know you have it so probably better off to stick to the manufacturer's directions.
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MFK Member
May 8, 2016
New Jersey
Raising the temp will speed up the life cycle yes but make sure you have adequate surface agitation or can put an air stone in there. There is less dissolved oxygen in the water at higher temps. I watched that Co-op video awhile ago so don't remember exactly what they said. I remember about not doing water changes but I thought they re-dosed daily. Go back and watch to make sure. Also, they are using it as a preventative measure so maybe that's why they are doing it differently. You know you have it so probably better off to stick to the manufacturer's directions.
Thanks for the reply! I think you are right about it being a preventative treatment. I'll treat for ich with the Ich X then I'll finish dosing the other meds.


Jack Dempsey
MFK Member
Apr 6, 2020
Your welcome. Went back and re-read your original post. Just drop the water level in your tank so the return from your AC's splash the surface and you should be all set as far as oxygen.
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MFK Moderator
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MFK Member
Dec 24, 2005
Ich will get worse before it gets better. Especially if ur temps are up. Ich x should be dosed daily for 4 days. Or till the spots disappear. Change water prior to addition of daily ichx. Since u started meds keep doing it till it clears. Best of luck.


MFK Member
May 8, 2016
New Jersey
Your welcome. Went back and re-read your original post. Just drop the water level in your tank so the return from your AC's splash the surface and you should be all set as far as oxygen.
Right, I forgot to mention I have a wavemaker in there for added oxygen exchange.


MFK Member
May 8, 2016
New Jersey
Ich will get worse before it gets better. Especially if ur temps are up. Ich x should be dosed daily for 4 days. Or till the spots disappear. Change water prior to addition of daily ichx. Since u started meds keep doing it till it clears. Best of luck.
Thank you!


MFK Member
May 8, 2016
New Jersey
Ich will get worse before it gets better. Especially if ur temps are up. Ich x should be dosed daily for 4 days. Or till the spots disappear. Change water prior to addition of daily ichx. Since u started meds keep doing it till it clears. Best of luck.
Hello everyone! Since i posted this thread the ich is taking a very long time to go away. Its been a month now since i started treatment and its still here. I realized that my tap has 1 ppm of ammonia, can this be why its taking the fish so long to heal? Since they are already stressed out from the ammonia (I now do a triple dose of Seachem Safe). I would say in my 30 gallon its 99% gone just a few stubborn spots that go away and then come back on the neon tetras. But in my 125 I lost multiple fish 1 from Ich and the others due to ammonia (before I realized the ammonia in my tap). I've been doing daily WC, adding salt and treating with IchX. Why wont it just go away?? I did run out of meds for 2 days bec i wasn't expecting it to take so long to go away. So they were without meds for 2 days. But even still it should've been gone by now.
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MFK Moderator
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MFK Member
Dec 24, 2005
Hello everyone! Since i posted this thread the ich is taking a very long time to go away. Its been a month now since i started treatment and its still here. I realized that my tap has 1 ppm of ammonia, can this be why its taking the fish so long to heal? Since they are already stressed out from the ammonia (I now do a triple dose of Seachem Safe). I would say in my 30 gallon its 99% gone just a few stubborn spots that go away and then come back on the neon tetras. But in my 125 I lost multiple fish 1 from Ich and the others due to ammonia (before I realized the ammonia in my tap). I've been doing daily WC, adding salt and treating with IchX. Why wont it just go away?? I did run out of meds for 2 days bec i wasn't expecting it to take so long to go away. So they were without meds for 2 days. But even still it should've been gone by now.
Could be med resistant. Keep in mind its killing free swimming ich and not the ones attached to the fish so there’s some time needed. With that said. Taking long but a month is a while. Repost some pics and reassess.


MFK Member
May 8, 2016
New Jersey
Could be med resistant. Keep in mind its killing free swimming ich and not the ones attached to the fish so there’s some time needed. With that said. Taking long but a month is a while. Repost some pics and reassess.
Its hard to get a good clean shot of the neons but you can see this one has 1 spot on his tail, and another has a spot on his dorsal. so right now there are 2 spots in the whole tank. tomorrow there might be 0 and then the next day ill see another 5 pop up.