SERIOUS water shortages


Goliath Tigerfish
MFK Member
May 16, 2011
I guess that two weeks with light feeding may be a first might be he first compromise for you to consider. At maybe 20% to 25%.
Hello; Pardon my poor sentence. it should read "I guess that two weeks with light feeding may be a first compromise for you to consider, at maybe 20% to 25%."
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Redtail Catfish
MFK Member
Feb 26, 2010
Probably the Poly section
I know this will be frowned upon but I have setup tanks that got a wc 4x a year and never see spikes in ammonia or imbalances of nitrates. Slow your feedings and throw in a bunch of plants. If you can find some java fern it works great for this purpose. Let it float in the water column and it will drift across the bottom until it settles in a slow spot of water movement- which is also where the fish waste will settle and coincidentally be consumed by the plants. There are tons of fish keepers out there that have probably never done a wc and still have healthy growing fish they just usually aren't found on extreme hobbyist forums.


MFK Member
Feb 21, 2016
Cambridge, Ontario
I would be more inclined to believe your tank is all balanced if you provided some actual numbers and proof. How often do you measure TDS? gh/kh/ph? micro nutrient / mineral levels? oxygen levels?

Its one thing to simply know your nitrates are not through the roof, but its not right to assume the tank is all healthy without constantly check the parameters of the water to ensure stability and appropriate levels for livestock to live and thrive in.

Anyways I don't want to side track the thread but my point is to just consider everything and not just focus on nitrates and a rules for water changes.

Loads of fast growing plants will be a great addition. consider terrestrial plants as well (pathos). also dropping the temps to the lower range of the fish can reduce metabolism and would be something you might want to look into. this would be done gradually and also ensuring not to drop it too much to harm the livestock.

Small vacuuming to remove waste would be a good idea as well. also a good lid to prevent evaporation, the lower temps will help with this too.


Staff member
MFK Member
Jan 14, 2016
South Africa
I think this might be an issue only because during a 3 week period the tank water parameters will be different than that o the tap and MAY cause stress to livestock during the large change. This is just a thought and I thought it might be worth noting.
Looking to get an aging tub for that purpose

I know this will be frowned upon but I have setup tanks that got a wc 4x a year and never see spikes in ammonia or imbalances of nitrates. Slow your feedings and throw in a bunch of plants. If you can find some java fern it works great for this purpose. Let it float in the water column and it will drift across the bottom until it settles in a slow spot of water movement- which is also where the fish waste will settle and coincidentally be consumed by the plants. There are tons of fish keepers out there that have probably never done a wc and still have healthy growing fish they just usually aren't found on extreme hobbyist forums.
I'm tying some on my wood soon. Maybe even tonight

I am building a temp controller so I'll keep it down. I mentioned the use of probiotics to reduce waste and nitrate.

Keep it coming guys!


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Mar 19, 2013
San Diego
You may want to try adding seachem purigen in your system if you don't have it yet. It helps control ammonia, nitrites and nitrates. Since I added it to my large tanks I have noticed a huge difference in water quality.


Goliath Tigerfish
MFK Member
May 16, 2011
There are tons of fish keepers out there that have probably never done a wc and still have healthy growing fish they just usually aren't found on extreme hobbyist forums.
hello; I think this is true to some degree. I was somewhat amazed when I got decent internet access back in 2010 and found fish forums such as this one. While I cannot be sure what affect doing monthly and later bi-weekly WC had on the health of my fish over time, I can say that now doing weekly (mostly) WC has not had a dramatic effect in the apparent condition or the longevity of my fish. Of course it has only been six years. I did mention that I pretty much always have live plants in a tank.
dropping the temps to the lower range of the fish can reduce metabolism
vacuuming to remove waste would be a good idea as well
Hello; These are sound suggestions.

hello; reducing the number of tanks may be worth consideration. It may be something you will face anyway if the drought persists. It will reduce the need for water right away and also will show that you are using mature judgment. This may pay off in that the parental units might appreciate your willingness to help out early in a crisis. Might make it less likely you will have to shut down more or all the tanks later.


Staff member
MFK Member
Jan 14, 2016
South Africa
hello; I think this is true to some degree. I was somewhat amazed when I got decent internet access back in 2010 and found fish forums such as this one. While I cannot be sure what affect doing monthly and later bi-weekly WC had on the health of my fish over time, I can say that now doing weekly (mostly) WC has not had a dramatic effect in the apparent condition or the longevity of my fish. Of course it has only been six years. I did mention that I pretty much always have live plants in a tank.

Hello; These are sound suggestions.

hello; reducing the number of tanks may be worth consideration. It may be something you will face anyway if the drought persists. It will reduce the need for water right away and also will show that you are using mature judgment. This may pay off in that the parental units might appreciate your willingness to help out early in a crisis. Might make it less likely you will have to shut down more or all the tanks later.
Shuffling my fish, moving my coldwater to my aquaponics and my tetras to the larger planted tank that those others vacated. Then of course lowering the feeding on all the tanks


Probation Member
Probation Member
Mar 1, 2014
White house 1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW, Washington
Hendre i think they will be fine just reduce feedings.

Main question is how high do nitrates get between ypur current wc's ? That would be the best way to decide on how to move forward

+1 on the purigen. With you low stocking it could really help.


Goliath Tigerfish
MFK Member
May 16, 2011
Hello; My area and much of the eastern USA have already had an unusual winter and early spring. We are having both record low followed by record high temperatures for May. Two weeks ago the road ,Hwy 441 over the Smokies, was closed due to four inches of snow and a couple of days ago a record high. Also had some torrential rain with flooding in the last few weeks. The TVA had to open the spillway on Norris Dam for almost two weeks because the lake level got so high. Add that to last fall when we had an exceptional drought which led to serious fires. There was so much dry fuel on the ground. Burned big areas. I was in the Smoky Mt. National Park and Gatlinburg TN last week. Still lots of fire sign and new construction after thousands of homes and building burned.

Unsettled weather all around the globe. Looks to be on the way to another warmer than ever year. I had feared things would get bad for you some weeks ago when we discussed ways to save water. Do you know any rain dances?